Part Two - The Minor Arcana - 9

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Part Two - The Minor Arcana - 9

Post by Gem » Thu May 17, 2007 11:08 am

Image    Image     Image     Image

At first glance the man in each of these pictures could be the same person, study the cards and see how you feel about them, then try linking them up fom left to right in a simple story.

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Post by chrisdee » Thu May 17, 2007 5:09 pm

(Pentacles) This man as been very successful and is enjoying his acquired wealth(Cups)Hes content but is looking for something else hes probable over done it suddenly he clutches his chest to ease the pain(Wands)Hes over come many problems to get where he is this is just one more (Swords)now he will have to take bed rest to recover from his illness he may be in despair but he knows i will make a full recovery

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Post by Gem » Fri May 18, 2007 11:52 am

Thanks Chris, I like the wands bit :)

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Re: Part Two - The Minor Arcana - 9

Post by George » Fri May 18, 2007 11:23 pm

Gem wrote:Image    Image     Image     Image

At first glance the man in each of these pictures could be the same person, study the cards and see how you feel about them, then try linking them up fom left to right in a simple story.
wow, i must be missing something because the IX of Pentacles has always looked like a women to me, both in face and in dress.   :smt103  
and i never ever though they looked aliked.  :smt017

IX of Pentacles: A rich women standing in splender and wealth.   touching her coin and holding a bird.  To qoute Little Jimmy Dickens and say "may the bird of paradise fly up your noise"

IX cups sit above a man sitting in front of them and they are raised aboved his head on a table.  He looks content and at ease with his cups a maybe even ready to share them if you approach and ask him nicely.

IX of Wands: Eight wands stand firm and tall blooming of green leaf.  A man battered and tired holds one as if it is only posession.  He's not leaning on it and he wont give it up without a fight.  He looks sharply to the side of him as if someone is apporaching.  what h is coming and what has gone to make this man look as if the only thing from his work is bruises and head wound always fighting to keep it.

IX Swords haunts my dreams and i can not get away from my own thoughts and fears.

(this card is so strong and feels very uneasy almost scary for me that it has stuck with me from childhood every seens i saw it in my mom's deck (i wonder what ever become of it because i can't find).   Its one of those cards that when you meantion tarot is strong in my mind and the images is there immedatly.)

but anyway, back to the lesson...

A women who is rich feels poor when she shares the cups with our friend with the cross arms, who is allowing all to drink of his goodwill and chairty.  A tired beaten man looks at him as if those cups could offer healing and water to wash his wounds.  And looks at hear  if all the wealth would stop his bleeding.  
Our lady with her nightsmares doesn't like at the man with the cups like i rich women or battered man.  She holds her face in her hands afraid of not having money, spiritualism and kindness, fruits of her hard work. She is stuck under IX swords in the fear of all her thoughts.

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Post by mysticcrystal » Mon May 21, 2007 10:13 pm

A man who has great wealth abuses the priviledge with partying and gluttony, perhaps losong all his money. He now is ill but his health will improve if he learns moderation. Exhausted, he goes to bed and weeps over the blessing he once had, but didn't appreciate.

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Post by George » Mon May 21, 2007 10:18 pm

mysticcrystal wrote:A man who has great wealth abuses the priviledge with partying and gluttony, perhaps losong all his money. He now is ill but his health will improve if he learns moderation. Exhausted, he goes to bed and weeps over the blessing he once had, but didn't appreciate.
you must be online as i type this because of the time on your post!  it always fun to be online while others are!  :smt006

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Post by mysticcrystal » Mon May 21, 2007 10:19 pm

yeah, i'm trying to catch up with the lessons  :)

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Post by Chooky » Thu May 31, 2007 12:08 am

Pentacles - This person appears to have everything, maybe if they took stock, they would realise that they have all they need, but perhaps just a tiny bit more would make me more powerful and respected by all, people would turn to me and listen to what I have to say.  
Cups - Now I know that I have it all, people trust me, and respect me, if people come to me I can give them advice and if they need money, I can help them out.
Wands - People have abused my generosity, and now I am back at square one, they have lost respect in me, when did it all start to go wrong, I was only trying to help people.  
Swords - I have nothing left, I don't know what to do, no one will help me, I have no one to turn to.

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Re: Part Two - The Minor Arcana - 9

Post by weezerwall » Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:07 am

Gem wrote:Image    Image     Image     Image

At first glance the man in each of these pictures could be the same person, study the cards and see how you feel about them, then try linking them up fom left to right in a simple story.

Oh dear!  The Rise and Fall of Mr. "Made Man". Chapter 1 - 9 Pentacles.  Life is wonderful!!  Here we see Mr. MM enjoying a lovely day in his garden.  He has everything one could hope for - abundance, wealth and love, status in the community..  (He even has the birds eating out of his hand.  Chapter 2 - 9 Cups.  Mr. MM takes time to pause and sit among his worldly treasures.  "I am soooo lucky" - he thinks to himself and settles back comfortably - arms folded and lost in the happy haze of complacence.  Little does he know, he only owns 9 cups - something (the 10th cup) is missing!! Chapter 3 - 9 Wands.  Hmm, here we see Mr. MM on a trip to one of his many ventures.  On the whole, things look good, but there seems to be one more issue of concern.  (That smile of self-satisfaction we saw on his face in the last chapter seems to have been replaced by a slightly worried look.) He's tired and is holding onto one of his rods for support.  Chapter 4 - 9 Swords.  What a terrible night!!  Right after lights out, Mr. MM wakes up in a cold sweat - he is tormented by his own self created nightmares that take the shape of swords looming over his bed!! Is the situation REALLY as bad as the nightmares suggest?  Is something bound to go wrong??  Is it true that nothing good lasts forever?  Does he feel guilty?  Did he lose everything on the stock market?  Did his wife and family leave him? He clearly need a short rest... who knows perhaps the world will look better tomorrow.

Weezer :)

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Post by pamDemonium » Mon Sep 17, 2007 12:08 pm

you have attained riches and position in life through your hard work (pentacles) ANd you are happily in love with life (cups) . You have built up your defences and are confidently ready for the next battle (wands) but unexpectantly you fail that last battle. Everything is lost.

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Post by arianna » Mon Oct 29, 2007 12:13 pm

The nine of pentacles in my deck is a very well dressed man standing next to his grape vineyards all the pentacles are on the fruit (fruits of his labour paying off handsomely) A bird rest on his shoulder saying to me that he has all that he needs but does he still want more

The nine of cups has always been a wish card to me and I always found it
lucky if it showed up but now after examining it closely I see that he has all that he needs but does he have too much - Is he sharing the food or is he greedy holding onto it for himself (maybe I would use sharing the wealth if the card is uprtight and hording and glutteny if it is reversed?)

The nine of rods - I see confidence and forward motion a man who is proud of what he has accomplished - he has worked hard for what he has. The negative could be stepping on toes or getting what he wanted however he had to and not caring about who got hurt in the process. ( I don't even know where that came from - just thoughts pouring out)

The nine of swords - This was always the nightmare card. - Someone perhaps feeling guitly and having sleepless nights over it - depression and anxiety - how did I get myself into this situation - The positive is that help is on the way - keep your faith -

When the cards are all laid out before me I can see a story about a man who has worked hard for his position and wealth but then I see all that he has I have food material possesions and love. This is someone who has worked hard for what he has and guards his possesions but is it all an illusion why does he have nightmares did his business crash - did his wife leave is he losing everything or does he have some guilt over how he obtained what he has - The lesson could be of moderation and giving back appreciate what we have and don't take things for granted

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Re: Part Two - The Minor Arcana - 9

Post by Sabra » Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:18 am

Gem wrote:Image    Image     Image     Image

At first glance the man in each of these pictures could be the same person, study the cards and see how you feel about them, then try linking them up fom left to right in a simple story.
9 of Pentacles
I see abundance, but it also seems as though the figure is completely relaxed, at peace, and connected to everything around him.

9 of Cups
This card brings the 9 of Pentacles to mind, but the figure in this card seems to have a more smug and gluttonous nature.  He seems to be looking out more for himself than for anything or anybody around him.  What this card says to me is to enjoy the luxury, but to keep others in mind as I do.

9 of Wands
There is defensiveness and maybe even a bit of paranoia.  I also see determination and willing to pursue meaningful goals despite the obstacles.

9 of Swords
Grieving and losing sleep over issues.  It tells me that if there is need to grieve, then give in to it for a brief cycle, then pick up and move forward.

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My RW nines say...

Post by pirbid » Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:57 am

"Torat was very rich and accomplished, mostly through discipline and hard work. But once everything seemed to be going his way, he relaxed and began giving wild parties and losing himself in alcohol. In time, he lost everything he had acquired through his hard work and had to struggle again in order to go back to a dignified life. He finally shook his addiction and slowly built his life back to normal, but some things he could never get back and so he still grieves for his stupidity and has never had an easy night since."

- 9 of Pentales is  a very accomplished person (after all, it is not easy to train a hawk!), mainly through perseverance and discipline. Once we can manage enough skills, we can navigate through life in a comfortable if vigilant fashion.

- 9 of Cups id a time to relax and enjoy, maybe share our happiness with others. Even though it has always struck me as odd that the man should be alone with so much drink around.

- 9 of Wands seems to be always in defensive mode. True, he has been hurt before, but he now sees enemies everywhere and reads twisted intentions in every word and action. I am like that, sometimes. Not a very pleasant state of mind  :smt009

- 9 of Swords is even worse off. It is the picture of real anguish, when our worries no longer allow for sleep, or we wake up in a sweat. There is a heavy mental load, like taking on more worries than those strictly ours.


This Ancestral Path 9 of Cups looks much more like a celebration, with many people enjoying a dinner with show.

Robin Wood's 9 of Pentacles has beautiful artwork in the delicate wrought iron fence or gate and all the roses.

Ancestral Path's 9 of Swords seems to be a woman grieving for a lost one, or maybe wallowing in shame about some perceived wrong.

All in all, the nines seem to be brief moments in life: certaian states of mind we all go through sooner or later but that only last for a little while (hopefully, in most cases).

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Post by glenellen » Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:42 pm

Im with george on this one i thought the nine of pentacles was a woman

NINE OF PENTACLES..he is relaxed in his life and has earned his position CUPS.. he is guarding his fortune and is thinking of new way to make more money..WANDS a wrong business deal and he has lost his fortune but does realise his mistakes..SWORDS he is stressed and is wondering how he will provide for his family were he will go from here

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Post by George » Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:18 pm

glenellen wrote:Im with george on this one i thought the nine of pentacles was a woman

NINE OF PENTACLES..he is relaxed in his life and has earned his position CUPS.. he is guarding his fortune and is thinking of new way to make more money..WANDS a wrong business deal and he has lost his fortune but does realise his mistakes..SWORDS he is stressed and is wondering how he will provide for his family were he will go from here
i've forgotten about this for sure still looks like a women to me still after all this time.  :smt020


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