The Spirit of Thunderstorms

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Thought Energy Device
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The Spirit of Thunderstorms

Post by Thought Energy Device » Mon May 26, 2008 8:48 pm


The following is just another example of my experiences that I continue to have.  Some may call my experience a form remote influencing, which in one way, began as so.  I do remember back in the mid to late 1990's I was listening to a late night radio program where a guy was explaining something impossible, which was called remote viewing.  

In my mind, what this man had explained concerning remote viewing made perfect sense to me.  Based on what information I had already listened to from that radio program, I began to meditate and take remote viewing a lot further that what it all was.  Back then I did not know what to call this and I had never heard of remote influencing until a few years ago.

The Spirit of Thunderstorms
Long story short, I had been working at a warehouse, outdoors for over a year when I decided to switch to night shift.  Lot cooler working on Florida nights than on hot Florida days.  My co-worker was a very, well, he was kinda evil in my eyes and he soon did not like me doing my job.  Mainly because he did not like to work and my work seemed to make him look bad, I'm guessing.  Based on his daily complaining about me, he soon had our shift supervisor working against me.  All I wanted to do was do my job and go home.  One eveing before a safety meeting I found out that an employee had been eletricuited while working in an over the road trailer.  I had also seen the ambulance in the parking lot.  Apparently lightening had struck the trailer while he was inside of it and the natural voltage had contacted him.  Durring the safety meeting I raised my concerns of this.  The supervisors told me that the incident did not have anything to do with what was going on in the warehouse, were the majority did work and that I would be counseled after the meeting.  After the meeting I explained to the supervisors that my father had been killed by lightening, so I was a bit concerned for my out door safety while working.  

Actually this lightening storm issue had been on my mind for a long time.  Many times while working out doors I had lost count of the lightening strikes and within one minute of trying to count them all.  The ware house had lost power serveral times in one month due to lightening and it happened 5-6 months in a row.  The company's guard shack had even caught fire because of a lightening strike.  The supervisors already knew that the outdoor employees did not work when ever it was lightening outside.  What I was trying to do was reason with them and use two different facts concerning it all, which was my father and the recent employee who was hurt by lightening.  My plan had back fired on me.  The supervisors then agreed that I could come indoors when ever it was bad weather, but if I did too many times they would have to make me an indoor worker, which was a lot less in pay and skill.

After that I walked out doors and had seen a very dark black and blue thunderstorm heading towards warehouse.  It was about 20 miles away and it was huge.  I knew the storm patterns well here in Florida becase I had lived here most my life.  Through some dowsing I talked to the energy or "Spirit of Thunderstorms" and we then made some agreements.  No matter when I came to work it would never storm, which it did not.  I then visualized a five mile radius invisible shield around the warehouse and it's property.  The shield would let anything pass through it, except thunderstorms.  A few weeks later I over heard an employee say that he was amazed at how the storms would dance around the warehouse and never hit us.  I now believe that it was the negative minds of the majority of the employees that had been attracting these terrible storms all along.

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Post by tourbi » Tue May 27, 2008 2:02 am

Influencing weather is fun.  AND one needs to recognize, altho it may make the area you are in more enjoyable, etc.
it may create major issues for other people in other areas.  
I use weather magick infrequently.  I don't want to make nice weather for me, or make sure my partners car doesn't get hail, when others have crops ruined by the storm have gone off track and over that farming area.  
It is fun making clouds disappear and send storms around an area.  I do understand.  
I had a guide talk to me about the ramifications of my fun and I am much more judicious now. Image

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Post by dhav » Tue May 27, 2008 2:23 am

Lol guys yes it's fun but I have been told to be careful as it can cause some Karmic dept by changing the weather pattern.I woudl do it only in urgent cases. ;-)

Thought Energy Device
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Post by Thought Energy Device » Thu Jun 26, 2008 8:22 pm

Hello all,

Yes, I do understand the law of energy, meaning that if you doing anything in this reality, it affects something or everything else in this reality.  I had only changed the weather with the spirit of greater good and intentions blessings first.  If not I would not had attempted to change the weather.  Not to mention the fact that my co-worker and supervisor at that time was attempting to have me killed by lightening, by forcing me to work in such deadly storms.  Either that, or they wanted me to quit my job, which is a form of financial death or survival burdens anyways.  I am very interested in everyones responces here and I am glad to have at least been able to share on of the many experiences I have had in the past.  

I recently created a website to help teach what I know about RI or Remote Influencing.  I am a natural RI teacher and only learned, through trial and error how to use RI and I always try to use RI for the best interest and greatest good for all involved.  I have documented over 20 yrs. of my own RI experiences so far.

Thank you,

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