Hypnosis tapes?

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Hypnosis tapes?

Post by remusa » Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:40 am

I have seen some of the self-hypnosis tapes, and have tried some myself. They don't appear to be working. Has anyone else used them? If so, what was your experience? :smt119

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Post by kurukulla » Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:14 am

hypnosis tapes and recordings are hard because if the particular style doesn't match your own personality and needs then it will most likely not be as effective as it could be.  imho nothing comes close to actually meeting with a hypnotherapist in person. hypnosis is very much so an art and science and tapes often fall short.  

if the tape isn't giving the desired effect go and see someone in person.  if the therapist is qualified you will most likely get the desired results.  

good luck :)


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Post by Seijuku » Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:36 am

It all depends on the subject of the material and how it is done. Different things suit different people but i find that positive wording helps tremendously. Quality over quantity in this instance. Remember just because it's free doesn't mean it's good and the same can be said for files you pay for.

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Post by smooth » Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:44 pm

I have heard that commercial tapes be they both, hypnosis and subliminal etc, are usually too general/abeit..

Also what happens when they are no longer listened to?. The mind can revert back to previous conditioning, as it was not trained properly.. So I have heard, from various sources.. Also the messages are not always geared up for your particular situation, taking into account of your unique suggestibility state..

Also an idea might be to write things down in addition, or try free subliminal software programs for your pc...

Or alternative do a self hynosis recording, or affirmational one which can be heard both day and night...  Being tailored to your own specific needs, and can be heard anytime.. At least the affirmation side..

Worth trying

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Post by xenergy » Tue Apr 08, 2008 3:33 pm

In my humble opinion Many people are just not try good enough. Just like any other type of healing processes, it takes time and effort. Try to hypnosis yourself for more than 30 days continuously, and you'll see the differences.

Hypnosis is dealing with our subconscious mind, which has been formed since we're still baby. It has been formed and shaped in our entire life, so it does take time to change it. There's no way we could change something that has been shaped for more than >20 years (if you're at twenty something) in just one of two days.

So, be patient. It does work. It just there's no such instant one night success, riches, etc.

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Re: Hypnosis tapes?

Post by divnain » Sun May 25, 2008 5:15 pm

remusa wrote:I have seen some of the self-hypnosis tapes, and have tried some myself. They don't appear to be working. Has anyone else used them? If so, what was your experience? :smt119
Hello (-:

Although I agree with Kuru.. But It is also sure like xenergy says that If you want your subconcious mind to adopt a regular positive practice , you must give it proper time to learn, it is not so that you heard the tap once & expect that your habbits are changed in a magical way. Fot that you must listen to tape regularly for at leat 2 - 3 months or so & that too in a peacefull atmosphere , However some kind of tapes are there with subliminal messages in which your concious mind listens to the music & subliminal messages are delivered to your subconcious mind. In such tapes as your concious mind knows that it is not certain that some subliminal messages are there or not , so in such cases your subconcious mind can take anywhere between 6-9 months to adopt the message.. Here i wish to put some lines.. Just think that there is one sick child , you wish to help but you don't have medicine to give him , so if you confidentely give him some drops of water or even some chock etc. & if that child believes on you & took that , than he will start recovering , but if he don't believe on you than it is just some drops of waters & he will not recover. So my dear friend the Belief plays an Important role. in this situation your question shows that you don't believe the are subliminal messages & so you are not getting results & if you listen to it more & more believing that it will give you positive results Than your subconcious mind & it ( the tape ) will give you positive results , No matter subliminal messages are ther or not .
                                                 Regards : Divnain Singh

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Over & over & over again.

Post by Barbaras Ahajustsde » Sun Sep 14, 2008 4:27 pm

A couple, few sessions have never done a thing for me.  Then again, following a 4 to 6 week session using my mp3s, tapes, etc I have seen a definite difference!  

I found some tapes, etc. were not to my perception of what I needed and found what I needed with trial and effort.
The personalities, mentioned above are very important.  I did my first "recorded" hypnosis with Rene Bastarache.  I ended up only using Kelly Howell.  Both were & are great for me.  

Would you stick with a medical doctor who made you get naked and set in ice cream as you waited for his return?  No, you would find a doctor who let you eat the ice cream & let you have the choice in wearing what you wanted to!  ;o)

They do work...but its a new habit you are beginning and need to stick with it.  

:)Barbara (who eats her ice cream)

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Post by n3obay » Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:51 pm

Well...I do have experience listening to hypnosis tape...well...it does not change my habit...but somehow it change my body...hmm....is it even possible?

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