Daily horoscopes for 19th July, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 19th July, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:31 pm


Today you should be wary of people taking advantage of you. If you give certain people an inch, they will surely take a mile. It's not that you shouldn't be friendly and generous like you usually are. It's just that you have to keep an eye out for people who are asking for too much too soon. Plan ahead of the needy people who might try to get on your good side -- have your boundaries set early, so that when they cross them you can remind them to step back and give you space.


Tensions might be running high right now, but you won't have to worry about power struggles today. Everyone seems to be retreating to their own corners for a while, which will give you time to get things done and get out of the war zone when the battles begin again. You can create a positive outcome for yourself if you just stay out of the fray. Avoid pushing anyone's buttons, even if they deserve it. You have too much work to do, and you can't get distracted.


You can see what needs to be fixed in your life right now, and you are starting to come to the conclusion that things need to be radically changed if you are going to get to where you want to be -- but don't get scared, get empowered! You know you need to do it, and you know how to do it -- so do it! Sure, it might take more time than you thought, and it might cause some conflict in your life. But you will feel much happier once things are the way you want them to be.


Sure, money might make the world go 'round, but you should try not to become too obsessed with it right now. Having too little or too much of it might affect your comfort level, but it should not affect your choice of people you want to spend your time with! Friends with different budgets don't have to throw a wrench into your plans. Spending time together is all that matters, so make it a conversation. Find out what everyone wants to do -- and what everyone can afford.


Make your personal relationships your top priority, today. You need to find peace and create harmony with even the most difficult personalities. If you are in the midst of a tug of war, let go of your end of the rope. By being so singularly focused on gaining power over someone else, you're losing sight of what really matters. Give them the power, see what they do with it, and be happy knowing that you put forth every effort to make things right.


Being a member of a team is good for you -- it brings out your compassion, and provides you with the support system you need to stay positive. And if you need to improve on something, a teammate is the best person capable of giving you constructive criticism. If you aren't currently on a team, that's easy enough to remedy -- all you have to do is join a group that fights for a cause you believe in. Or just sign up for an exercise class at the gym!


A lot of the people in your social circle are looking for fun, but they don't want to work for it. It's up to you to pull together some sort of group activity that can keep everyone smiling -- and you have the perfect event in mind (or at least you will by the end of today). Getting input from other people might not be necessary, since they trust you to make the right decisions. This is something you're going to excel at. People will be talking about this for years.


To create greater harmony at home, you need to be focused more on making a compromise than on winning any arguments. Right now, the way things are done, the places where things are stored, and the channel that the television is tuned to are all much more important to someone else than they are to you. So let people have their way for now and know that you are helping to make them happier -- and of course this, in turn, will make you happier in the long run.


If you free yourself from the petty details of life, you will be free to indulge in an exploration of new interests and ideas. So what does that mean for how you live this day? It means that if someone cuts you off in traffic, don't waste energy getting mad at them. If you forget where you left your sunglasses, just wear a hat. And if that certain someone isn't calling you, move on to someone else. You need to act in your life, not react to the actions of others.


Today offers you a great opportunity to stir things up in your life. If you've been itching to get your adrenaline going again, then this is the day you have been waiting for. Getting that jolt might require you to take a risk, but sometimes that is the only way you can get the stimulation you need. Insert yourself into an uncertain situation and just see what happens. No matter what the outcome is, there will be a positive effect on your life.


In a tricky or potentially embarrassing situation today, reach into your brain for a creative idea to solve the problem -- don't worry, it will be there. And if it's not right there at your fingertips, have confidence that your creativity will come to the rescue and help you to at least figure out an effective approach. Your brilliance is legendary among your group, so be prepared for everyone to assume that you know what to do. Don't let the pressure get to you.


You're a lot smarter than the people who will be around you, today. You'll be torn between feeling superior and feeling frustrated -- because like it or not, you have to deal with these folks and get them to understand you. Luckily, your charm and their willingness to listen to direction will help things go smoothly. By the end of the day, you will have accomplished all of your goals, and they will have learned a few new things. It's a nice and equitable exchange.


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