Kabbalah Tree of Life

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Kabbalah Tree of Life

Post by TuomasT » Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:53 am



The website from which I took these symbols/diagrams says that: "Unless the Son of God personally teaches you the meaning of these symbols, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God."

Based on my experience so far there's some truth in that statement.
I've been trying to wake up the reality to which these symbols are pointing at for a few years now with some degree of success.

Does someone else have any experience about waking up the Tree of Life?

I've noticed that these symbols are usually intepreted as chakra diagrams.
And some are trying to fit them into a "traditional" yogic chakra model. Which means that you basically stay within the boundaries of physical body. But I've noticed that these Tree of Life symbols are actually trying to describe the spiritual body too, which goes beyond the physical body chakra system.

"Then Jesus asked, "What is the kingdom of God like? What shall I compare it to? It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air perched in its branches." Luke 13:18-19

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Post by lighting strikes twice » Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:02 pm

Greetings! I think you on to something here but I am not well versed in the Kabbala but would love for you to expound more.

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Post by TuomasT » Thu Mar 06, 2008 1:50 pm

Greetings lighting strikes twice!

I'm not well versed in Kabbalah either. But I do know something about it based on what I'm experiencing in meditation.

According to my understanding and experience this is how the above symbol corresponds to human psychospiritual physiology:

The centerline which goes from earthly kingdom to heavenly kingdom is a what taoist call the thrusting channel and kabbalah calls middle pillar. It goes up through the center of the body. You raise the energy up through that route. This is the "inner tree of life" or masculine tree. This is connected to the left side of the brain. Establishing the middle pillar should not be confused with raising the kundalini. As far as I understand the middle pillar is supposed to use earth energy instead of sexual energy, which kundalini uses instead. And if done properly middle pillar is more stable.

Everything around the centerline forms the "outer tree of life" or feminine tree. It's a spirit body around the physical body. Physical and spiritual bodies have their own energy. That's why you shouldn't confuse the spirit body with the body energy that you feel within the physical body. It's not the aura either, because aura is the light radiance of body energy. The spirit body or the "outer tree of life". This is connected to the right side of the brain.

The Love sphere in that picture is the Heart center/chakra. Your body is sitting on the foundation (Creation).

I don't advocate beginning from waking up the Tree of Life directly. That's because Jesus said that the kingdom of Heaven starts from a small seed which eventually grows into a tree. If a person is seeking the Kingdom of God, it's important to begin from the right place. Basically it's the Love sphere in the Kabbalah Tree symbol.

This is what I have done: Based on what the Bible says about things, I have invited God's Spirit to live inside the temple that I am and I have fed His presence within me with Love and worship. After stabilizing this experience of loving union with God within me I have established a connection with Heaven. Now I allow the Love and Light from Heaven to nourish the presence of God within in me through loving union with Heaven. Doing this seems to be waking up the reality which is called the Tree of Life.

Jesus has said: "seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (matthew 6:33).

" Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind' ; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself." (luke 10:27)

And "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. (matthew 6:22)
(You establish connection with Heaven through the lamp of the body and the heart)

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Post by lighting strikes twice » Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:01 am

Greetings and thank you TuomasT! One of His disciples asked, how will we see you Lord and not the other's. The lord replied, for anyone who does my Fathers Will, I shall manifest myself unto him and my Father and I shall come unto him and sup and dwell with him (memory). This is true you know. Yes, awakening can be dangerous, just as it is in raising the kundalini without a proper guide. One must be born again to See the Kingdom and born again to Enter the Kingdom (Jesus). I have seen the single eye.

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Post by lighting strikes twice » Sat Mar 08, 2008 1:09 pm

Hello again! Paul of the bible said, I knew a man above 14 years ago. Such an one was caught up in to the third Heaven and seen things and heard things which is unlawful for a man to utter. Strange huh?

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Post by TuomasT » Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:17 am

lighting strikes twice wrote:Hello again! Paul of the bible said, I knew a man above 14 years ago. Such an one was caught up in to the third Heaven and seen things and heard things which is unlawful for a man to utter. Strange huh?
I love the Apostle Paul.

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Post by lighting strikes twice » Mon Mar 10, 2008 1:42 pm

TuomasT wrote:
lighting strikes twice wrote:Hello again! Paul of the bible said, I knew a man above 14 years ago. Such an one was caught up in to the third Heaven and seen things and heard things which is unlawful for a man to utter. Strange huh?
I love the Apostle Paul.

I love Paul also. Are you aquainted with the story of four rabbis - Ben Azzai, Ben Zoma, Elisha ben Abuyah and Aquiba who were two generations before Paul, who entered Paradise? Ben Azzai looked and died. Ben Zoma looked and went mad, and Elisha ben Abuyah became an apostate and only Aquiba survived unscathed. Paul also did not go unscathed.

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Post by satyamani » Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:38 am

Dear One,
The is simple gemotery presentation and can find out in various websites.

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Re: unique

Post by lighting strikes twice » Mon Mar 17, 2008 1:50 pm

satyamani wrote:Dear One,
The is simple gemotery presentation and can find out in various websites.

Greetings! I was found in no book my friend  :smt005 May I also make a note of your introduction!! I would suggest to you that if it is a debate that you may be seeking, or to try and expose me, you will in the end suffer, for you will have discovered that you have only achieved your own fate.  :smt005 Try me and see  :)

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Post by obvious@live.ca » Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:07 am

in a strange way, I think I have been folding in all those points of reference until I am thinking in one point, where everything is in complete understanding and union, so the kingdome of heaven, meets the thingee at the bottom, (memory problems ;)  I call it the earth star, slightly different language dynamics.

lately I have been thinking about if I had to have a spot to say, this is the one spot I am, this is me, I thought it was in my heart, so perhaps it is, but then I kind of felt it below my feet, as if, even when I was walking, i was walking here, now, this is where I am, so perhaps all the body points fold into one spot and then the topmost and bottom most fold into one,

I just felt safer with everything flowing through something that  wasnt my heart, and it helped with the headaches and the shoulder aches, I didnt have to mirror out the energy, or deflect it, or get rid of it, or take a tylenol, I just recentred....when you look at an anatomical picture of the body, it is divided into four, top and bottom, side and side, with the middle point at the belly button, and then I was trying to figure that with my idea of the heart...runs into why is the peace chakra above the heart, shouldnt love and peace be closer together, and then I started folding things up and trying to figure out how to get my folded up map back into the correct configuration,

but then things shift, things change,

keep on getting "poised" on this one, and thinking about how if we are a moment of memory, of light and only the physical reality is where we decide to stop and rememember and our light is always travelling on, what would be the best configuration, the best placement for union, I dont want to end up floating five feet above where I'm supposed to, 75% right, above average, and yet...

wonder if that is why jesus could walk on water (sorry, but someone in my thought it was funny) but perhaps he had a different placement than most everyone else?

strangely enough, that could almost account for orbs?

along time ago, I remember looking at a spot, a red dot, on the ceiling and being subtly afraid....(this was at the start of my journey, before I understood more about what is going on) perhaps it was the wrong spot....my spirit might have chosen a point....seven feet above my body cause I was being a complete and utter jerky stupid nut at the time.....

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Re: unique

Post by obvious@live.ca » Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:14 am

lighting strikes twice wrote:
satyamani wrote:Dear One,
The is simple gemotery presentation and can find out in various websites.

Greetings! I was found in no book my friend  :smt005 May I also make a note of your introduction!! I would suggest to you that if it is a debate that you may be seeking, or to try and expose me, you will in the end suffer, for you will have discovered that you have only achieved your own fate.  :smt005 Try me and see  :)

that's an interesting thought, I said that to the east today (I always talk to the east for some reason when I am debating) I told them, well, now you're going to have to go back and go what I've gone through, and why should the universe waste energy on an experience that has to be 99.9% the same (only the names change), so basically you are gonna be me and go thru what you're putting me through, and now I know it, you know it, so Ha! Back to the beginning with you =)  Meet you there.

I bet they are scrambling trying to fix the situation so they can get themselves out of the creek and try to find us a paddle somewhere along the line ;)

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about the mustard seed

Post by obvious@live.ca » Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:25 am

It takes a lot of faith and creativity and release of normal expectations for a mustard seed to turn into something that birds can perch in

more of a shrub as wikipedia puts it =) and google images, there was only one picture that even came close to looking like trees and they had a really nice lay out, like a vineyard....

I really do think it has something to do with Light Work.

How much of your own personal reality can you question? What can you imagine?

From Wikipedia:
The Complete Gospels notes for Matthew 13:31: "The mustard seed's smallness was proverbial, but it hardly grows up to become a tree." and for Luke 13:19: "Jewish law prohibited the growing of mustard seed in a garden. Mustard is a shrub, not a tree." The Jesus Seminar, which produced the Complete Gospels, rated this saying as one of its 15 red sayings. John Dominic Crossan has proposed that this parable[1], and others, are intentionally provocative. He points out that in Mediterranean climates, such as Galilee, black mustard is a managed weed. The analogy may be that the "Kingdom of God" is ubiquitous, persistently in our presence in the here and now.

ag. I'm going to real in insecurity and disbelief over having said that in general public for the next couple of weeks......

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Post by squeaky » Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:08 pm

the Qabbalah and the tree of life is of jewish origin, you will not find a son of god or jesus christ reference that is legitimate.

the tree of life represents the path to ascension and the orignal words, which were hebrew, in the positions carried the sacred sound to allow the expansion, or enlightenment to commence, life or living was changed due to the enlightenment. until each stage is mastered you can not ascend to the next.

it is a marvelous and unaltered image that radiates to the sacred geometry handed down to man by the angels metatron and shekinah

hope this helps some, the tree of life is very involved, many other forms of ascension may have different names and forms but are essentially pretty similar

warm regards

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tree of life

Post by wavymouth » Sat Jun 28, 2008 11:19 pm

What will happen if you do both the Middle Pillar and Kundalini? Earth energy and Sexual energy? I'd like to know because I am adventurous and don't want to miss out on one if I do the other. How bad will it hurt me to do both, or could it be good? Please tell me ASAP

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Post by Prof. Akers » Sun Jun 29, 2008 9:45 pm

'What will happen if you do both the Middle Pillar and Kundalini? Earth energy and Sexual energy? I'd like to know because I am adventurous and don't want to miss out on one if I do the other. How bad will it hurt me to do both, or could it be good? Please tell me ASAP'

Wavymouth therein lies the problem, do not confuse the Kabbalah with kundalini, they come from a different root, same goes for chakras.
The way to understand kabbalah is through Jewish philosophy, numerology, and the Old Testament.
There seems to be trend to hammer things together and by this eclectism try to make things cohesive that never were, it rarely works.
Do kundalini by all means, research the kabbalah certainly, it's very interesting, read about the the Golden Dawn from early last century, Madame Blavatsky, the Theosophical Society, Aleister Crowley - the great beast - fascinating stuff.
Would you blend christianity and shinto? No you wouldn't because they wouldn't fit, so why attempt it with this?

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