Interpretation of The Hierophant - Upright - Major Arcana

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Interpretation of The Hierophant - Upright - Major Arcana

Post by Tarot » Tue May 16, 2006 1:35 pm

The Hierophant - Upright

Major Arcana

You may be more worried about your social status and unsure if you are ready to sacrifice it at the cost of what you think is right. You seek wisdom and pure knowledge. Marriage and partnerships are seen.


Let's hear your interpretation of the card...

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Post by luca » Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:51 pm

~~~astro sign in Taurus~~may represent a teacher~priest or advisor; speak*about~~religion; identification; faith; conformity; tradition; power; personal beliefs inspiration; intelligence; discrimination; mercy; kindness; forgiveness; a sence* of historical importance. For sure its a time in which moral lessons need to be learned from the events which happen*~~~Its not enough just to pray* the prayers must*be*constructive****;-)

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Post by starryskies » Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:03 pm

A religious figure. A place where religion is important if it´s next to The World card (ie Israel, India, Iraq etc). Getting someone´s "blessing" (perhaps in a non religious sense) before proceeding with something.

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Post by suzisco » Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:10 pm

this card is alway about being stuck in tradition and not able to embrace the esoteric

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The High Priest

Post by Infinitim » Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:45 pm


Basic Card Symbols

Twin pillars, staff, throne, hand raised in blessing, two acolytes.

Basic Tarot Story

Having created a solid foundation on which to build his future, the Fool is struck with a sudden fear. What if everything he's worked for is taken away? Is stolen, or lost, or destroyed or vanishes? Or what if it is just not good enough? In a panic, he heads into a holy place where he finds the Hierophant, a wise teacher and holy man. Acolytes kneel before the man, ready to hear and pass on his teachings. The Fool tells the Hierophant his fears, and asks how he can be free of them.

"There are only two ways," says the Hierophant sagely, "Either give up that which you fear to lose so it no longer holds any power over you, or consider what you will still have if your fear comes to pass. After all," the Hierophant continues, "if you did lose all you'd built, you would still keep the experience and knowledge that you've gained up to this point, wouldn't you?"

This surprisingly pragmatic advise releases the Fool from his fear, and he is able exit out of the sanctuary and face the world's challenges once again.

Basic Tarot Meaning

Taurus the Earthly bull may seem an odd sign for a holy man, but it makes sense if you understand that the Hierophant's purpose is to bring the spiritual down to Earth. Where the High Priestess between her two pillars deals with realms beyond this Earth, the Hierophant (or High Priest) deals with worldly problems. He is well suited to do this because, like all Taureans, he strives to create harmony and peace in the midst of a crisis. The Hierophant's only problem is that, like the Bull, he can be stubborn and hidebound. At his best, he is wise and soothing, at his worst, he is an unbending traditionalist.

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Post by Psydes212 » Sat Apr 21, 2007 1:59 am

Tradition.. marriage.

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Post by Lockie » Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:02 am

A wordly figure, that is both graceful and wise, one who many come to for advice, a benefactor, may suggest that the person needs to seek the advice of more wise person, or that if they don't heed the advice of the more wise they may mis an opportunity, suggest that the person needs to take heed of all that is going on around them and choose thier confidants carefully.  Overall a good card because it indicates that the right advice is available if the person is truly litening

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The Hierophant

Post by Nelope123 » Sat Jul 28, 2007 9:55 am

In the ancient Greek Eleusian mysteries, the Hierophant was the chief priest.  Today, someone who is an advocate or who makes a case for somebody else is called a Hierophant.  This card represents your inner self, in particular your intuition.  The Hierophant represents the process that your unconscious mind goes through when it evaluates the information sent down from your conscious mind.

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Post by tarottart » Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:16 am

I also see someone who is very set in there ways and beliefs.

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Post by Bella » Thu Feb 28, 2008 4:14 am

This will probably be the last card I write about on this site, so it seems fitting that it is the Hierophant.

Lets look as I always like to do at the symbolism of this card.

A man sits between two gray pillars (Waite says they are not the same pillars as the High Priestess') - he wears a triple crown and has three nails that project from the top of the crown - Robert M. Place in Tarot History, Symbolism and Divination tells us that these nails represent "Christ's Passion and that like the Magician, he is one with the Christ consciousness" - in other words the Magicians arms representing 'as above so below' translate in both these cards to mean manifesting spirituality within the earth plane, or put another way bringing spirit down to earth.

At his feet with see the Keys of St. Peter symbolizing here heaven and hell. His hand is held in the sign of the benediction. Two tonsured priests kneel before him one wearing robes with roses and the other with lilies - symbolizing desire and knowledge the Heirophant is marrying these two aspects together.

Robert M. Place tells us that "He wears a pallium, a white band around his shoulders and down his front, with three crosses in a vertical row down the center. At the base is a diamond, a symbol of the fourfold physical world. This is like the central column of the Tree of Life, a theme repeated by the Hierophant's placement between two equal pillars."

What the Hierophant represents here is the exoteric aspects of religion (doctrine or mode of speech likely to be understood by the many) as opposed to the High Priestess who represents the esoteric (likely to be understood by a small number). He carries a three cross scepter which may just represent the creative power of the three worlds of the divine, spiritual and material.

The Hierophant is one of the 'Teacher' cards in the deck the Hermit is the other and what is his message to us - I think he tells us that freedom may be acquired through knowledge.

From a psychological point of view the Hierophant reflects our need to understand life better, and relates to that inner desire to raise those conflicting needs we have to a higher level.  It is a card that urges us to turn out attention within ourselves in our quest to give purpose to our lives.
The Hierophant nudges us to re-evaluate those values that have been ingrained in us since birth and by society and asks us to look at these and work it out for ourselves .

This card can represent for us the readiness to look at life in a different way in order to give meaning to things. He is the desire to experience an extra dimension of life, the feeling that there is more than just the mundane -turning attention towards spiritual matters.   It can also indicate to us that one is acknowledging and coming to terms with their shadow side and feel the need to do something with or about it.

On a more material level he could represent a mentor somebody you look up to and who can impart knowledge for your progress, or he may even represent higher education certainly he represents organized structure, like the church or some governing body.

The Hierophant could be said to represent moral judgement and a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong.

and so like the Hierophant suggests I look within and find my own truth :smt002

~ Bella ~

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are there rules to posting here

Post by rrose » Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:17 am

i  i would like to play can you tell me the rules thank you :smt039   :smt003

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Re: are there rules to posting here

Post by Bella » Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:26 am

rrose wrote:i  i would like to play can you tell me the rules thank you :smt039   :smt003
Seems like my write up on the Hierophant isn't quite my last post *lol*

Hello rrose -  what these threads on the cards are about is giving your own interpretation or what you understand about the card - if you haven't read through the thread I suggest you do it will give you an idea of what to do.

Good luck  :)

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Post by wadjyt » Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:18 pm

Someonewho interprets secret knowledge

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Post by Astrid » Wed Apr 02, 2008 5:12 pm

To me it means conformity to rules set in stone, either religious or societal.  Very stiff, rigid.  I look at this card as a negative card when I see it.  Don't think, just follow the rules.

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The Hierophant

Post by manon » Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:51 pm

Thanks for these explanations. I used to see the Hierophant only as saying: Stop, stop. Now we have to analyse the situation and speak a sentence. I want to hear the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I have the wisdom to say what is wrong and what is right. Church, burocracy, institutions, moral aspects...and what is the bottom line of this whole thing?

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