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Post by Gem » Sat Jan 19, 2008 5:31 pm

I have added your name to the class list and you should now look for the Way Map which will link to all the classes in order, then you will understand  where to go next. It is clearly marked  START HERE in the post list :)

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Post by pirbid » Sat Jan 19, 2008 7:31 pm

:) Do not fret, it is easy to get lost at first.

I have been trying to get hold of a link to direct you, but the best way is to get into the Learn Tarot Subforum under the Mystic Academy heading and once there click on "Gem's Tarot classes - The Way Map.......START HERE........". Hee, hee, you cannot miss it, really, and it makes it all so much easier. Once there, you may click into every chapter in their proper order and keep going back to the Way Map when you are ready for the next.

Let us know if you have any more trouble, but that should really do it  :smt002

Oops, I missed Gem's post in which she had already told you the same, for shame  :smt017

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Post by windspirits » Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:15 am

These are with The Witches Tarot.
0-The Fool- A Trickster but one who makes you question your actions
1-The Magician- One who will make you stop and ask yourself is this is real or not
2-High Priestess- One who will guide you with pleasure when asked
3-The Empress- Allows you many choices, will not give you the answers directly, but will allow you to think about your various options
4-The Emperor- One of wisdom, he allows you to use his knowledge and security to be able to overcome fears of misjudgements
5-The High Priest- One of confidence and power
6-The Lovers-Allows one to be able to bear your soul and freedom, but beaware of outside interference.  Keep aware of your surroundings
7-The Chariot- The knowledge to know you have the power and freedom to move about, a vehicle, a way out or in
8-Strength-Courage to expand your boundries, no restrictions
9-The Seeker- His wisdom will light the path for you to see in the dark.  He can be trusted so when you use his knowledge you are confident
10-Justice-Your decisions will be justified, but you much be aware of any underhanded dealings or obstacles
11-The Wheel of Fortune- I starts a life cycle at the beginning of our birth, innocence and continues through to old age, wise with knowledge and continues through to our rebirth, the wheel of fortune has no broken beginning and no broken end, we ourselves just continue to begin a new.
12-The Hanged Man- Things are not always what them seem, look at things from a different perspective in order to make the right choice, or to know the truth from an untruth.
13-Death-End of something, not necessarily a life, but perhaps a situation or a trying time.  It could be the brginning of something joyous.
14-Temperance-A keeper of something you need, but refusial to give it freely, you must work for it by almost takinging it from her
15-The Horned One-You have something he want, he tempts you and your loyalty.  He uses his power of persuation but remember that positive always overshadows negative
16-The Tower-Wealth at one time, but crumbling, a disaster forcing a change and a great loss
17-The Stars-Will guide you if you will listen but you must be cautious because there are elements that will distract you from your guiden path
18-The Moon-Heed the warnings of distress and confusion, look below the surface for deep calmness away from the chaos
19-The Sun-The giver, the protector with stability.  Even when the heat is so hot we feel it intensely, the sun melts the coldness of the ice to give us cool water and to calm our fears
20-Judgement-Rewards for the good deeds and accomplishments, we have succeeded.
21-Universe-Confusion, so many paths to follows or raoads to travel, we need the strength to know which path to start and which to end or avoid.  We have the freedom to go in any direction the universe will aloow us to do just that, making and learning our own mistakes, but gaining the knowledge we require along the way.

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Post by TravellingChristy » Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:24 pm

Rider Waite Deck:

0 - the fool -  The risktaker, open mindedness and apologetic
1 - magician - The attention getter, strong willed and the thinker who is pondering thoughts all the time
2 - high priestess -  Spiritual, indecisive and a role model
3 - empress -  Comfort, happiness and loves the outdoors
4 - emperor -  Angry, weighs decisions and is protective
5 - hierophant - Judgemental, forgiving and always waiting for something
6 - lovers -  Acceptance, showing love and new relations
7 - chariot - Guarded, proud and relaxed
8 - strength - Powerful, brave and loving
9 - hermit -  Feels alone, unsure and a follower
10 - wheel of fortune -  Opportunity, chances and signs of life
11 - justice -  One who judges, balances decisions and sure of himself
12 - hanged man - Unlucky, flexible and heavy in thought
13 - death - Invisible, sadness and honorable
14 - temperance -  Testing the waters, drawn to bright things/ideas and bordem
15 - devil - Tied down, shameful and evil
16 - tower -  Trouble, now way out and accidents
17 - star -  Giving, celebration and calm
18 - moon - Interesting, good listner and happy surroundings
19 - sun - Innoscence, beauty and contentment
20 - judgement - Health issues, pleading forgiveness and waiting to be judged
21 - world - Trapped within, competition and reassurrance

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Post by Mia93 » Sun Feb 10, 2008 11:27 am

RW Deck

0  - The Fool - Innocent, uninhibited, fearless
1  - The Magician - taking action, elements to 'make it happen'
2  - The High Priestess - spiritual, subconscious
3  - The Empress - femininity, nurturing, motherhood, fertility
4  - The Emperor - structured, rigid
5  - The Hierophant - societal structure, peers
6  - The Lovers - relationships or decisions
7  - Chariot - Movement, masculine aggression, travel
8  - Strength - gentle strength, assertive but patient
9  - The Hermit - Searching inward, seclusion
10 - Wheel of Fortune - Opportunities, unpredictable outcome
11 - Justice - Cause and effect, legal issues
12 - Hanged Man - Enlightenment through self sacrifice, going with flow
13 - Death - Closing old doors and clearing way for new ones
14 - Temperance - balance, healing
15 - Devil - addiction, obsession
16 - The Tower - painful change, being jarred from  the obsessions or lies that were present with The Devil
17 - The Star - Hope, inspiration, renewal
18 - The Moon - subconscious activity, dreams, illusions
19 - The Sun - rebirth, life, joy
20 - Judgement - awakening to reality, judging or being judged
21 - The World - completion

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Post by appylover » Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:12 am

The Rider Waite

0-The Fool- Care free,Adventures,Innocent
1-The Magician- Magic,Illusion,has all the tricks of the trade to make things happen.
2-The High Priestess- Pure,All seeing and knowing,Spiritual
3-The Empress- Down to earth,Motherly,Friendly,Helpful
4-The Emperor- Stern,All knowing,been there done that,some one you can go to for advice.
5-The Hierophant- Pope,Gives Spiritual advice,Holy,Church
6-The Lovers- New love,adultery,Forbiden fruit,temptation,acceptance
7-The Chariot- Travel,going on a trip,not being in a hurry
8-Strength- Taiming the beast,control,helping animals
9-The Hermit- Alone,seeking guidance
10-Wheel of Fortune- Luck weather it be bad or good,Fate
11-Justice- Weiging the pros and cons,decision maker,justice
12-The Hanged Man- Relaxing,thinking,looking at things from a different angle
13-Death- Changing your ways,taking stock of your life,rebirth
14-Temperance- Balance,staying on the straight and narrow,balancing different things in your life
15-The Devil- Choices,addictions,relationships,bad situations
16-The Tower- Destruction,unpredictable,life changes,
17-The Star- Renewel,Rebirth,giving back to the earth for all that it has given you,selflessnes
18-the Moon- Imagination
19-The Sun- Happiness,joy,contentment
20-Judgement- Being judged,chance to change your ways,rebirth
21-The World- A journeys end,completion,success

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major arcana first thoughts

Post by stillwalkn » Tue Apr 01, 2008 12:25 am

0 the fool: complete faith in the universe; distracted by dreams
1 the magician: power; bringing energy into action
2 the high priestess: female mysteries; secrets
3 the empress: motherhood; fertility;generosity
4. the emperor: powerful maleness; taking charge; a ruler
5. hierophant: priest; holy secret keeper; teacher
6. the lovers: no longer being alone; connecting with another
7 the chariot: bringing forces into line to work together; force of will
8 justice: balance; taking a stand
9 the hermit: going alone on a quest; inner knowledge; going alone; lighting the way
10 the wheel: all in motion; everything is connected and movement and change is inevitable
11 strength: taming wildness; nature; instinct
12 the hanged man: stopping in mid air; pause; choice;
13 death: an ending and a new beginning; fires of change and rebirth
14 temperance: balance and fluidity; flowing energy
15 the devil: the dark side; addiction; need to let go
16 the tower: complete collapse; breaking apart; taking down the past
17 the star: inner beauty viewed and realized; filling up
18 the moon: dark mysteries; dreams; mystery; intuition
19 the sun: celebration; joy; youthfulness; new beginnings
20 judgment: what goes around comes around; the reckoning
21 the world: finally seeing the light of the universe shining through your own eyes

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Post by beleever » Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:35 pm

I am using the Celestial Tarot Deck for my interpretations as I am not really getting any emotional feeling from pictures on the screen.

0-fool-moving forward with no reservations, something new, carefree
1-magician-trying something new, making things go your way, knowledgeable
2-High Priestess-removing cover, awakening, letting people see the real you, young adult
3-The Empress-mother figure, loving and peaceful
4-The emperor-Father figure, wise, powerful
5-Hierophant-dissillusioned, requiring guidance
6-the lovers-love, relationships, the start of something new and exciting
7- the chariot-protector, powerful, new beginnings,
8-strength-Courageous, defend ones ground, stand up for beliefs
9-hermit-Strayed from path, time out, answers are infront of you, ask for help
10-wheel of fortune-changes depends on circumstances
11-justice-balance, load taken off or feeling weighed down, legal issues
12- the hanged man-lost control, consumed by ill feelings ie guilt
13-Death- releasing of old stepping into the new, new beginnings
14-Temperance- Confident, expectations are high, capable
15-Devil-Untrue to yourself, dissillusioned, manipulated or stuck in a bad situation, someone with bad intentions someone is not as they seem
16-Tower- No control of situation, falling apart, let go of the old way
17-The star- being rewarded, gifts from above, good things come to those who wait, looks positive
18-The moon- Two sides, yin and yang, partnership, complimentary
19-Sun- wisdom, everything is good, completion
20-Judgement- rewarded for hard work, acknowledgement, a time of joy and happiness
21- World- successful, accomplishment, goals achievable

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Post by Awenwitch » Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:50 am

THE FOOL...freedom,immature,thoughtlessly
THE MAGICIAN.... power, control, knowledge
THE HIGH PRIESTESS...wisdom, intelligent, quiet
THE, carefull, awareness
THE EMPEROR...wisdom, knowledge, fairly
THE HIEROPHANT...stern, power, control
THE, unanimous, yin and yang
THE CHARIOT...triumph, good news, promotion
STRENGTH...will strength, power, compassion
THE HERMIT...wisdom, trust, knowledge, enlightning
WHEEL OF of life, emotions balance, underhanded,
THE HANGED MAN...fool, playful, annoying
DEATH... end of a lifeperiode, new start
TEMPERANCE...balancing, juggling with possibilities
THE DEVIL...temptation, greedboundaries
THE TOWER...breaking with öld"habits, loss of security
THE STAR...brightness, guiding
THE MOON...loyality, nature, belief
THE SUN...happiness, harvest, fullfilling of life
JUDGEMENT...rewarded, spiritual, reborn
THE WORLD...united, freedom, love

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Post by xaxaa » Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:40 pm

0 - The fool: New adventure,innocence,happiness,danger,insouciance
1 - magician: Skillful,smart,tallented
2 - high priestess: Wisdom,guidance,self control
3 - empress: sweetness,abundance,pregnancy
4 - emperor: father,wise,leader
5 - hierophant: Wisdom,consequences of your acts, religion,self control
6 - lovers: Love,happiness,relationships
7 - chariot: Travel,escape a danger,be decided
8 - strength: Strength, courage,determination
9 - hermit: loneliness, illumination, wisdom
10 - wheel of fortune: unexpected change,you never know what might happen next
11 - justice: justice, balance, fairness
12 - hanged man: lost,patience needed,punishment
13 - death: abrupt end,new beginning
14 - temperance: Harmony,balance
15 - devil: sexuality,jealously,obsession,manipulation,anger
16 - tower: everything falls into beginning
17 - star: hope,wishes come true,success
18 - moon: doubts,delay,illusions
19 - sun:happiness,warmth,love,success
20 - judgement: judgement,realizing something,forgivness,reward
21 - world: completion,insouciance

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Post by Renata1 » Wed May 07, 2008 1:55 pm

I’m using the Tarof of Marseille

0-The Fool- Freedom, Adventures, Self confidence
1-The Magician- Responsibility, Research, Power, Learning
2-The High Priestess- Spiritual Knowing, Sanctity, Pillar of a situation/family/group
3-The Empress- Motherly, the Giver, Nobility
4-The Emperor-The Father, Support, Justice
5-The Hierophant- The Helper, The Tradition, Patience, Comprehension
6-The Lovers- Doubt, Permission, Chooses
7-The Chariot- Chooses, Power, Doubts, Hidden Power
8-Strength- Power, Capacity, Force, Dealing with a problem
9-The Hermit- Wisdom, Patience, Serenity
10-Wheel of Fortune- Ordinary pleasures, advice to look for nobles deals, something that will pass on
11-Justice- Justice, when it appear it means the person will win some case/situation  
12-The Hanged Man- Confusion, pain
13 – The Death: changing, new beginnings
14 - Temperance: Harmony, the person is being cared by his/er own merit, balance
15 – The Devil: obsession, sexuality, jealously, manipulation,
16 – The Tower: Changing, new beginnings, risks, family turbulence
17 – The Star: Serenity, Intimacy, Self Encounter
18 – The Moon: Hidden feelings (hate, anger, confusion), changing, difficult moment, Delays, Illusions
19 – The Sun: Happiness, something you win, success
20 - Judgement: Family, success, reward, new journey
21 –The World: Completion  


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Post by Henhenetti » Mon May 12, 2008 1:33 am


0 - The Fool ~ Carefree, Dreamer, Simple, Traveler, Impulsive
1 - The Magician ~ Infinite, Powerful, Intelligent/Knowledge, In Control
2 - The High Priestess ~ Religion, A Mediator, Graceful, Bounty
3 - The Empress ~ Mother, Femininity, Privileged, Nature
4 - The Emperor ~ Father, Masculinity, Authority, Leadership
5 - The Hierophant ~ Priest, Religion, Advocate, Mysterious, Teacher
6 - The Lovers ~ Eden, Love, Choice, Temptation, Commitment, The Beginning, Deception
7 - The Chariot ~ Dominance, Journey/Travel, Chauvinistic, Overpowering, Path
8 - Strength ~ Infinite Strength, Courage, Taming, Confidence, Overcome w/Gentleness
9 - The Hermit ~ Withdrawal, Alone, Stranded, Broken, Depression
10 - Wheel of Fortune ~ Unpredictability, Chance, Destiny, Timing, Change, Opportunity
11 - Justice ~ Justice, Equality, Authority, Balance, Truth
12 - The Hanged Man ~ Punishment, Stagnant, Stuck, Victim
13 - Death ~ Decomposition, Past, Transition, The End, Changes, New, New Life
14 - Temperance ~ Balance, Measure, Between, Blend, In The Middle
15 - The Devil ~ Bad, Wrong, Evil, Sinful, Deception, Perversion, Bondage, Lies, Fear, Temptation
16 - The Tower ~ Falling From Grace, Punishment, Dethroned, Removed, Destruction
17 - The Star ~ Positive, Balance, Light, Peace, Serenity
18 - The Moon ~ Darkness, Hidden, Dreams, Sleep, Fear, Health
19 - The Sun ~ Happiness, Growth, Purity, Joy, Energized, Celebration
20 - Judgement ~ Judgment, Transformation, Payment Due, A Calling, Out w/Old & In w/New
21 - The World~ Complete, Total, Whole, Harmony, Finished, Done


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First (well, really about tenth) Impressions of the Major Arcana

Post by dwankan » Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:24 pm

From Waite

0-The Fool  
Enthusiastic beginnings
I-The Magician
Mastery, Control
II-The High Priestess
Spiritual Power, Insight
III-The Empress
Maternal Power, Fertility
IV-The Emperor
Control, Paternal Power, Authority
V-The Hierophant
Charisma, the power of ideas
VI-The Lovers
A Positive Union
VII-The Chariot
Productive Movement
Controlled Power
IX-The Hermit
Meditation, Study
X-Wheel of Fortune
Luck, Possibility, Uncertainty
Legal Rewards/Punishments
XII-The Hanged Man
Chosen Suffering
Loss, Inescapable Changes
Balance, Even-handedness
XV-The Devil
Captivity, Suffering at the hands of others
XVI-The Tower
Destructive Power
XVII-The Star
Feeding Hope, Nurturing Possibility
XVIII-The Moon
Hope, Waiting
XIX-The Sun
Possibility Manifest, Beginnings of what was hoped for
Rewards/Punishment of Divine Type
XXI-The World
(I've never really understood this one)
Mastery of Life, Everything within grasp

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Post by vinnilaa » Thu Jun 26, 2008 5:38 am

Here's my interpretation...

The Fool- Happy to start a journey, help from your friends, purity, danger but don't have to worry because there'll be someone to help

Magician - Triumph, intelligence, the master of all (cup, sword, wand, pentacles)

High Priestess - subconscious mind, inner heart, ability to differentiate between good and bad

Empress - matured, powerful, feminine, success, motherhood

Emperor- authortiy, mature, powerful, father figure, strong

Heirophant - teacher, knowledge, learning

Lovers - marriage, partnership, blessings, happiness, relationship

Chariot - Victory, moving, travel, joy

Strength - patience, brave, be strong

Hermit - loneliness, unattached, sould searching

Wheel of Fortune - success, money, overseas trip

Justice - balance, fair, trouble with authority, finding out the truth

Hanged Man - thinking, delay, getting stronger, don't be hasty in decisions

Death - Ending of a situation, new beginnings, stop looking back and be ready to accept new things

Temperance -meditation, money restrictions, patience, getting to know your inner self (awakening of your chakras)

Devil - being stuck, no movement, jealousy, bad thoughts, anger, rage

Tower - catastrophe, accident, sudden changes, surendering to nature's changes

Star - Hope, brightness beware of excess, success

Moon - Emotions up and down, deceiving your self or others, long journey, sexual, dreams

Sun - Happiness, marriage, birth of a child, success

Judgement - decisions pending finality, looking forward to something

World - overseas trip, money, luck, new oppurtunities, success in everything

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Post by FragelsGal » Thu Jul 03, 2008 8:51 am

Nievety, overlooking things, look out in front of you.

Triumph with fixing things or problem solving

Queen of her castle, in charge of situations

Fertility, Feminitity

Made of steel, thick skinned

Taking an oath or vow in the eyes of the law

The joining of two soul mates

moving house or a journey

finding the courage or strenth to rise above

time to think, reflect

Time to make choices

you will get what you deserve!

hung out to dry, secrets outted

Being walked over, new beginnings

trying new things

feeling trapped or tied down, maybe by someone

things falling apart, disater

bright things ahead, follow your dreams

somethings calling you

happiness with family

the end of a matter

the world is your oyster!  Many opportunities, go for it!!


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