I just want to know how to hynotize myself?

Learn and understand about Hypnosis. How it works, how to practice it etc.

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I just want to know how to hynotize myself?

Post by tawbirdtail » Mon Jan 14, 2008 2:04 am

Ive always wantd to know how to hypnotize myself , I just think there is somethings that I want changeabout how I think.[/b]

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How to hypnotize yourself

Post by qwerty108109 » Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:46 am

There are tons of free books and cd's in the internet.  You can go to a video viewing site and search self hypnosis.  You will be rather pleased with the results.

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Phoenix of Light
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Post by Phoenix of Light » Sat Feb 09, 2008 4:09 am

Well, to give you percise information, you can possibly make a script.
1.  Calm yourself by counting from 1-10
2.  Ease yourself into a "Happy Place" such as a beach or something (Visualize it)
3.  Speak your goals about 10 times each
4.  Affirm all that has been said
5.  Ease yourself out of Hypnosis by counting from 10-1 and at 1 saying, now awaken

This is a simple basic rubrick for a script.  Play the tape while you lay on a bed.  In a comfortable position, it will likely take effect.  This will wok as a subsitute for meditation, but I prefer meditation.  

Hope this was of help.

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How to hypnotize yourself

Post by azdragon » Sat Feb 09, 2008 7:08 am

I have found there are many kinds of self hypnosis.  I have taken long walks and hypnotized myself with the pace I walked; I have also made myself comfortable in a quiet place and slowly inhaled and exhaled 10 to 15 deep breathes knowing that with each exhale my body fell deeper into relaxation until my body felt totally relaxed and not a part of me.  Then with my eyes closed I made affirmations to myself then said them aloud and each time I told myself I was relaxed and calm and at peace with myself and the Universe knowing I was One with ALL.  After about 15 minutes I then began to slowly tell myself I was going to feel totally relaxed and at peace with myself, my surroundings and and anyone who came into my life for the rest of the day and then acknowledged that I would count back from 10 and upon reaching 1 all my affirmations existed, and what I had told myself about how I would feel would also come into existence.

I have also visualized myself laying under a nice shade of a tree near a gurgling stream of water and allowed myself to feel as if I had left my body and was flying around a forest and at all times saying affirmations and telling myself I would feel great when I decided to join world again.

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