I hear aries and leo get along well

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aries and leo

Post by jojomojo » Wed Oct 24, 2007 9:14 pm

A is for aries                             L is for leo
adventurous                                  loveing
agile                                           loyal
a dorable                                   lustfull                  
adept                                         like able
ass                                         lonesome      
able                                       live wire
active{im not}                          lazy minded{still very clever if mind was used}
articulate                                 lunar                                 l
arrogant                                 lion hearted

this is just a personal observation or me aries and him {my love} leo

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Aries and Leo Relationships

Post by Badpesta » Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:49 am

I am a Leo woman and I have 2 Aries Male friends, and 1 Aries Female friend, and we all get along great.  I am married to a Capricorn, and I get along much better with all of my Aries friends (both male and female) than I do with my Capricorn husband.  If I wasn't married, and my 2 male Aries men were not married, I would be happily married to either of them (smile).

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Post by Bandit81101 » Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:14 pm

But male + female aside, how about them in general lol
I would hope that aries and leo get along well, as my oldest child is a leo and I'm an aries.  As for now, we seem to do good! :)
I wonder if the same could be said about Gemini and aries, as my 4 yr old is a gemini.  We're great now, I wonder what the teenage years will bring in for these little people of mine LOL

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Post by BShade » Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:57 am

Bandit81101 wrote:But male + female aside, how about them in general lol
I would hope that aries and leo get along well, as my oldest child is a leo and I'm an aries.  As for now, we seem to do good! :)
I wonder if the same could be said about Gemini and aries, as my 4 yr old is a gemini.  We're great now, I wonder what the teenage years will bring in for these little people of mine LOL
Well, Only speculation of course, and a smattering of personal experience thrown in...  So far as i can tell, Aries and Gemini are a rather volatile combo, As we tend to like people who can make up their minds, and MOST (not all) Geminis have dual personalities, which most often dont get along with EACH OTHER, i'm willing to bet that you will find a close connection HALF the time, and the other, not so much... so, in all sincerity, GOOD LUCK!


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Gemini & Aries = Cool Conversations!

Post by diamond9 » Thu Feb 14, 2008 12:18 am

Bandit81101 wrote:But male + female aside, how about them in general lol
I would hope that aries and leo get along well, as my oldest child is a leo and I'm an aries.  As for now, we seem to do good! :)
I wonder if the same could be said about Gemini and aries, as my 4 yr old is a gemini.  We're great now, I wonder what the teenage years will bring in for these little people of mine LOL
Put an Aries & Gemini together and you'll hear non-stop chatter!  I worked with a Gemini male and we would just have the most incredibly spontaneous conversations about anything and everything all day long.  
Eventually he asked me to go out as a threesome with his live-in girlfriend but I declined.  Just typical Gemin thoughts, on his part!
Since then, I've noticed every single Gemini relates to me and I to he or she, in the same non-stop talk a mile a minute way.  
My babe "T" is a Gemini, born June 16.  We get along great!  I love him dearly, we communicate well.  He's a black & rust colored Rott/Doberman.
My sweetheart!

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Post by snowflakemaia » Fri Mar 14, 2008 7:12 pm

Aries + Leo = not well
Aries + Sag = very well
Aries + Scor = wonderful
Aries + Virgo = not well
Aries + Cancer = very well
Aries + Pise = don't know [ probally well]
Aries + Libra = Well enough
Aries + Gem = Great [ both will talk each other to death]
Aries + Cap = bad - awful
Aries + Aquri = it an air sign [ ideas will fly - both will keep each amuse with ideas and ideal - but romantically -don't know]
Aries + Tu = it said they do fine [ don't know]
Aries + Aries = I have always said this is chaos [ both parents are Aries they don't get along great and at when I am really angry - don't get along with them. It depends on what they do to piss me off.]

Anyway - relationship with other signs, depends - on the personality of the person and if you like what this person is saying and whether you want this person in you life or not. If you do - one should forget zodiac signs and go for it. Like my Aries cousin and her Cancer Husband. My mother side - they won't last. But they are - my cousin is the stepmother to his daugther by another woman. The girl call her mom and they have  an eight month old baby and been married for 5 yrs now. So depends.

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Aries and all sun signs

Post by tarunklal » Wed Mar 26, 2008 6:39 am

The Thing about aries people is that they get along with all the zodiac signs. The best with Leo and Sagittarius. All Fire signs are good for Aries.

The problem happens when other people cannot get along with Aries personalities. I also believe, it is very difficult to bind an aries person in one relationship. He/she has so much to offer in terms of love and affection, that an aries person can offer and handle a lot more people and thus the need to seek relationships outside of marriage. Maybe not a serious one, just a temporary or a fling, just to keep the youth alive and kicking and just to keep the testosterone moving. Other than that, Aries just love one person and can spend the rest of his/her life with that one special person.

They are great people.

Right Abhishek!!!!

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Post by smartyknickers » Wed Sep 17, 2008 11:24 pm

Mmm hmm.  They do get along rather well.  Too well, sometimes.

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