Runes Reading Room Guidelines - For General Members

All Runes Readings requests to be posted here.

Moderators: eye_of_tiger, shalimar123

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Runes Reading Room Guidelines - For General Members

Post by Gem » Sun Mar 02, 2008 5:28 pm

Welcome to the Mystic Board Runes Reading Forum.

Please follow the forum rules listed below for a quicker and faster reading.

1. Please do not jump in and request a reading as your first post, that is impolite and you are likely to be ignored. Instead take time to wander around the boards and introduce yourself. Post a few things and get the feeling of the whole community. The community cannot survive on giving readings alone. Have a look at the software downloads on offer here too

2. All our readers very kindly give their time and energy freely, so if you are lucky enough to receive a reading please take a moment to give some feedback and perhaps a kind word or thanks too. This will be very much appreciated and helps all our readers to improve their services and encourage them to continue to spend their time here.

3. Asking for a specific reader or a specific kind of reading will limit the possibilities of receiving a prompt response. Sometimes a reader may be too busy and so others will not respond to your request.

4. All readings are done for FREE on the public forum; please do not request readings in Private Message (PM). Private readings are against Mystic Board’s ethos along with charging for readings. We DO NOT encourage people from asking for readings in PM. This may also result in having your PM Account closed in case of a complaint. If you are approached to give a private reading, please contact the moderator or admin.

5. Please do not ask for multiple readings and please do not ask for readings too frequently, this is thought of as abusing the goodwill of our readers, and your posts will be locked and any more requests will be moved to the thread jail. As a guideline please leave at least one month between requests. Some of our readers request a longer break between, as nothing will have changed, and for some only one reading per lifetime will be given.

6. Do not bump up your posts if they are not answered to. This only creates a negative impression on the readers.

7. It helps many readers if you post your name, gender and date of birth, or your star sign, as this helps them to link in distantly. Not everyone works in this way so if you do not feel comfortable then please don't post this information.

8. When asking questions, please word your question carefully, think about the content and take responsibility for the question.

  • a. Questions that are deemed to be offensive or unsuitable or life threatening will be removed.  Please do not ask unsuitable questions about health, pregnancy etc as these will also be locked or removed. Only a qualified medical practitioner is able to diagnose or prescribe and for subjects such as these please refer to your own doctor.

    b. Yes and No questions are very hard to answer successfully with any with any reading.

    c. Many readers may move past your question in favor of something that they feel may be more important.

9. Please do not ask for readings for others or third party readings as this is strictly against Mystic Board’s policies. Instead ask the person to join Mystic Board themselves, once they have contributed to the community by posting and introducing themselves they are much more likely to receive a successful reading in return.

10. We have Runes Reading Software available here ... -software/

11. We are also have free information about runes here

12. Please remember to be polite. Be respectful to our readers saying please and thank you may mean your request gets answered sooner.

Please contact Site Admins Swetha or Rhutobello in case of any queries.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

***                         Please note all readings given here are for fun and entertainment purposes only. All readings given here are the responsibility of the reader.                 ***


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