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Post by DESREVR » Tue Jun 10, 2008 6:28 pm


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Post by Bandit81101 » Tue Jun 10, 2008 6:47 pm

I don't have any kids with adhd or add, but my older brother had it, and I do childcare for a class called helps.  the class basically is a resource for parents with children with behavorial disorders such as add or adhd.  While the parents are in the class, I take care of their children that have it.

So I guess I have a little expierence lol  is there a specific question you wanted to know about, maybe I have some thoughts :)

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They insisted I have my son tested

Post by postalsusie » Tue Jun 10, 2008 6:58 pm

I went thru the grinder and learned allot.My son is now 20 and a computer programmer, he multi tasks like you wouldnt believe.

Children NEED structure and schedules. They NEED to eat the same times and go to bed at the same times ect.Actually we all do *s* Look at his diet and make sure you dont have unnecessary sugars. Cut them back anyway and dont let them have diet drinks it screws up your insulin.
Video games. WOW I could talk a mile on this. I did an experiment and found that when I only let my kids play games on week ENDS, the teachers and I had MUCH less problems with behavior.(like NIGHT and DAY)

Settling down before bed- I found that allowing them to read a book for 30-60 minutes helped settle them down and they slept better. If they read a book before they went to bed they were allowed to stay up later - BONUS to them. reading improved their grades and vocabulary across the board BONUS  to me.
Goosebump books, Dr Seus, computer game magazines, junior novels, even joke books.

Martial arts was recommended to teach them discipline and I can see how it would work but it didnt. I signed him up for the best school in town with a renown instructor and he did not watch the kids, I found mine playing in the parking lot repeatedly, AND he would not give me a refund when we quit for that reason. I lost 500$.

mY sons are very smart. teachers hassled me because my one son would sit and pay attention in class, no problem, but his feet would be going a mile a minute. teachers look for the easy out because they cannot control their classroom. If these things dont make a huge diff to your child, I would try relaxation exercises and breathing together, and relaxing music.. something along that line. But please try them they worked for us .

I also tried gently talking to my son while he was asleep. *s* You must be very careful though, only say positive things and never anything detrimental. Its much like the MB Subliminal software... gentle, encouraging reminders will have a peaceful day tomorrow.or when you feel upset take a moment and breath deeply. I found this method to help him be motivated for school work. I said things like.. doing good work at school makes me feel great. and I love it when the teacher says I did well. etc.

I got divorced when my sons were 4 and 7. Their father was messed~ so giving them a very secure, structured and loving home was very important. *s*
Tickle fights were also good medicine *S*

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Post by DESREVR » Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:40 pm

thanks postalsusie. i am copying and pasting your advice so i won't forget.

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Post by janke » Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:46 am

ADHD can be caused by incorrect diet usually caused by sugar, colorants, and preservatives

Biopolar in children can often be misdiagnosed as ADHD. Biopolar is also known as manic depresive

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Post by swduryee » Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:41 am

My son was diagnosed with adhd when he was 2, yea it was very early even the docs said that he has a server case of it, now he is 15 and will be 16 in November. Anyway, there was a lot going on in his life, well in our family life at the time, that caused it. I used to say that it happened because I had so much trouble when he was being delievered as well as almost loosing my life having him. Anyway, I found that when he had stricter order and a proper diet and working with him in different areas he started getting better. The docs had him on meds and kept increasing them until they completely changed his meds. It made him so zoned out that when I would look in his eyes it was like no one was there at all, it was very scarey. I tried to wing him off of the meds but it got worse again so I started him back on a lower dose (although his doctor didn't like it) and while he was on his med and a different environment he started to get better. However, by the time he turned 13 they diagnosed him with bipolar as well. The doctors say that this what he had since he was little but was unable to properly diagnosed him with it due to his age. Now he hates to take his meds and tryes to get out of it when he can. I tought him how to channel his aggeitiation and stuff in a positive way. Now his docs have allowed him to not take his meds except for twice a day and it seems as though it helps him. The sad thing is that while I am trying to help him, I am having to deal with the samething myself and mine isn't as leveled out as his is. We been helping each other.
Looking at the various issues that was surrounding him (actually us) and changing ALLOT of things it helped.

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Post by Deborah » Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:12 am

janke wrote:ADHD can be caused by incorrect diet usually caused by sugar, colorants, and preservatives

Biopolar in children can often be misdiagnosed as ADHD. Biopolar is also known as manic depresive
My son was diagnosed with it -- and when he was 3 I went to the library and found / dug up as many books on the topic as I could ... most said what this person has said.

Things I had to avoid with him - ravioli, chef boyardee, kool aide, anything with red dye,  anything high in sugar or cafeen.

Well later in life after much of my college was done .. I found a Dr. Who does train in this field -- and I practice what she preaches daily .. 0 of the kids in my class are on meds and the one that was is no longer- check into Dr. Becky Bailey -
read about the right brain / left brain and how you get them fired together and the child OR ADULT can calm down these simple exercises can help a child focus!

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Post by fisk_82 » Tue Aug 12, 2008 3:57 pm

the first thing to do when your kids diagnosed as ADHD is seek help to the professional... i suggest find a child psychiatrist
usually they will prescribe medicines to balance some hormonal regulator in the brain
it's better to treat ADHD as soon as it's diagnosed

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Post by Prof. Akers » Tue Aug 12, 2008 8:35 pm

As an ex foster parent, the first thing we did with new kids - esp. those diagnosed as hyper active was severely restrict their diet, do this for a month, note thier behaviour - video it if it really improves.
Introduce foods 1 at a time and watch carefully, if their behaviour reverts - video it and show the kids what happens when they eat it!
I was interested in the idea of martial arts - I teach it and all my foster kids came and they all thrived.

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Post by thomasanthony83 » Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:29 pm

I highly recommend the "Nurtured Child Approach" for children with ADD/ADHD. If you haven't heard about it before, it makes a lot of sense while still letting the kid to be a kid. I have a 10 year old boy (my wife's son, not my blood, but might as well be!) and he has what several doctors have described as "Thee most severe case of ADHD they have seen". We have been told that he will not lead a normal life withOUT the use of medicine and has been medicated for the past 6 years. We tried the Nurtured Child Approach to ADHD children with him and all summer (5 months now with NO MEDICATION) and he has been able to be a little boy unlike his previous 6 years being on his zombie inhibiting medications. Things are going GREAT right now and we are working everyday to make him into the young man he is discovering as to be himself. I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone with children of ADD/ADHD. I also have had several people comment oh how they would consider my boy to be an indigo child. I believe it too, but he still has a lot to learn about common sense before I could let him explore that realm of light. I hope this could help someone else out there who might have been in my shoes a few years ago.


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