Does your toddler bite?

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Does your toddler bite?

Post by Deborah » Sat Dec 08, 2007 9:55 pm

Do you wish to know how to stop them from doing so?

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Post by Deborah » Wed Dec 26, 2007 2:18 pm

this is an article that I have handed out to parents.

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Post by giggledoll00 » Wed Jan 09, 2008 8:11 pm

my son kept biting me when he wasn't getting his way, i tried biting back, and that didn't work, that just made him bite more.  so i started moving his arm so he'd bite him self and after a few times he's stopped, i guess he figured out that biting hurts. also since he kept trying to hit and bite i hold him on my lap, with one arm pinning him against my chest and my other hand holding his head back so he can't bite. now he just cries and tries throughing once in awhile.

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Post by Deborah » Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:44 pm

Times have changes and we have to watch what and how we do things - abuse is sometimes over used.

Biting a child back only encourages the behavior and sends message that mom or dad bites so its ok!  NEVER BITE A CHILD BACK

There are reasons a child bits getting to figure them out is the fun part

lack of vocabulary

all of these can cause a child to bite.

Train the child to behave the way you want is not a easy task but who said raising a child was easy?  

My best advice I give to parents is .. if a child bites make sure you say NO .. NOT NO BITE NOT NO BITING .. JUST NO Firmly
the last word you say is the word the child remembers so if you say no bitting the child hears bitting and is reminded of his behavior.

then communicate when the child is semi calm or calm -- "did you want to sit on mommy's lap" ... "Did you need a drink"
its apparent the child is trying to get attention ..give him the words to help him through his rough time.

Always use words to help the child express but don't start talking for him.. give him the words .. does that make since?
for example don't day - Johnny wants the ball ...... say Johnny  would you like the ball... handing the ball over and say oh you like the ball.  

if a child is teething .. frozen wash clothes, ice rings, chew toys all work when the child attemps to bite sit in a high chair and hand the cold item to them they need the assistance they are hurting
tylenol and teething tables work well

write yourself a note keep track of the time of day that the child bites, who the child bites and what calmed them down.
Often hunger is a big reason for biting ..something like a cracker or some cheerios are a easy way to calm the child from needing to bite.

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Post by giggledoll00 » Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:48 pm

i was one that didn't want to spank. i tried doing time outs, he gets up looks straight at me or whoever he's with and will get up, if u tell him to sit, he'll tekk u no. u sit him back down he either bites, or hits or keeps gettin up, he seriously doesn't care if he gets in trouble, he'll just ignore you, i tried time outs, i've tried takin toys away, and the only thing that works is either sitting with him in my lap pinned down until he calms down or to do it back. i don't do it hard usually, just enough for it to hurt, then he stops for awhile, i guess he realizes that it hurts.

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Post by Deborah » Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:32 am

giggledoll .. how old is he?

Sometimes a young age child does not understand "time out"

I personally do not believe in time out .. I believe in redirecting.  Instead of focusing on the behavior ..redirect the child into something more positive ..........some say then you let the child get away with it

you say NO or STOP when the child bites ..then you take them and show them a more peaceful way to play and learn.

If a child is out of control a high chair or bed is a good idea .. let them have a tantrum in a safe place and do not watch them have it .....but do check with them but dont let them know your checking <wink>

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Post by appylover » Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:01 pm

When my twin grandsons were going through the biting stage nothing seemed to work. One was always biting the other. Biting him back did not work, time out didn't work, thank god he grew out of it.

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Post by Deborah » Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:56 pm

vinegar dip your finger tip in and place on the biters tongue every time he bites and say NO but do not repeat the word bite JUST NO

NEVER BITE A CHILD BACK &nbsp;- you are teaching a behavior when you do this! &nbsp;Yes they will realize it hurts but words and redirection works much better..not only that but if someone sees you doing this or sees a child with adult teeth marks on his body ..its grounds to be reported to the authorities!

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does your toddler bite

Post by mickymac » Thu May 08, 2008 1:18 am

my youngest daughter started biting so i took all her toys off her for the rest off the day and took all her privilages away.
if you stay firm wuth this it always works and its not servere.
its a fair punishment

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JAKE bites

Post by curlyDredLocks » Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:09 pm

My son started knawing on us since he had control of his head. I use to say we have to get him to stop doing this before he gets teeth. However, that did not happen. I was bitten by his little teeth (before his first birthday) once unexpectedly, as he was biting out of habit not anger at this time. I scolded him and he repeated the behavior several times after that. &nbsp;Once I bit him back and he looked at me and waved his lil finger and said 'No biting!'. I had to hide my laughter. it was then he realized hey this biting thing hurts. Jake is now 18months and bite usually out of fustration or excitment . He bites when he is overly tired and when you are playing with him and he become really excited. Slowly he is growing out of the behavior.

I read somewhere that time out should be done for half of the child's age (2 years= 1 min, 3 years- 1.5mins). In my house we call it the corner. Jake knows his corner and that bad behavior can cause him to be placed there. Even when we are public he knows his behavior can land him in the nearest corner (which only happened once in a isolated spot of a clothing store). If he is misbehaving and I look at him, he will stop and say "Corner, Corner !". Once in the corner he will cry as if he is being tourtured for the first 30sec and remain upset for the last 30 sec. &nbsp;A trip to the corner is followed by a hug for as long as he wishes to be hugged. I had tried spanking him, but found the corner to be more helpful in helping him to acknowledge his behavior is wrong. HOWEVER, Jake also knows that he can be spanked with "fella" (which has only happened once). &nbsp;All I have to do is say either corner or fella and he corrects his behavior.

Parenting is helpful with advice and suggestions from others. However, you are the one that knows your child and you have to take all that you read, hear, and observe and find the right balance for your child. &nbsp;I feel that is you know for sure that you are good parent and will do anything to see your child grow to be a balance contributing member of society you shouldn't let others opinons make you feel bad. At the end of the day, if you know in your soul that you did something or thought something towards your child that makes you feel awful then DON'T DO IT AGAIN, find an alternative. I love this site and hope that my offering is a blessing to someone.

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Post by Medical Astrology » Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:12 am

Children explore the world through their oral cavity. It is a developmental trait that all children go through in infancy. Some of them retain that trait for a longer time and as toddlers, continue with this habit.
Biting is also one form of exploration of their surroundings, for them.

They get a lot of pleasure through this type of activity, we just have to understand that.
Sooner or later, they all stop biting!

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