
The Chinese way to improve your work and home environments to promote health, happiness, and prosperity.

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Post by lisamarie » Thu Feb 14, 2008 5:40 am

Does ANYONE have an opinion on this matter:

Lets say your house's flying star numbers and your personal gua numbers are opposite.,  for example:  In the house's NW sector, we have a yearly flying 2 star,  a 1 mountain star, and a 4 water star.  For 2008, the 2 star is obviously inauspicious. However, according to this person's fortunate directions, the NW is most fortunate for her.
Which is most important in deciding where to sleep?  Personal directions, or the numbers of the house's directions? ("directions" meaning N,S, E, W, etc.)
Would your House's numbers over rule your own?  Or, which is more important to one's life?  The home chart, or the people chart who live in the home?
I know I can remedy bad house chi, but ya can't really remedy a person, can you? I mean, if your good directions are in the house's bad number directions....what do you do?? Yikes. :smt037

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Post by tootsiewon » Thu Feb 14, 2008 6:00 am

I have decided to go by entry point for my basic FS.  My house sits at an angle, so it makes more sense to me to go that way.  I have overlaid the star numbers onto the floorplan and look to see where there are stresses and where there are advantages.  I want to cure the stresses and enhance the auspicious areas.  

I look also at where my personal gua numbers intersect and see what I can do to create harmony.

I'm no expert.  I'll probably be here with a bunch of questions this year.

Maybe we'll answer each other's questions.

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Post by lisamarie » Thu Feb 14, 2008 4:56 pm

Hey tootsiewon,
thank you for your reply.  I have been reading the posts and reply's  in hopes to gain more support in my learning FS.  You seem to know quite a I am always open to hear what you have to say!
I enjoy the fact that people can always bring me back down to simplicity...because this seems such a complicated study.  
I'm looking for a house to buy, and WOW.  I need to relax about the FS stuff....I mean really, it tends to get a bit nerve wracking..LOL.....however, I want to make a good and well thought out decision.  The house is very important to me, and believe me, I've lived in baaaad FS houses before, not knowing how to remedy without paying someone an arm and a leg...and THEN, i wouldn't have known what the heck all the changes really meant!  Any way, your plant story is very good.  I can say that I have experienced quite the same!
Have a happy valentine's day, toots!! :smt003

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Post by silkconcepts » Fri Feb 15, 2008 4:12 pm


I'm definitely no expert but can I put my two bits in? You don't mention the period star here or what your Gua# is or if there is a spouse involved.  From my many readings, just based on the info you gave, you are looking for a bedroom right, then you look to the mt. star #1 (water), NW (metal) based on the hidden LoShu#6, host star (water) is supported by the sector element (metal) you're ok here but the guest star #2(earth) even though it is weak is draining to the 1 so look for things that can boost the water element. Metal colors as well as Water colors will go well here. I can't say if your personal Gua will affect anything here. Placement of the headboard so your head points to your tien yi direction for longevity is reported to promise a good nights sleep. I've also been told that major color schemes should be based on the natal chart of sector and small changes made for yearly and monthly stars if you so choose.
Anyone else want to jump in?

In response to your 4 pillars question, Joey Yap has a great book "The Destiny Code" that can help you to start to better understand this area.

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Post by rajan81 » Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:12 am

thats great

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