The Essence of Crystals

Know the right astral gems that can make your life progressive

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The Essence of Crystals

Post by Azhar » Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:17 am

The Essence of Crystals
by Nancy J. Walton
Crystals are composed of atoms just like us, with protons, electrons
and neutrons that have a subtle vibration that is aligned with the
Universe. Each kind of crystal has its own unique signature;
harmoniously joined in play within the mineral kingdom.
The purpose of crystals is to give light and healing directed at
evolving the homosapiens and all that live on this planet we call
Terra Firma or Earth. Each crystal has a significant impact;
designed to assist in clearing out stagnant energies and heightening
awareness- essential to balance & unite the physical, mental &
emotional trinity that makes up who we are. The color of the
stones are infinitely related to the creating of the Cosmos with
each color corresponding to that of what we know as or identify with
the Chakras.
To choose a stone or crystal for ourselves or healing others- the
basics still apply to use with consciousness and responsibility for
each the 'owner' of the crystals (as well as the 'client' receiving
the gift of healing energy) from these beautiful forms created from
deep within the earth.
The Basics
To assist in the healing, using stones or crystals, we must first
understand that we are not the healer and the crystals are
the 'tools' to that healing. To choose a crystal for healing, let
us start with the colors and a few simplified ways in choosing a
crystal that coincide & relate to the Chakras.
Seventh Chakra -The Crown/Cosmic Consciousness - White or clear so
use a clear or opaque crystal.
Sixth - The Brow or Third Eye/Psychic Vision - purple in color, you
can use amethyst
Fifth -Throat /Speaking truth & finding our voice - Blue in color;
Indigo blue or Blue lace agate can be used
Fourth - Heart /Love, Compassion - Green; Emerald in color. You
have two choices here - pink/rose quartz can be used or even
watermelon tourmaline, which carries both colors.
Third - Solar Plexus/balanced Personal Power - Yellow. Citrine is
good for this center, or other yellow stones.
Second - Reproductive/Sexuality - Orange. Carnelian can be used.
First - Root, Base of Spine/Foundation of Security - Red in color,
ruby or other red stones as well as black for grounding & protection.
Here is a comprehensive list to choose from:
First Chakra
Black tourmaline: when you are feeling threatened at the survival
level, chose this stone.
Hematite: This stone helps you to set protective boundaries.
Black and snowflake obsidian help you to see what you no longer
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Smoky quartz helps to blend the energies of the 1st and 7th
Tiger's eye helps you to feel secure about physical existence.
Second Chakra
Red garnet brings greater vitality and to help one bring one's
dreams into the material world..
Red jasper helps to connect us to the flowing energies of the earth
and balance out our desires.
Third Chakra
Aragonite has a calming and stabilizing effect, especially on
emotions such as anger and stress.
Calcite (golden) helps to integrate new energies and beliefs areas
related to personal empowerment, such as relationships and
Citrine is the stone most related to balanced the use of our will &
manifesting abundance.
Malachite releases congestion in the solar plexus, and aids
Rhodochrosite assists in deep breathing, thus helping to relieve
anxiety and tension
Rutilated quartz helps to add enhanced creating energy to our
Pyrite helps us to come up with creative ideas, assisting us in our
desire for abundance.
Tiger's eye helps to teach us good timing in terms of when to act on
a dream and is good for young women who are making the transition
into adulthood (leaving the nest) and becoming an individual.
Unakite Helps release conditions which have been inhibiting personal
Fourth Chakra
Aventurine is heart balancing & balancing physical health.
Emerald deepens our ability to love and connects us to its spiritual
Green calcite releases old, limiting beliefs of the mind so that new
ideas can flourish.
Green tourmaline adds emotional depth to one's creations, opening
the creative elements of the heart.
Lepidolite Relieves stress and calms the heart.
Malachite brings old hurts to the surface to be released as well as
releasing congestion in the solar plexus.
Malachite-Chrysocolla blends malachite's ability with chrysocolla's
gift of soothing and calming and stimulates the heart/mind
Pink Calcite releases old painful/hurtful emotional patterns so that
the heart can be open to receive and give unconditional love.
Rhodochrosite relieves anxiety. Rhodonite helps us to be patient
with others.
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Fifth Chakra
Angelite dissolves anger. It also helps us to communicate with
angels & other long-distance communication.
Aquamarine helps us to express ourselves in a tranquil & graceful
Blue lace agate helps to ground our communications and is especially
instrumental for young women to assist them on finding their voice.
Blue Topaz stimulates creativity & helps us to communicate truth
without fear.
Celestite open us up to receptivity & helps to calm an over-active
Chrysocolla assists with self-confidence in personal expression.
Larimar makes possible for us to speak what we feel deeply in our
hearts & souls with others.
Turquoise helps us to engage others to help in the manifestation of
our desires.
Sixth Chakra
Azurite brings old programmed beliefs to the surface to consciously
look at and dissolve them.
Charoite helps to dissolve fears.
Hawk's eye helps us to see our lives as with a wide perspective.
Kyanite dissolves limiting beliefs, helping us to see cause & effect
while giving us the confidence to know that we are ultimately in
charge of how we choose to see/live our lives.
Lapis helps us to discover our hidden beliefs and bring them to the
Sodalite balances our emotionall/mental confusion.
Moss agate balances out the left and right brain.
Sugalite helps to release resentment and guilt & effective
against "psychic vampirism" where the spirit and energy of an
individual is being drained away.
Seventh Chakra
Clear calcite brings spiritual understanding to problems on the
earth plane.
Danburite Assists us in seeing our life from the soul perspective
and bring about a feeling of when life seems very difficult.
Herkimer is uniquely constructed as it has a particular ability to
dissolve chakra blockages.
When buying your crystals, let each one 'speak' to you, notice how
the energy is when you run your hand over it. Cleanse you crystal
when you get home with sea salt and water and let air dry out in the
sun, then bring them in and keep them in a sacred place, ready for
For charging your home, the Feng Shui approach can be applied to
place your crystals and activate the corners of your home.

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