Wright Patterson AFB

Ummmm Star Wars, X-Files, Star Trek... Parallel Worlds, Planets And Aliens...

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Thought Energy Device
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Wright Patterson AFB

Post by Thought Energy Device » Thu Jun 26, 2008 8:35 pm


I was in my early 20's when I did this, so I did not know exactly what I was doing.  Since then I have advanced my abilities greatly.  I even created a website recently to help teach what I know in the most effective ways.  Thanks, Kevin.

Wright Patterson AFB

I don't consider myself a security threat to any governments and may be they don't feel the same way towards me.  At least for those who are and work beyond all civil and natural laws or "the good and betterment for all involved."  What really maters is that there are no secrets, no threats of any kind out there, except from those that with hold such by way of thier own fear, greed, hate, ego and more.

At one time I had worked on WPAFB in Ohio as a contractor, the same place where much alien technology had been brought to at one time.  Based on local Ohio new paper reports, we were there to clean up some dead biological weapon that had been buried on the base for over 40-50 years.   I was around 23-24 yrs. old and this was when I really began to expand my natural abilities more and more.

I wanted to know if I could some how "nonphysically" go into certain areas of that base without being detected .  Back then I did not know of any techniques to do this, except those that were loosely based on past favorite movies of mine.  For the most part I just used my imagination to do all of this.  While as a passenger in a vehilce, going to a job site on that base, I went into a meditative state of mind.  Right before doing this I was looking out the car window at one of the many different buildings on that base.  It was then I began to focuss on one particular building.  I went into this trance like state and visualized myself being "invisible" and floating through the hall ways of that same building that I had focussed on earlier.

I floated by guards at one hall way entrance, then by an elberate security system.  It was then I had the slight feeling of being watched some how and who ever or what ever was watching me really did not like what I was doing.  "But that is impossible", I thought to myself.  No matter, I pressed on ward.  I then found and went through one of the many doors in the hall way, a door marked "Level 3   Authorized Personel Only" (or something to that effect).  The room was filled with laboratory stuff, computers and other things I had never seen before.  Kinda borring, so I left that room and down the hall I went again, further and further.

That was when the person or being that was watching me said something to me.  It was very loud, like a movie where god was speaking and shaking everything around me while I listened.  "Cease and desist your activities now or face the consequences of your actions!!!"  I could not believe this, that someone or thing had actually caught on to what I was doing there.  That was enough though and I immediately jumped back into my body.

I don't know if it was my own paranoia or not, but I then had the powerful feeling that someone or some thing was now making the decision on weither to take me into custody.  I felt that the vehicle I was in was now being monitored or "tracked" some how.  Who ever or what ever it was, they were well trained for their nonphysical employment for that bases security and I felt that they have done some very bad things to other people before.  Not only that, but they seemd to enjoy their work, which was sickening to me.  I worked on that base for another week or two before I had to leave due to an abscessed tooth.

From the time I had first entered that base, to the time I had left it, I "felt" nothing but strange and mostly bad feelings from it all.  The only thing that kept me on that base was the fact that I was making a lot of money to do what I was trained to do, hazmat clean up. I'd go as far to say that this AFB is mostly satanic in it's energies.  That is the core of that base, yet the majority there do not seem to be such and they are being manipulated to do evil things on a daily basis.
Remember, No matter where you go, there you are.

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Joined: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:57 am
Location: WV,USA

Post by Ladywiz00 » Sun Sep 07, 2008 12:57 am

Good story. My uncle worked up there years and years ago. I don't know why he doesn't anymore but my dad told me he's heard some stories from my uncle and that they did indeed bring up parts of the ufo from roswell and stored them. He wouldn't tell me very much of what he was told, so I don't know much about his time there. I would assume they're doing more there than everyone thinks. I would like to know how to do what you did.   So I'm going to find your website and read it. (or if you have the link to it) Thanks for sharing your story.  :)
"Imagination is more important than knowledge"
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe"   Einstein

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