What am I doing wrong?

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What am I doing wrong?

Post by clover73 » Sat Apr 05, 2008 7:55 am

I know I'm always posting with questions but here's another one.  Can't help it.

I heard that sometimes people who pass need about a year before they start to come around or make contact especially if they were really sick before they passed or had a bad trama.  It's been well over a year now.  I've been doing everything that people have suggested and I'm still not getting anything.  I meditate and I talk to him all the time.  Am I just missing something or do you have to be really gifted to experience their messages and things?  My cousin is a Psychic and she says that he talks to her whenever I'm on the phone with her.  She gives me messages from him but there hasn't been anything that I have gotten myself.  Is there something else I could be working on?


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Post by spiritalk » Sat Apr 05, 2008 2:39 pm

The usual time for acclimatization on the other side before return is 3 months.  But of course this is just an arbitrary figure - I had someone come to a lady after 2 weeks.

Compatibility is so much more important.  We do mediumship work through our own guide because of compatibility and the law of attraction.  Opening to anyone or anything is just not good practice.  

When we get messages (and it can come on any of our 5 senses - sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch - tactile and emotional) from our loved ones they do not resonate as what they are - it is a trust thing.  Firm up your attunement with your own spirit guide and then you will be rewarded with a message from the one you want to hear anything.
God bless, J

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Post by clover73 » Sun Apr 06, 2008 1:56 am

Thank you Spiritalk,  I will make sure to do that.  Also, when I was reading your message I was wondering about my Spirit Guide.  Do they respond to any name that you choose for them or do you have to be told what their names are?  I know that it sounds silly to think that they could have hurt feelings because they know better than anyone that it is not intended as a bad thing to call them another name.  I would just like to be accurate.


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Post by spiritalk » Sun Apr 06, 2008 3:12 pm

I don't use names at all.  I use a specific exercise to contact my spirit guide - a symbol from nature.  I meditate upon a garden for peace then place a specific flower on which to contact my guide.  When the energy changes, and it does, they are there to work with me and for me.

There is no emotion with spirit, but courtesy on our part dictates a respectful attunement process.  I would not appreciate answering when you called someone else to you.  How about you?  I know -that is a human thing.  Spirit is just a human without body.
God bless, J

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Post by cancer73 » Wed May 21, 2008 12:59 am

spiritalk wrote:The usual time for acclimatization on the other side before return is 3 months.  But of course this is just an arbitrary figure - I had someone come to a lady after 2 weeks.

Compatibility is so much more important.  We do mediumship work through our own guide because of compatibility and the law of attraction.  Opening to anyone or anything is just not good practice.  

When we get messages (and it can come on any of our 5 senses - sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch - tactile and emotional) from our loved ones they do not resonate as what they are - it is a trust thing.  Firm up your attunement with your own spirit guide and then you will be rewarded with a message from the one you want to hear anything.
Really? I swear my nana came to visit me with in a few days of her death.  She was in a drug induced coma the last 4 days of her life would that make a difference? I am almost sure it was her, it looked like her, talked like her, and she told me not to worry that she wasnt dead! I had her come to me several time in dreams after that but havent heard from "her" in a while (this did happen this last december).

Maybe it was wishful thinking on my part. :smt009

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Post by looking_glass » Wed May 21, 2008 3:51 am

I've heard different time periods but I don't ascribe to any of them. My uncle came to me within an hour of his passing, and my grandma came to me at the moment of her passing. I believe it is a matter of just being aware/believing they are there with you. Be open to the idea. Be open to the idea that they may communicate in ways you may not completely understand, whether through animals, a simple thought in your heard. Sometimes it is subtle and other times it is as clear as anything can be. Trust what you feel most of all.

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Post by squeaky » Mon May 26, 2008 3:43 am

Maybe it was wishful thinking on my part

no it was not. spirit talk stated that it was an arbitrary figure, and it is. many see and communicate very quickly, some don't.

sometimes it is harder to see a loved one because we try too hard. relax and allow any sense of your loved one to come through. remember you are receiving not emitting. to start you could affirm you would like a dream communication. feeling is fine to start so maybe try taking baby steps and don't put pressure on yourself

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Post by spiritalk » Tue May 27, 2008 8:15 pm

Really? I swear my nana came to visit me with in a few days of her death.  She was in a drug induced coma the last 4 days of her life would that make a difference? I am almost sure it was her, it looked like her, talked like her, and she told me not to worry that she wasnt dead! I had her come to me several time in dreams after that but havent heard from "her" in a while (this did happen this last december).

Maybe it was wishful thinking on my part.  Cancer

I really feel she was confused.  The drug induced state in the end of her life left a bit of mental confusion.  When she has rested, she will settle where her spirituality has fitted her to occupy.  We all draw to where we are intended to be.  

There are places in spirit similar to hospitals where the new arrival that is confused goes to regain their composure and spirit.  When ready to look at their new life and environment, they will be led to those that are there to meet them and take them to their new life.

Sometimes spirit communicates immediately upon going into the light.  When they have settled in, they come again and tell about their experiences.  She will know more when she comes to you.
God bless, J

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Post by NAAANEE » Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:03 pm

IN HINDU SYSTEM they tell the spirit will be roaming around its surroundings till the ceremony of putting food for 9 or 11 days.then only it will depart.but i do not know exactly how long it will take time for re-birth.every year it is better to do ceremony for them.some people does monthly too !

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:49 pm

Timing is everything.  And time is just on earth - there is no time in spirit.  

When a soul first leaves the body, they tend to hang around family til after the funeral.  During the funeral many are seen to go into the light - they are realizing they have died.  When they do not come to this realization is when they become 'stuck' spirit.  

After going into the light is when the timing is given.  Some say it can be up to 3 months to get acclimatized to spirit realms before the newly departed are fit to communicate.  As there is no time in spirit realms, this is an arbitrary time frame developed by earth based groups or people.
God bless, J

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