Headache question

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Headache question

Post by Tukaram » Mon Apr 02, 2007 3:56 am

I have a question on treating a headache.

I have had a headache since early 1992.  Yes, one headache.  It started in the Navy, I was not allowed to re-enlist in the Navy and I am on disability form the Veterans Admin.  The doctors at the VA have said not to bother coming in for anything but my annual check ups because they have run out of meds to try on me.  So far the only things that have done any good for the pain doped me up so bad I couldn't function.  (the ferinol, secabarbitol, and halcion combo was interesting I must say)  We have had the spinal tap, MRI, and CAT scan which showed nothing.

The doctors initially thought I was having a stroke when it first started but have since said it just a migraine.

Basically what it feels like is a kumquat in my left temple.  It feels as if it is pushing out my skull. (there is no lump on my skull but my nerves say there is).  When it flares up it feels like my skull is swelling.  It goes to a kiwi size rather often.  When it gets to the size of an orange I start having vision problems and I start to lose control of my left side.  If it gets to grapefruit, or watermelon size I just take a bunch of ibpurofin and go to bed.

I have muscle spasms pretty much anytime.  I also have a lot of memory problems.  Physical activty does seem to help trigger a flare up.  So when I'm not at work I tend to sit in my dark, air conditioned, house.

I have tried numerous diet changes but nothing seems to have had any noticeable affect.  The only thing that did help was pot.  But it is not legal, and they drug test us at work so that is not a very good option.

What is the recommended treatment for headaches?  Any helpful input would be greatly appreciated.  :smt004

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Headache question

Post by starmaster » Sun Apr 27, 2008 2:03 pm

Headache Basil, Chamomile, Evening Primrose, Lavender, Lovage, Marjoram, Oregano, Periwinkle, Poppy, Rosemary, Scented Geranium, Valerian, Violet

Camomile, Sage, Rosemary. Peppermint, or Wormwood. Any of these made into a tea and drunk will ease a headache.Brew the herbs together for about 30 minutes, strain and then drink.Add honey for taste.

Headache Tea

It’s really fun and inexpensive to make your own tea. You can start simple and use one herb in a tea, then move on to many herbs in one tea. It’s also interesting once you start making teas with more than one herb because the taste will vary on each recipe you try.

To make tea, you need:

- cheese cloth, muslin bag or tea ball
- herbs
- cup of hot water
Take a small square of cheese cloth, place the herbs in the middle, gather the ends and tie them with string. Or just place them in a tea ball. But, before using, you should charge the tea if using it in any magical way. Just imagine the appropriate energy, for example, if drawing love and friendship into your life see yourself with friends or a boy/girl friend. See your self happy and having fun with these people. Draw the energy from the earth, into your feet through your arms and out your finger tips into the herbs. When they are charged, place the tea into the cup of hot water, let it steep and drink! Here are some recipes:

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Post by Bandit81101 » Sun Apr 27, 2008 4:18 pm

I had a similar situation with a headache that was always there and never went away.  Nothing worked for me either, not even the doctors at the Mayo Clinic could help me.  Finally I went to a metaphysical healer.  Don't know the exact terms of what she did, She had me lie in a dark room and placed stones around me and did some sort of energy work.  Was pulling some intersting things off of me as well, could describe people I had been in contact with in great detail.  Anyways, when she was done she told me to go home and take a sea salt bath.  That I would be "Foggy" for a few days, and then my headache should be gone.  A few days later the fog lifted, and I was headache free for the first time in 2 1/2 years :)  That was over 7 years ago.  I have had minor flare ups since then, just a normal migraine that lasts a day or so, but not anything as bad as what I had.  I can function again :)

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