Part Two - Minor Arcana - 8

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Post by arianna » Mon Oct 29, 2007 11:44 am

The eight of pentacles - I know my place at work - I am good at what I do and take pride in it - someone who has learned his craft well and takes pride in what he does - The negative is someone who does not wish to work or puts out mediocre work - lack of confidence

The eight of swords - Fears can render you helpless so it is time to let go of your fears (face them) and move forward - How do I get out of this situation time to leave negative people place - The positive Only I can untie these ropes and escape the night to see another sun rise - finding inner strength

The eight of cups - Turning your back and walking away from what was important to you - feeling morally corupt - a breakdown - going off on a spiritiual journey within - finding out what really matters - The positive is returning to the material world with a renewed energy and new hope ready to start again

The eight of rods

I did find this card hard to read until I saw others thoughts on it :) Now I can see the success in forward motion - goals being achieved the sky is the limit which could bring travel for business or pleasure - The negative is throwing around too many ideas at once which leads to indescsion and frustration - things don't go as planned and we encounter delays

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Re: Part Two - Minor Arcana - 8

Post by Sabra » Sun Nov 25, 2007 8:59 am

Gem wrote:Image Image Image  Image

These cards to me all have really strong storylines.They are like the picture that paints a thousand words? I would like you to work through each picture, try and see a positive and uplifting meaning in each and perhaps a negative or downside to each too.   Think of the different meanings and then choose one and see if you can wirite a short story, a paragraph or so on the picture, where is the querent? Is the card in positive  or negative mode?

For instance..... the 8 of swords, in negative mode the meaning is quite obvious? Restraint, blindness, damp, fear, cold, stress?  In positive mode perhaps the lady is playing with her children, the swords arranged to stop them from going near the water and cliff face, blind mans bluff where she is blindfolded and has to find them?
8 of Swords
For the upside - The figure in the card is a control freak.  He or she is in perfect command of career, home, and every aspect of life.  True happiness came with total trust and surrender to another... as in D/s relationships in which one makes a complete surrender (body, mind, soul) to another.  Bondage brought freedom.

8 of Cups
The figure in the card seems to be turning away for whatever reasons... maybe burn-out, stagnation, or disillusionment.  I see this a time for change and growth.

8 of Pentacles
Persistence and obtaining one's goals.  Preoccupied, but fruitful.  This card reminds me not to give up and progress will then come at a steady pace.

8 of Wands
High energy movement!  Things are happening rapidly or at a point in which extreme progress can be made.  A goal is in plain view.

I'll try to work out a short story to go with this now.

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My RW eights say...

Post by pirbid » Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:11 am

- 8 of Pentacles: "I love this job: it's so creative and unique. No one else is able to provide objects so useful and so lovingly done. I enjoy every single minute".
The positive side to this card is being one with your projects, letting your whole soul, energy and intention flow into them. Vocational jobs are scarce and priceless if we can get one.
A negative side would be to seek refuge in your job when other aspects of life are not so fulfilling, thereby badly neglecting them. A very common occurrence nowadays, when we no longer need to work from dawn to sunset.
As for the querent, being the man in the picture would be the most obvious identification, but it can also mean anyone in our life from whom we can draw inspiration: those truly dedicated, hardworking, non complaining and happy people around us.

- 8 of wands: "Wheee! Off we go in search of adventure and new, faraway places!".
+ Movement, speed, things are finally happening fast and the end is near.
- Too rushed, we are spinning out of control. Events are moving so fast, we can no longer keep up and feel overwhelmed. A rush of adrenaline.
The querent would be watching things evolving, swept by circumstances.

- 8 of Cups: "Yes, it is sad to leave familiar things behind, but there is freedom and wonder in being able to move on. I am not afraid of change".
+ Being able to move on to the next stage in life, step up to reach new goals. Leave family, friends and familiar places in order to find a better job, to share life with some one new, to learn about other things.
- Fleeing from commitments. Not being able to take intimacy in stride and turning our backs on relationships that can offset deep feelings in us. Being a loner by choice, because it is easier than facing ups and downs with others.
The querent would be either the figure in the card or someone very close to him/her that feels distanced for some reason.

- 8 of Swords: "What will happen to me now? Why can I not hear a thing? What is going on? This suspense is killing me!".
+ Turning all our senses inward in order to be able to get an insight from within, rather than trusting our rational analysis. Trying to contact our emotions when we feel overwhelmed by repetitive thoughts.
- Feeling out of sorts, out of the normal flow of things. Not being able to take matters into our hands, or see a way out even if it is quite obvious. I believe it is usually our own attitude that puts us in oppressive situations, or we live as oppressive things that are not really so bad. There is also a tendency to be blind to the obvious when our troubles provide a good excuse to live as we do. Apparently we need help, but are we ready to accept it if it comes? Or are we just trying to draw attention to ourselves?
The querent could be the one in need of attention (or the one not wanting to see or take responsability for something). But the querent could also be puzzled, trying to help some one in distress and seeing his/her efforts come to nothing due to the other's attitude.


The Ancestral Path's 8 of Cups is a beautiful card. The facts that the figure walks toward Stonehenge or some similar place would evoke leaving everyday relationships behind in order to achieve spiritual growth or a deeper understanding.

Robin Wood's 8 of Pentacles is a boy, stressing the fact that we are still apprenticing and have a lot to learn. Also, that work can be wonderful if we can enjoy it as play, rather than a chore.

Ancestral Path's 8 of wands has flying ibises on it, reminding me of news to come borne in the winds, and joyful movement.

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Post by glenellen » Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:12 pm

gosh this was a difficult one it took me a while but here goes

Eight of wands..positive....many opportunity's coming your way with lots or rewards
Eight of wands..negative....lots of things coming your way too much hassle, wands pointing downwards slippery slope might not be able to cope with demands

Eight of cups....positive.....he is fulfilled he has all he wants he was successful in his work and he is rewarded
Eight of cups....negative.....his success has left him lonely he needs to go and lick his wounds his gains were not as great as his loss

Eight of swords...positive.....the bondage is loose things are not as bad as it looks there is a way out, her eyes are covered but the swords behind her are protecting her but she is still aware of the dangers life can bring but she trusts her decision
Eight of swords...negative.....trapped in a situation unable to make a decision she is controlled and bullied

Eight of coins....positive....this person enjoys his work and is pleased with the results and will reap the rewards
Eight of coins....negative....slave labour he works hard to no avail he is  not appreciated

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Post by farafina » Thu Feb 21, 2008 4:45 pm

Ok, I can do this....

8 of words: The woman was kidnapped by some strangers and blinfolded and surrounded by swords. Negative: She feels helplesss, there is nothing she feels she can do. All ways to escape are blocked.
Positive: Guess what? Her feet are not tied so she can walk... And the kidnappers just took her a way from her hom (in the background); and she can actually cut off the ties around her wrists using the sword behind her back... She has to be witty and smart and very cautious but it is possible.

8 of cups: negative: The man has decided to retire. He is tired of this stupid job and of this stupid situation. He always does his best and is well organized but it seems not to pay off. So off he goes. This is it. Darkness and resignation.
Positive: Oh what a beautiful day it was. I did a great job rearranging these golden cups in order, and now it is nightime, I am going home to rest and tomorrow I will be back.

8 of wands:  :smt017  :smt104  :smt108
Positive: it looks like one of thee athletic games in the Olympics (I forgot the name in English) in French it is "lancer du javelot" where you through your sticks... So this card makes you think you are reacing out far ahead and skillfully because the wands are all parallel and flying nicely.
negative: looks like a barrier or a fence is formed by all these wands. Your journey stops here.

8 of pentacles: negative: this man is so focused on his work he does not see anything else. His work is not everything in life!
positive: this is a man who has worked with care to sculpt his beautiful pentacles and he is almost at the end of a beautiful accomplishment.

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Post by appylover » Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:26 am

8 of wands: Positive- Smooth and rapid progress,the end of delays. Finally things are falling into place. No more delays, we will finally get the results that we have waited so long for. Negative: Things not working out,plans don't work out. Things are moving to fast. What if all this hurrying gets us nowhere and we make mistakes that hinder our progress instead of helping.

8 of cups: Positive- Moving on,leaving the past behind. I've had a great life so far. Everything has been going just the way I had planned. Now I want to move on and take a different path, do the things that I have not done before. Start on a new journey. Negitive- Clinging to the past,not wanting to move on. I have everything I need. Would love to see what else life has in store for me, but I'm afraid to leave just to find out that it wasn't all I had expected.

8 of swords: Positive- Unblocking something,breaking free. Taking off the blindfold and being able to see more clearly. Maybe your in a bad relationship and you can now see your way out of it. Negitive- Blockage,feeling trapped,not being able to see a way out.

8 of pentacles: Positive- Learning a business, working to make money. It's his first job where he is learning new skills and using them to earn a living. His time and effort will pay off. Negitive- Lacking the skills you need to do a good job. Unwilling to learn which causes poor quality which produces a second rate product.

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Eight of ...

Post by deelitefullyme » Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:01 am

try and see a positive and uplifting meaning in each and perhaps a negative or downside to each too.   Think of the different meanings and then choose one and see if you can wirite a short story, a paragraph or so on the picture, where is the querent? Is the card in positive  or negative mode?

Wands - Wands are flying through the air fast and quick.  The querent has already quickly jumped out of the way to safety.  The card is in negative mood.  To make it positive, picture a father teaching his son how to throw wands.  With each throw, the son gets closer and closer to  his target.

Cups - A man stacks his cups and is leaving them.  They represent a time in his life he is ready to move away from.  His head is low from sadiness but he knows he is doing the right thing.  This card is negative mood.  To make it positive, picture the same man, stacking the cups.  Traveling a short distance away, turning with his stones and trying to knock these cups over.

Swords - The lady knows she is trapped.  Being blindfolded she does not sense the escape just beyond her, only a few feet out and away.  Instead, she feels hopelessness, restrain and blindness.  This card is negative mood.  To make it positive, picture a movie star getting ready to do her biggest role ever.  She knows, the part and knows she's the best person for the part.

Pentacles - An apprentice sits and does his work.  He is careful and crafty.  He checks to make sure his work is done to perfection.  This is a positive mood.  To make it negative, this is a prisoner.  He is sentensed to create 10,000 perfect pentacles.  Those not perfect are discarded and not included in the count.  He wants to work quickly but knows that in doing so his pentacles will not be perfect so he works slow and steady dreaming of the day he has 10,000 pieces.

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Post by Mandimedea » Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:41 pm

8 cups -POS He is moving on from an addiction, turning his back on it and starting over, only he can help himself or Walking away from a damaging relationship and having the willpower to move on and start again. NEG Feeling lost and abandoned by all he knows.  Being left by someone and not wanting it over and having to start anew.  Defeated and moving into isolation.  Maybe feeling pain so strong you turn your back on advice and people who love you.

8 wands -POS after so many struggles finally getting control and taking charge, I'm gonna make it lets move forward in a patient manner. Don't rush things.  NEG maybe feeling overwhelmed with everything you have learned and feeling things coming at you and feel defensive or judged.

8 pentacle -POS working hard and perfecting your craft, feeling like you have moved beyond the beginning stages and have become good at what you do.  Hard work paying off, success through effort and getting hands dirty.  NEG feeling stuck ro hate this job, all I do is work, what is it for.  I work to have a life, but my life is just work, is this all there is.

8 swords -POS feeling stuck, but deciding how to get free.  Considering her options, having everything you need around you to break free from whatever is imprisoning you.  NEG  Stuck, but not sure how to get out of it, staying in a situation though you have the freedom to get away if wanted. damned if you do damned if you don't conflict of the mind.  What is best, if I make the wrong choice it could be devastating

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