Does the aura really exist or it is an illusion?

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Does the aura really exist or it is an illusion?

Post by Isac » Thu Feb 14, 2008 5:58 am

i started to read a book about auras and i am making exercises to see the aura.For now i can see only something blueish around the hand.Is that the aura?

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Post by DragonKnight » Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:34 am

your aura is your spiritual growth expand it and takeup your size and begin to see.


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Post by Isac » Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:21 am

But how can i exapnd it...can u brief me on this

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Post by tourbi » Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:24 am

Yes, that is a part of your aura that you are seeing.  
Some people see a lot of the aura, some, like me, don't see much.
Practice.  There are several layers to the aura.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:57 pm

Instead of seeing and failing why not try to feel one?
Hold your hands an ich or two anyway from a friend and feel their aura - it works and it brings friends closer.

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Post by tourbi » Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:17 pm

Everyone has auras, it will have different colors and symbols in it according to what is going on in a person's life.
Some people who are visual will see the aura and some can see the things that are symbolic.  I have a friend who can see crutches, if the person had a hurt leg, money, flowers, all sorts of things in a person's aura.
Others feel the aura. It is best to start away from the persons body.  Get centered then with your palms toward the body, start slowly moving toward the person.  You feel a resistance, or feel something like some material.  It can have temperature also.  There is the etheric part of the aura, the mental, the feeling.  Many more layers.
The aura is a bit sticky, so it can pick up stuff on the outside.  There are various techniques some use for keeping it clean.  The wind can clean an aura. It changes size according to how people feel.  When scared it can move close to the body, or, way out to try to keep people away.  When happy the aura can be light and fluffy.  Sometimes it is like cotton candy, other times it is smooth like a silver ball.
It is all around us much like an egg in shape.  
It is what people move around in and as long as a person is alive, they have an aura.  
I feel them.  
Some can hear the aura,
others see them.
Hope that helps.

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Post by Bandit81101 » Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:52 pm

And remember, you may not find how you can best see/feel etc. the aura through the book you have, as there are many different techniques.  Expierment, find what works best for you.  :)

When I first started "seeing" auras, I did it with my physical eyes closed, leaving my other senses to pick it up and then that allowed me to "see" it.  Practice made it so that I can see some of the aura now w/o closing my eyes :)  Expierment and practice :)  And much love your way, I hope you can find what works best for you!

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Post by tourbi » Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:01 pm

That's absolutely correct Bandit81101.
My friend who sees auras says he does it the same way he sees those pictures that are all dots.  You have to unfocus on the picture and let your self see the image in an unfocused way.  Often those pictures have a place for you put your attention and then the eyes can see the image in the confusion of dots and colors.
I bet this does not make sense.  Image

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You are so talented Bandit81101

Post by alee » Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:50 pm

I have tried some techniques before but really no luck. I believe the concept of auras and chakras the first time i read abt it. Years later they develop this aura machine now very popular in crystals shop I had a chance to experiment with it.

As tourbi has said I also read about the aura from the camera is not the same as what psychics perceived it to be but the the colour of the aura is the same. I use to experiment with customers to change their aura colour....

That's a great talent/gift you got there Bandit81101 and tourbi :smt025

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Post by Bandit81101 » Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:41 pm

tourbi wrote:That's absolutely correct Bandit81101.
My friend who sees auras says he does it the same way he sees those pictures that are all dots.  You have to unfocus on the picture and let your self see the image in an unfocused way.  Often those pictures have a place for you put your attention and then the eyes can see the image in the confusion of dots and colors.
I bet this does not make sense.  Image
It does make sense :)  Reminds me of those pictures the eye doctor shows me that have 2 different color dots and one of the dots forms to read a number and I have to tell him what the number is lol :)  Like an optical illusion

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Post by Isac » Wed Feb 20, 2008 11:50 am

What kind of feeling will I get while holding hands of my friend.

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Post by Bandit81101 » Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:41 pm

I suppose that depends on the both of you.  I have been in close quarters with many friends, and felt nothing.  Others I can feel whatever it is that they are feeling.  There is one of my friends that I can tell if something is wrong and he lives an hour away.  And he can do the same for me.  He called me one morning to see if I was ok because he felt that I wasn't.  Turns out I was in a minor car accident the night before (My buddy hit a deer and it nearly came through the windshield at me).

I personally have expierenced what they admit from themselves, wether conscious about it or not.  Holding your friends hand may give you no certain feeling at all, or you may know exactly what is going on in their life.  Everyone is different, and draws and gives off energy differently.  Some have shields up to block these "transactions", and some don't even know that they have them up.

If you're curious, try it and see what happens. :)

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Post by tourbi » Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:58 pm

Isac wrote:What kind of feeling will I get while holding hands of my friend.
For me, unless the person is pushing energy thru their hands, I won't feel anything energetically holding hands.  For reading the aura, it is best to be at least 6 inches away from body.  You want to start trying to feel the aura about a foot away from the body.

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Post by DragonKnight » Fri Feb 22, 2008 9:20 am

no im sorry but what you would be feeling in that exercise is the energy felt in the sphere of energy.

the easiest way to see an aura is to open you third eye chakrqa and look at a person and envision a ball of energy around a person and let it expand untill it is about 2 feet arround the person and then see the flases of energy in that area. that is ereading an aura PM for more.


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Post by MoonGoddess » Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:16 am

My two

I use to see auras around people lots some people burned like a torch and others had little or no aura (well not not aura as every living thing has an aura).  I stopped seeing them for a while and only just recently have been seeing them again, but not on such a grand scale.  Just around peoples hands especially my own when I am sending energy into my poor  My hands vary from purple, blue and green.

The way I practice is to turn the light off in the house and light a candle, I look into the flame firstly concentrating on the blue of the flame and gradually working my way out to the outter edge of the flame.  I stare cross eyed at my cat or out of but I would not recommend that for a long period of time as it makes you eyes hurt.  Practice on plants and animals before people as people get a bit funny with you if you are staring out of focus at

yep that was my two cents.

Oh on the energy feeling, hold your hands shoulder width apart in front of you and face them in together.  Circle your hands at that distance and you will start to feel the energy within.  I am not sure if that is aura feeling but I would say that is is quite close to it as Aura is our energy.

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