Chart Ruler

Learn about the influence on your life of the planetary positions, and their placement in the various astrological houses.

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Chart Ruler

Post by swetha » Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:50 am

This is the Planet that rules the Sign on the Ascendant of your Natal chart and its placement in your chart strongly affects all other parts of the chart.

There can be more than one ascending sign, in the case of an intercepted sign in the 1st house. In a natal chart, the ruler represents whosever chart it is. In predictive charts the ruler represents the person/entity the chart is drawn up for.

The ruler for each sign are:

Ascendant  Ruler

Aries              Mars
Taurus           Venus
Gemini          Mercury
Cancer           Moon
Leo                Sun
Virgo              Mercury
Libra               Venus
Scorpio           Pluto
Sagittarius       Jupiter
Capricorn        Saturn
Aquarius          Uranus
Pisces              Neptune

Sun - gives health, physical strength, vitality. This is one of the most fortunate placements, tending toward a long life and strength even in old age. Very strong recuperative powers, an optimistic disposition and much energy. Even in a bad chart, this one helps to offset anything negative. This placement also gives charisma and makes one well liked by others.

Moon - Good for cooking, domestic ability, family. Sensitive and emotional. Psychic ability, these people are moody and often fond of places near water. They are maternal. Home and family are very important to them. Often there is an ability for chage in the area of having different identities, aliases. Changes in looks. Sometimes they may change color of their hair often.

Mercury - Intellectual, talkative, active mind, adds quickness and speed in thought and action. Often this placement gives intelligence. More than likely the person will remain young, even in old age. Writing ability is indicated. These people can excel in careers specific to communication; media, speaking, journalism and so on.

Venus - Makes one attractive, charming, gives beauty, artistic talent and a sense of good taste. These people have charisma. Unless Mars is strong, they are usually refined and well mannered, with a strong dislike of coarseness or crude behavior in others.

Mars - Outgoing, hot headed, energetic, good for heath, impatient Gives competitiveness and athletic ability, fearless pioneering spirit. The born leader. Many military leaders have this conjunction. Officers, Generals and those who have extensive careers in the military.

Jupiter - Protects, gives confidence, luck. Optimism, lucky, these people often overextend themseves and get away with it. Overindulgent and fond of travel. This gives a pleasant disposition and they are generally well liked. There is also a tendency to be large in some way, either large boned, tall or heavy.

Saturn  - This one is bad. The tighter the conjunction, the more malefic the influence. Pessimism, hard luck, hard life, overly serious. Other aspects need to be taken into consideration.

Uranus - Rebellious, freedom loving, original, unusual. This can give genius, a talent for electronics, invention, and advanced mathematics. Nervous outbursts are common. The person with this placement is likely to be exceptional in some way.

Neptune - This can also be malefic when conjunct a ruling planet. It is often found in charts of the mentally ill, drug addicts, alchoholics, aberrants, people who are abnormally sensitive, unreliable. (Only with the conjunction does this apply) On the upside, the chart ruler conjunct Neptune is found in the charts of many famous composers and musicians. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus in the ability to create beauty. Poets, artists and dancers often have this conjunction.

Pluto - Extreme intensity, gives ability in magickal practice, strong feelings, much inner strength, do or die, death before dishonor attitude, all or nothing. Frequently seen in the charts of those who are born sorcerers. These people tend to transform those they come into contact with.

When the Chart Ruler is in the:

1st House: This person plays the role of a real go-getter and do- it-myself sort of person. This is the self-made man or woman who will always express their own point of view.

2nd House: This person is interested in money and possessions and deciding what his own values will be. Security issues and self-worth are of paramount importance.

3rd House: This is the person who may choose the role of the go-between or the link in the family. A good communicator and mentally active.

4th House: This may have been the little "mother" in the family and continues the role to adulthood. This person needs the solid foundation of a home and family.

5th House: This may have been the scamp, the romantic or the fun loving type. They may have a natural bent for creative ventures and could also express their ego and their love through children.

6th House: This can be the hypochondriac or the workaholic. They are the list-keepers and the organizers. They can also be the ones who complain the most when they are overburdened with what they take on themselves.

7th House: There is a need for sharing and for other people. This may be a competitive person and one who needs to express themselves through others. They might also be dependant types.

8th House: This person may be one who handles other people money for them. They may have a high interest in research, psychology, occult matters, death and birth, and sex.

9th House: This is the roamer in the family. The one who wants to spread their wings and fly away. Higher education, travel and ideas are all important.

10th House: Status and prestige, career fulfillment, being an authority figure are all important to this person.

11th House: Planning for the future and working with friends and groups are key. This can be an idealist or a techno freak.

12th House: This person may want to be very private or secret. They may enjoy working behind the scenes rather than up front.

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Post by cibba » Tue Apr 11, 2006 11:05 pm

Neptune - This can also be malefic when conjunct a ruling planet. It is often found in charts of the mentally ill, drug addicts, alchoholics, aberrants, people who are abnormally sensitive, unreliable. (Only with the conjunction does this apply) On the upside, the chart ruler conjunct Neptune is found in the charts of many famous composers and musicians. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus in the ability to create beauty. Poets, artists and dancers often have this conjunction.
What's a ruling planet? Is the sun one of them?

I have Sun conjunct Neptune
          Moon square Neptune
          Mercury conjunct Neptune

Is this bad?

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Post by cibba » Wed Apr 19, 2006 4:06 am

Seriously, is this bad? I'd really like to know.

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Post by virinchi » Wed Apr 19, 2006 5:00 am

neptune isn't really as bad as uranus.
neptune can be malefic only in few positions to ascedent and in few signs

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Post by yerbatera » Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:49 am

MM Swetha!

Saturn  - This one is bad. The tighter the conjunction, the more malefic the influence. Pessimism, hard luck, hard life, overly serious. Other aspects need to be taken into consideration.

Could you please explain which other planet this would be in conjunction with (the natal Sun?)?  I'm a Sun in Sag, Cappy rising, Scorpio moon (and my Jupiter is retro).  All the 12th House Sun stuff is dead on!

Thanks in advance!

mp, y

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Post by sara31tx » Thu Nov 15, 2007 7:18 pm

cibba wrote:Seriously, is this bad? I'd really like to know.
Sun conjunct Neptune
With Neptune aligned with their egos and their wills, people born under this aspect seek out some added dimension in their lives. Whether that is spiritual, artistic, or simply "different", there is some kind of quest for higher meaning with this aspect. Neptune acts to soften the will, which can translate to a weakened willpower and susceptibility or impressionability. On the other hand, it can also signify a person who doesn't want to be defined by the ego--someone who seeks to breakdown ego boundaries. Divine inspiration or a life of delusion? Much depends on the rest of the chart and how evolved the native is.

These people are dreamers and idealists. They resist being labeled or defined. It's truly hard to pin these people down. Neptune acts to heighten or add a dimension to whatever planet it contacts. With the Sun, there is a need to experience something more than the simple self. Those born under a Sun-Neptune conjunction may glamorize their role in the world, or they seek to connect to something higher than themselves. They want to be something special, and it can be easy, with this sensitivity, to feel disappointed with the ordinary grind. Their memories of their lives and their experiences can be far removed from reality.

Sometimes those with this aspect have dreamy ideas about men in general. There may have been a missing or weak father figure in early childhood. The experience of this confusing figure is carried with the child through life and is partly responsible for the grown-up child's identity problems. Sometimes it doesn't have to do with the father or father figure specifically, but early childhood featured a confusion of boundaries or a lack of clearly defined rules or direction.

A great appreciation for music is usually present, and often for other art forms. An attraction to spiritual and metaphysical subjects is usually characteristic of these people. A distinctly emotional and sensitive personality is also common. At their best, people with Sun conjunct Neptune in their charts are very compassionate and tolerant people. They are susceptible to being led astray or used, as they too readily believe in others' integrity.

Moon square Neptune and Moon opposition Neptune: You are a dreamer, attracted to the inner, mystical side of life, and may have trouble distinguishing the real from the imagined or illusory. You do not enjoy confrontation and become very evasive when problems in your personal life arise, escaping into your imagination in order to avoid dealing with them directly. You are also rather gullible and naive about people, especially if your sympathy has been aroused. You are very sensitive to music and can use it to bring yourself into emotional balance and harmony.

Mercury conjunct Neptune
Mercury/Neptune contacts indicate an active imagination, sensitive perceptions, and heightened intuition. Your mind is open to the more subtle or spiritual aspects of reality. You have a gift for sensing public moods and anticipating future trends. In adversarial relationships, you readily sense your opponent's motives and potential strategic moves. This skill is useful for fields as diverse as diplomacy, creative writing, journalism, marketing, financial investing, military planning, and psychic investigation. The creative and imaginative aspects of Neptune often indicate a talent for art, music, painting, sketching, acting, film, photography, and so on. You may have an interest in studying Neptune-ruled matters such as oils, gases, chemicals, medicines, or anything involving the feet. You could also be interested in hypnosis, counseling, meditation, dream analysis, psychic phenomena, and spiritual development. If this conjunction forms stressful aspects, you may have problems paying attention or be prone to dreamy, nebulous, or illogical thinking

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Re: Yikes!

Post by hemal_bhach » Fri Nov 16, 2007 9:09 am

yerbatera wrote:MM Swetha!

Saturn  - This one is bad. The tighter the conjunction, the more malefic the influence. Pessimism, hard luck, hard life, overly serious. Other aspects need to be taken into consideration.

I differ from the statement, because saturn in the first house, without any conjunct, have always produced great individuals and successful ones. any other malefic grah conjunct or giving drishti is a different thing....Please elaborate your arguement..Only saturn, I ahev never found to be malefic, anywhere.

Could you please explain which other planet this would be in conjunction with (the natal Sun?)?  I'm a Sun in Sag, Cappy rising, Scorpio moon (and my Jupiter is retro).  All the 12th House Sun stuff is dead on!

Thanks in advance!

mp, y


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Re: Yikes!

Post by RishiRahul » Fri Nov 16, 2007 9:21 pm

hemal_bhach wrote:
yerbatera wrote:MM Swetha!

Saturn  - This one is bad. The tighter the conjunction, the more malefic the influence. Pessimism, hard luck, hard life, overly serious. Other aspects need to be taken into consideration.

I differ from the statement, because saturn in the first house, without any conjunct, have always produced great individuals and successful ones. any other malefic grah conjunct or giving drishti is a different thing....Please elaborate your arguement..Only saturn, I ahev never found to be malefic, anywhere.

Could you please explain which other planet this would be in conjunction with (the natal Sun?)?  I'm a Sun in Sag, Cappy rising, Scorpio moon (and my Jupiter is retro).  All the 12th House Sun stuff is dead on!

Thanks in advance!

mp, y

I think it is obvious that the present thread deals with Western astrology(sayan charts).

Your view is regarding Vedic astrology.


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Re: Yikes!

Post by hemal_bhach » Sat Nov 17, 2007 8:03 am

RishiRahul wrote:
hemal_bhach wrote:
yerbatera wrote:MM Swetha!

Saturn  - This one is bad. The tighter the conjunction, the more malefic the influence. Pessimism, hard luck, hard life, overly serious. Other aspects need to be taken into consideration.

I differ from the statement, because saturn in the first house, without any conjunct, have always produced great individuals and successful ones. any other malefic grah conjunct or giving drishti is a different thing....Please elaborate your arguement..Only saturn, I ahev never found to be malefic, anywhere.

Could you please explain which other planet this would be in conjunction with (the natal Sun?)?  I'm a Sun in Sag, Cappy rising, Scorpio moon (and my Jupiter is retro).  All the 12th House Sun stuff is dead on!

Thanks in advance!

mp, y

I think it is obvious that the present thread deals with Western astrology(sayan charts).

Your view is regarding Vedic astrology.




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Post by makowtom » Tue Nov 20, 2007 10:54 pm

Please - what can I do when I do not know the actual birth time.  How do I best make a zodiac without knowing that information......?

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Post by RishiRahul » Tue Nov 20, 2007 11:16 pm

makowtom wrote:Please - what can I do when I do not know the actual birth time.  How do I best make a zodiac without knowing that information......?


One can show his palm or numerology or resort to horary/prashna for getting reply from particular questions.

Again if the apprx time is known one can resort to correcting the birth time.


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correcting the birth time

Post by kesavada » Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:19 am

correcting the birth time, ...
I like read natal Chart Norh Indian

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:55 am

This is the Planet that rules the Sign on the Ascendant of your Natal chart and its placement in your chart strongly affects all other parts of the chart.
The ruler of a chart is something that's still debated.  If you ask a group of astrologers how to find the ruler of any chart, you're going to get one of three different answers (maybe more, but these three are definitely more popular).

The first one you'd get is the one listed above, the ruling planet of the Sign Ascending.

The second you'd get is the planet that performs the most aspects.  The mentality behind this one is since this planet connects and spreads itself more over the chart by planet-planet relationships, it must rule the chart.

The third (the one I prefer) is finding the Lord of Genture in a chart.  The Lord of Genture is the planet with the most essential and accidental dignity, so the planet that has the most power behind it.

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Re: Yikes!

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:41 am

Rishi and Hemal,

Since conjunctions are being discussed, vedic astrologers should also cock their ears! Because those would apply to the vedic chart too (unless close to a sidereal sandhi-cusp). Afterall the sun or saturn (traditional planets at least!) do not change their hats when *speaking* to western or eastern astrologers :-)

Does that make sense? If tropical and sidereal astrologies and astrologers must work together we must begin in places where there are closer commonalities (where ayanamsha can be avoided!) such as in the case of conjunctions and some trines and other special aspects for certain planets (sextile, square, quincunx) even if we do not want to go into partial aspects which makes the common points even more in number.

The intention to work together or at least a healthy curiosity is there in both camps as I notice because we see individuals firmly footed in one or the other system often visit the other camp. This is healthy and must be encouraged. There are very few forums where such a diversity of paths exists within the same large tent! Reminds me of good old days...!


[quote="hemal_bhach"][quote="RishiRahul"][quote="hemal_bhach"][quote="yerbatera"][color=green]MM Swetha!

[quote]Saturn  - This one is bad. The tighter the conjunction, the more malefic the influence. Pessimism, hard luck, hard life, overly serious. Other aspects need to be taken into consideration. [/quote]

I differ from the statement, because saturn in the first house, without any conjunct, have always produced great individuals and successful ones. any other malefic grah conjunct or giving drishti is a different thing....Please elaborate your arguement..Only saturn, I ahev never found to be malefic, anywhere.

Could you please explain which other planet this would be in conjunction with (the natal Sun?)?  I'm a Sun in Sag, Cappy rising, Scorpio moon (and my Jupiter is retro).  All the 12th House Sun stuff is dead on!

Thanks in advance!

mp, y


I think it is obvious that the present thread deals with Western astrology(sayan charts).

Your view is regarding Vedic astrology.





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need in vedic astrology which graha rules which houses

Post by Sanken » Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:33 am

need in vedic astrology which graha rules which houses
Loose yourself to find yourself!!!!!!!!

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