Learn and understand about Hypnosis. How it works, how to practice it etc.

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death from hypnosis

Post by remusa » Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:00 am

I have only found one person who was said to have died from hypnosis, and it was a woman. She died a few hours after having been told 10,000 volts were going to pass through her body. Apparently, she was scared to death.
Here is the link:
http://www.dangers-of-hypnosis.co.uk/de ... hosis.html :smt063

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Post by angel2007 » Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:34 pm

I am thinking of seeing a hypnotist and would like to know the risks involved, and whether there is any danger to the mind.

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Post by Mer06854 » Sun Mar 16, 2008 3:33 am

excellent.  All is very true.  

I use self hypnosis alot.

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Re: Question about trance vs. sleep

Post by divnain » Sun May 25, 2008 6:47 pm

Utopian47 wrote:I'm practicing techniques on self-hypnosis. I did a lot of research and found a few audio tapes that I work well with to help relax but the only time I have to listen to tapes is at night. Most of the time I remember everything the tape says because I'm aware even if relaxed but sometimes if I listen a second/third time I go from trance to sleep. Does this mean I'm not getting as effective results as possible? Thanks for any help, I found sites/books that went over most of the facts but there seems to be some disagreement in the material I have about remembering and I'd hate to think I'm not getting effective results because I fall to sleep at the end of one of my tapes.  :) Thanks again for any help and posting such valuable facts. I wish more people realized it is science
Hi Utopian47,
You said you went into sleep from the trans. Also you have mentioned that you only listen to these audios in the night time .. Dear pls take into account that till now since your birth  you have programmed your subconcious mind to sleep in the night time . Also our body uses this night time to shed its tiredness & get refreshed for the tasks to be done on next full day, So if you went from trans to sleep than it is a NO PROBLEM SITUATION, I must point it out that even if you went to sleep from trans Your subconcious mind still receives all the messages even if you are sleeping.Our SubConcious mind is always receptive , you may verify it by just concentrating on the process of a human being breathing procedure. Any human being is always breathing even he / she is in a wake up situation or in a sleeping situation, The reason is that Breathing procedure is controlled by your sub-concious mind & thus you don't have to concentrate for breathing.
Also you said "I fall to sleep at the end of one of my tapes" so the reason for this is that the tape u r listning to is taking you into a more deeper level of trans, & at that level some of your mind & body energy is also required , & as you practice this in nights only so your Mind & body is already tired & thats why you go to sleep from trans. The solution is give proper rest (sleep ) to your mind & Body & than try prcticing the same tape & you will enjoy that deeper level of trans.
                                                                 Reagrds : Divnain Singh

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