My Karmic Task

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My Karmic Task

Post by Vishwas » Fri Mar 24, 2006 8:41 am

First of all, morton thanks for taking time out of ur precious time for me. Thank you very much.

As for my details.

Birth Date: 31/01/1984.

Time: 08:05 AM, (there is no DST).

Place: Bangalore, India. Latitude: 13.0N Longtiude: 77.35E (these 2 i am not very sure).

Again i will say, there is no DST settings for India.

& i would like u to tell me, anything & everything about me. I am a 22 year old confused guy. I need any & all help i can get, (though i can never seem to ask for it). I don't know the reason i was born (i believe everyone was born for a reason), & i think it will be difficult for u to tell me that exactly, but anything will be helpful. I would like to understand myself more clearly, i would like to know what i am suppossed to be, my higher education never took off, why it crashed even before it took off, & my business or work i am doing is also not going well these days, i am kinda losing everywhere in my life.

I always feel obliged to others, even one's i have never seen or know before in my life.

I am confused, because my mind usually thinks more about others than for me or even my own family. & i feel i have to do something for everyone, & can't see other's suffering. But i am in no better condition myself, & even though my parent's (who are angels for sure) never say a word, they are worried about my future their health is getting worse day by day. I want to be a help everybody, but i don't feel happy even when i am helping others, so i don't know what to do. I feel kinda guilty for everything i do, i want to prove myself, make my family mentally & financeally secure, but see myself as a hopeless guy, who could never have been whatever i am now, without the help of others.

I don't know, i am just rambling along. Plz tell me what all u think about me.

& Thanx in Advance for the reading.

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Thanks Vishwas --

Post by marbeh13 » Fri Mar 24, 2006 7:09 pm

thnx for the data and the info.

I will get onto your chart this evening or tomorrow --

(enjoying a short window of rest on another project -- and for me, doing a chart IS a vacation)

marbeh  :smt004

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r eading for Vishwas

Post by marbeh13 » Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:02 am

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Post by Vishwas » Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:07 am

Applied for membership there.

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first reading for Vishwas

Post by marbeh13 » Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:02 am

note: this same reading, with illustrations, can be found at the site identified in the previous link

Reading for Vishwas  (Part I)
The Over-all Pattern or Gestalt

(illustration showing Vishwas’ Aspects Chart)

The pattern formed by your planets is commonly called a Bundle, and reveals a very tight grouping of all ten planets within an orb of 98 degrees; further, all are in the Above, the arena of sight and of self-conscious awareness.  So you are very self-aware.  Finally, seven of your ten planets are in the Eastern Hemisphere, signifying someone who looks eagerly toward what each new day may bring.      

The Bundle identifies you as a person who can accomplish a great deal during your life because of that great concentration of power (your planets) focused on a relatively narrow field (out of all the Houses or arenas of possible self-expression).  By the same measure, some Bundle types have a difficult time in maintaining their ‘balance’, which suggests that a concentration of power in too narrow an arena can sometimes become unstable.  

Having said that, any knowledgeable Cabalist (meaning someone with twenty or more years of experience at reading the ancient symbols), can see the subtle balances within your chart, and these mark you as an ‘old soul’.  But, before we can go into these ‘inner balances’ we must say a word about how Ancient Wisdom views a natal chart: they see it as an expanding spiral or a vortex.

Dust-Devils and Spirals

(Illustration, showing how our ‘totality’ grows)

The basic natal chart has a circle of wholeness – our totality, surrounding a cross of matter.  I have then rotated this about 45 degrees, so a small series of charts can be seen as measured in Time, and coming out of the paper; the first circle represents your chart when you were an infant; the next at 8 years and the last at 21 years of age.  The circle of wholeness gets larger each time because the totality of who you have been keeps increasing.  For example, as an infant all you could do was eat and poop – and the horizons of your world ended with your mother.  

Then, after a quarter-cycle of Saturn (one Saturn ‘season’ or 7-8 years), you were a child who could reason and work with abstract symbols.  You could even think about thinking.  And yet, as you remember, your sense of ‘self’ – although greatly expanded from that of the infant’s (or even the toddlers), was rather limited to that of your social roles – as a child, a student, a son, a family member, and etc.  Do you see?

And now, at 22, (three full Saturn ‘seasons’ or quarters), you are finally an adult, and if you are lucky (or an ‘old soul’), you HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA OF WHO YOU ARE!  And isn’t that far better than the many who, at 21 or 22, seem to be convinced that running with their peers, and getting drunk or getting laid, are among the highest priorities that Life can offer?  (Or at least, that is the way TV presents the matter, here in the West).

(Illustration, Jupiter’s Icon)

This concept of an individual being ‘seen’ as a vortex is not some figment of my imagination. The symbol for Jupiter shows this spiral vortex rising out of the cross of matter.  In a more modern representation (see below)we see Jupiter as the second of the ‘social planets’ – its orbit lying beyond those of the Earth, Venus and Mercury.  The latter are labeled – as is the Sun, as ‘personal planets’.  As viewed from the earth, a calculation on which all Ephemeris are based, Venus and Mercury are never far from the Sun.

(Illustration, social consciousness)

And I emphasize the role of Jupiter because, as co-ruler of your Rising Sign (Pisces) it is the ruler of your entire chart.  I also note that while the spiral attached to Jupiter expands our social role out to the orbit of Saturn, the spiral attached to the symbol for Saturn expands our role out to the outer limits of the universe.

Translating your Pattern into Reality

Returning to our first figure, the Aspects Chart, we see that all of your planets are in the ABOVE (the Yang); so you can be very self-aware, but some books might ask whether you are deficient in your YIN (the Below, feminine, and nourishing side).  And here is the first subtle balance: you have Pisces as your Rising Sign!  

(illustration, Icons of Pisces and Aquarius)

This marks you as a most impressionable, mystical and psychic person, and a person who – throughout your life, will be working on re-polarization of you are – of your ‘self’, and you will discover (as you get older) that you are willing and able to disintegrate your old ‘self’ (yesterday’s self) in order to move on to some higher and more universal plane of existence.  No one could possibly become more YIN than that!

The icon for Pisces, incidentally, represents two fishes, swimming in opposite directions in the stream of Life.  Fish and fish eyes have long symbolized the ‘soul sparks’ – called ‘jivas’ in the Vedanta.  So – the Icon itself suggests your ability to swim in either direction in the stream of Life – Yin or Yang; future or past.  So you have an inborn ability to understand LIFE at its inner-most levels.  But you will have work to develop this, and this may not mean much to you for still another Saturn cycle.    

And what better Sun Sign could you have chosen than that specific type of self-integration represented by Aquarius?  This sign is noted for its adherence to a code of brother-hood and sister-hood of all humanity.  Aquarius thus represents the epitome of social expression.  And the double glyph or icon shows that Aquarians have the ability to create mental forms that serve to dissolve old social codes and then coagulate new forms, thus allowing humanity to escape from bondage to old and outworn codes and dogmas.

The Eastern Emphasis

Similarly, the appearance of seven out of ten planets in the Eastern Hemisphere might suggest you are a person who is only interested in jumping into what each new day offers, but the Truth is far different, and here we can begin to see another influence of the Rising Sign.    

Your Rising Sign has rotated your entire chart and now it is your Pisces side that RULES your entire chart; and, in fact, Jupiter and Neptune are the co-rulers of your chart.  So, their influence will be felt in EVERY HOUSE --  the houses being the arenas you work in here on earth.  And immediately, we see that you so-called emphasis on the new dawn has moved your Sun into the twelfth house of the PAST!  What an interesting contrast!  You are interested in what comes Tomorrow, but your awareness is grounded in the Past and in Old Codes.  So you will always be intensely aware of the conflicts between Past and Future, between one’s self and the demands of society.  

And it makes no difference how happy or fulfilling your own childhood may have been; as you walk your Path you will constantly be seeing that we all live in a CONDITIONED SOCIETY; so it will be easy for you to see that Mores of the Past can seriously limit and frustrate all future progress.

So, you, Vishwas, are embarked on a voyage of self-discovery.  You will be learning your lessons from the hard knocks of life – it is the only way.   You will also be learning that you are not your ‘ego’, and that – with your mind alone you can establish a higher-center (known as the ‘self’) from which to operate.  That usually comes later in life, and with it the discovery that serving humanity is what we are ALL here to do.

In the meantime, I would (from looking at your chart) recommend a good education.  With Saturn and Mars both in your ninth house, and both in Scorpio (more about that in a later post), getting the ‘tools’ for success should be a snap for you.  


Marbeh  :smt004

(to be continued)

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Reading for Vishwas. Part II

Post by marbeh13 » Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:23 am

For same post, with illustrations, see: ... Message=63

(Illustration, further overview)

In Part I of our reading for Vishwas we discovered that the natal chart does not represent a set ‘something’, but rather a process that grows and expands its horizons.  Physically, cells are being replaced and added to, and in terms of the psyche, the emotions, feelings and thoughts are also growing and becoming more subtle.  There is, obviously, a constant flux of movement and – I believe that it will be the symbols of Ancient Wisdom that will now give us our best handle on how the archetypal patterns of Nature Herself actually energize this flux, and how our minds can give it direction.    

In our first post, we looked at the Pattern, a Bundle, to gain our first insights into Vishwas’ rather complex persona.  First, we found that of his powers (planets) are grouped within 98 degrees.  And now, in our next illustration (see above) we find that seven of his ten planets fall in the Winter and the remaining three in the Fall.  As we all know, Winter represents the peak of our social development (Capricorn and Aquarius), so, in terms of the meanings of the yearly cycles, this is a time for becoming aware of one’s self in relation to one’s social role and one’s debt to society.

Oddly, Vishwas has only one planet in fixed , the Sun.  But he has three planets in Scorpio (Fixed Water, in the Fall), giving Vishwas a powerful total of four planets in Fixed signs.  Yet, with  five (5) of his planets are in a Cardinal sign –so it is Capricorn and not Aquarius that identifies the real tone of his chart – and that tone is all practical and stable Earth.  Finally, he has only one (1) planet in a Mutable (adaptable) sign.  

For those astrologers who prefer to work with the Big Three, his Sun is Fixed Air; his Moon is Cardinal Earth, and his Rising Sign is Mutable Water.  This tells us that the singleton in Air is NOT a deficiency, since it is the Sun.  Nor is the singleton in Mutable a deficiency, since the Rising Sign is also Mutable.  

But this new summation shifts our attention to the Moon and makes it obvious that it will play a strong role in his life.  How will this work?  First, by being in Capricorn,  his focus will be on acquiring status and social position – and on the perfection of his social identity.  Or, for some – as the books say, on assuming a ‘spiritual’ identity.  And here are (according to Ancient Wisdom) the two lessons that Vishwas will be learning: first, that power, status  and self-mastery are intended to make us more efficient servants of Life and of humanity; power is not supposed to be used to inflate the ‘ego’.  And secondly, what religions call an ’assumption of a spiritual identity’ is really nothing more than discovering that each of us is, indeed, the One Self.   (Or so the Cabala says).  

The Moon

The Moon rules feelings, emotions and instincts; and it also represents Nature or what nourishes us; and do not forget that the Moon symbolizes all that connects us to what is living and vital.  And – since ALL of our actions are executed through the power represented by the Moon, this planet represents how Vishwas will learn to adapt, to accommodate and to mature.  And the answer is: with all of that Cardinal substance represented by five planets in Capricorn, he will participate in Life actively, intensely and with a driving need to bring about change.

And yet, the Moon must also reflect the Sun’s purpose, which is humanitarian.  So, to learn how these two might work together we will turn to his Pisces ascendant, and look (in his chart) for both Jupiter and Neptune because they are the co-rulers of Vishwas’ chart.

The Midpoint Release


It is, of course, Pisces on the Ascendant that makes Jupiter and Neptune the co-rulers of Vishwas’ entire chart.  And we find both are in conjunction, and also conjunct to the cusp of the eleventh House (the House of Aquarius, and pointing to work with large groups of people), AND at the midpoint of the trine between Pluto and the Ascendant (Pisces).  What are the odds on that happening?

Further, looking for the meaning here, their midpoint position gives both Jupiter and Neptune the power to focus and give focus purpose to Vishwas’ life, as expressed by Pluto’s trine to the Ascendant.  So now it is Pluto that moves to center stage in this reading.  

Pluto moves so slowly, it effects an entire generation of humans.  It was in Scorpio from 1984 to 2000, marking the beginning of the great upheavals of our time.  But its position in the eighth house is personal for Vishwas, and marks his ability to keep transforming his body and his emotions as he expands his role of self-discovery during this lifetime.  It also suggests he posseses deep insights both into the machinery of the Universe, and into the unique insights that his Pisces Ascendant provides him.  These are two separate powers: Pisces is psychic and intuitive and emotional; but Scorpio looks deeply into the inner secrets of Nature and into the power of transformation.  

The trine (120 degrees) is Water to Water (Scorpio to Pisces) so signifies a harmonious release of the energy of change and transformation.  What Vishwas will discover, or so I believe, is that learning begins with transformation of one’s own self; and then, with a more powerful ‘self’ he can expand his influence to creatively influencing his environment and the people he works with.  And my belief here is, at least, based upon my understanding of the teachings of Ancient Wisdom.    

And we can now move to test this assumption by beginning our investigation of his Karmic Task, as indicated by the Tree of Life.  

Marbeh  :smt004  

(next post: we will usie the decanante of the Sun to determine the Karmic Task for this lifetime).

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Re: first reading for Vishwas

Post by Vishwas » Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:49 pm

First thing thank u for the readings. I would love to see this again with the images, if they accept my membership in that group soon. & i have asked some questions or made some more points on what u have said. But i am not a good writer, so forgive me if it sounds rude. I always try saying or doing or writing something, but it always ends up kinda rude in the end.

But before i ask u about this, i want to know, are you sure you don't know me from anywhere else other than this site???

The pattern formed by your planets is commonly called a Bundle, and reveals a very tight grouping of all ten planets within an orb of 98 degrees; Finally, seven of your ten planets are in the Eastern Hemisphere, signifying someone who looks eagerly toward what each new day may bring.  

Is it having in a bundle like this good?? & how does it differ, if i had it say in anyother part of the circle. & yes most of the days (lets say 99 in 100) everyday when i get up or throughout the day, i think ok, what is going to happen next, how will i be if it is anything good, or what will i do if it is bad. I am worried daily, i see that more as a curse.
The Bundle identifies you as a person who can accomplish a great deal during your life because of that great concentration of power (your planets) focused on a relatively narrow field (out of all the Houses or arenas of possible self-expression).
I have never been able to accomplish anything properly. & i always have these fear of failure & what next.

Then, after a quarter-cycle of Saturn (one Saturn ‘season’ or 7-8 years), you were a child who could reason and work with abstract symbols.  You could even think about thinking.  And yet, as you remember, your sense of ‘self’ – although greatly expanded from that of the infant’s (or even the toddlers), was rather limited to that of your social roles – as a child, a student, a son, a family member, and etc.  Do you see?
That makes a lot of sense & i never thought of the Saturn cycles in that way before.

And now, at 22, (three full Saturn ‘seasons’ or quarters), you are finally an adult, and if you are lucky (or an ‘old soul’), you HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA OF WHO YOU ARE!  And isn’t that far better than the many who, at 21 or 22, seem to be convinced that running with their peers, and getting drunk or getting laid, are among the highest priorities that Life can offer?  
Again are u sure u don;t know me from anywhere else than this site. Man that is the same question i seem to be asking, "WHO THE HELL AM I". "WHAT AM I" "WHY I AM LIKE THIS", Well it is better than the other idiots of my generation i agree, but i still don't understand it.

& you said i was lucky or an old soul. What do u mean by that, i am confused, & i don't think it is lucky to be more confused, than i actually am. & what is this about "OLD SOUL" what is it's significane??

And I emphasize the role of Jupiter because, as co-ruler of your Rising Sign (Pisces) it is the ruler of your entire chart.  
I thought my rising sun or Ascdent was in Aquarius. & most astrologer's & software's show me with a Aquarius Rising Sun.

and you will discover (as you get older) that you are willing and able to disintegrate your old ‘self’ (yesterday’s self) in order to move on to some higher and more universal plane of existence.

Well i don't mind learning more & changing myself for the good. But what has Yin & Yang got to do with it, i thought it was a Chinese Concept.

In the meantime, I would (from looking at your chart) recommend a good education.  With Saturn and Mars both in your ninth house, and both in Scorpio (more about that in a later post), getting the ‘tools’ for success should be a snap for you.  
Well this is where most astrolger's or software's have said & gone wrong. I am not good @ studies & am failing every damn exam i am attending & have lost confidence that i will ever get a degree in my life. I have studied in the Best school in my country for seven years, but i am not good @ studies.

I will reply more after reading the second part.

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Post by swetha » Tue Mar 28, 2006 4:06 am

hello Mr. Morton... that was a wonderful reading (as usual:-)).. cud u put up the images as attachments in the post itself? it will help us understand better.

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reply to Vishwas --

Post by marbeh13 » Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:15 am

Hi --  :)

I can see I am not communicating clearly, but let's wait awhile before I start answering your questions.  Maybe after another post or two.

The chart my computer erected for January 31, 1984m at 8:05 AM shows Pisces Rising at 01 degrees and 14 minutes -- very much on the cusp, but Pisces definitely fits you better.

Pisces Rising su8ggests that you are highly psychic, and THAT alone would be enough to make things confusing.  In general, until you KNOW who you are and where you are going, you will find your situtation in Life rather confusing, or so I would assume.  

I checked your Karmic Task today.  I haven't written the third post, because it requires some background material.  Actually, that missing background is a part of your problem with the first post.  

So, I am thinking of writing a couple of essays which would answer some of your questions.

And no, I do not believe I know you from anywhere.

And, incidentally, your application never showed up at Cabalisticastrology13.  

marbeh  :smt004

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hi swetha --

Post by marbeh13 » Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:22 am


Glad you enjoyed the posts.  

I have tried, and several times, to add attachments at this site, but have always failed.  Maybe I will learn the secret eventually.

However, the URL I posted works instantly for me.  So, now that I have started that, I would prefer to continue this way, simply because MSN charges me for image space.

We will see what develops.

Do the URLs work for you?  I mean, do they take you to Visdhwas reading at cabalisticastrology13?

marbeh  :smt004

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Post by Vishwas » Tue Mar 28, 2006 8:07 am

Thanx for the reply, & i will try to keep all my questions before u finish the reading. But i am not able to login to that site. When i go their i get the following message.
This is a members-only area
You need to be a group member in order to gain access to this area. You have already applied to join this group. You will receive an e-mail when your application is approved or denied by the group manager.

I have applied their in the name Vishwas itself. & in the message, i have said, that i am Vishwas from sunsigns.

Is it possible for u to send me an invite for the group, to my email id if i send u my email id through pm to u??

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VISHWAS --some serious thoughts --

Post by marbeh13 » Tue Mar 28, 2006 9:20 pm

Hi Vishwas –

We have been engaged, thus far, in making a Beginning (Genesis) for your chart, and doing this by looking at the ‘meaning’ of your life ahead and of your ‘self’.  And in the manner which I define the Cabala, there may be little difference between these two words – ‘self’ or ‘meaning’.  The Cabala tells us that it is Man (male and female, Yang and Yin) who gives meaning to all existence.  

In short: we are not dealing with common newspaper astrology.  Instead we are looking into what the ancient Chinese sources called the ‘Tao’, and we will get to that in a moment.  But first comes the ‘Beginning’, and just what exactly this might mean?

In the Old Testament the Hebrew word translated as ‘Genesis’ is B’Rashith (B or ‘in’ and Rashith or ‘Beginning’).  But the Lexicon tells us that Rashith also means ‘the Principle Thing’.  So, the first Chapter of the Bible could be titled: ‘In the Principle Thing’.  Further, the word Rashith comes from a verb-root, RASh, meaning ‘head’ or ‘chief’.  And with different vowel points, the same three letters mean ‘the beginning, the first’.  

If one ‘tunes in’ to this (using our feminine intuition or Yin side), the intimation is clear: any Beginning starts with a conscious intent of some sort.  So it starts in the head.  So – our reading of your chart asks: ‘what is the conscious intent of Life in giving birth to you for this particular incarnation?’  And we ask because the Cabala tells us (as do many other spiritual disciplines) that this conscious intention of Life will be carried in every cell of your Being, as well as in the Medley of your thoughts.

So, back now to the Tao (or Meaning), which The Secret of the Golden Flower has defined as follows:

‘That which exists through itself is called the Way (Tao).’

In other words, that which exists through Itself is ‘meaning’.  And the Hui Ming Ching adds the following:

‘The subtlest secret of the Tao is human nature and life.’

English has no word for ‘Tao’.  The Chinese character consists of a sign for ‘head’ (taking us back to RASh) and a sign for ‘going’ (taking us back to ‘Beginning’).  So we can understand the word ‘Tao’ as meaning a ‘Way’, but Richard Wilhelm – who translated both the Golden Flower and the I Ching, simply translated ‘Tao’ as ‘Meaning’.

So, and returning to the subject of your natal chart – which maps your past, present and future, we ask this question: ‘How do we know we are going somewhere?’  And the answer is: Because we are Conscious.  

Consciousness lives in us!  And paraphrasing St. Paul (who was really speaking about the Christ), we realize that:

‘It is not I who lives, IT lives me.’

And here the ‘IT’ is the ‘Son of Man’ – an archetypal pattern from which we all are sprung, and WHO lives in a material body.  Obviously, this is not a concept which can be expressed in intellectual terms.  The world’s religions have seized on it (in every culture) to make IT a God, and thus encourage the rest of us to support IT’s Priests.  But if we try to step outside the limits of such a childish view of life, then we find that our language defeats us.  

The statement ‘IT lives’ is a subjective one.  It can only be made by a subject who (somehow) feels itself to be separate from all else in the universe.

The statement ‘IT live in me’, makes IT an object – a God (perhaps) who lives separate from me.  So, obviously, language cannot join us to our own Consciousness.  

And, in conclusion, Vishwas, I strongly feel you have certain expectations from a chart reading, and I am afraid that I can never really fulfill those expectations.

Marbeh  :)

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Post by Vishwas » Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:27 am

Well for once (again) in my life i don't know what to say. This reading is turning out to be very .... (i don't know what to say).

But yes i had some expectations in from this chart reading, but i want to tell me the most as possible. As u have already said, i am a confused guy, i need to know who i am, what i am, & what i will be. (I know u can't answer all of them, hell i being myself can't answer them).

But plz, tell me anything & everything u can, good or bad. I need to know, i am dying being a 22 year old, with no future in sight, i want to do many things, but none are happening. I would love for someone to tell me, that "Vishwas this is what u are supposed to do" then if it is good, i will do it, if it is bad, i will fight my fate. But i don't want to remain like the ignorant person i am now. (Ignorance is the Biggest Sin).

I will now w8 for u to post further reading. Thanx for all the info u have given till now, i will w8 more, before i go asking questions.

& yes, i have sent u a pm, plz read it.

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