Caul Babies

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Caul Babies

Post by herbie75 » Sat Aug 02, 2008 11:19 am

Just wondering about this 'cos I was born like that!

My Mum always acted like I cheated death and she was lucky to have me...but I just read this thing in a Mystic's Biography where she lists it as an important indication of her abilities??

I am quite psychic...have had visons, premonitions, messages from relatives past for years, I've also had contact with spirits in places I have lived and can feel things when I walk into new places, but I would never have thought that my near death experience at the time of my birth had any influence on this..

My Mother and her Mother  also have/had these abilities, so I just assumed it was a family thing?

Does anyone have any views on this subject that they would like to share with me as I would love to know more about it..

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Post by Crow » Sat Aug 02, 2008 7:11 pm

I have also heard that these  children are suppose to be really smart. Along with what you have said about those born with the caul.

Using my logical mind I gather it is just the way the sack was made.  All my children had to have their sac ruptured.  So if it runs in the family could be that we make those zip lock bags extra tough.   Even at being fully dialated, baby in place, and pushing...those bags would not break!!  Dr's broke it.  Many bags are broken today.  So I think there will be less and less babies born with the caul intact. (amniotic sac)  It is kinda cool to hear about.  There are mixed views about this, kinda wish I understood why some people think it is fine not to break the water, while others swear by it.

Knowing everyone has the ability, like in school. Certain subjects come easier, while others we have to work a little more on.  We all learn differently and at our own pace.  My children are just like other little ones.   Are they destined to be psychic?  Weren't we all?  Before we are taught otherwise.  How many had those little friends only we could see? How many seen little rainbows around people?  How many felt that they could understand what the house cat was saying?  Until the grown ups laughed and said awe that is cute, but enough.  That is my own view.  

Thank you for sharing this with us. There are so much gifts associated with this sign.  Perhaps it had to do with your environment.  If your mom was psychic it sounds like it was okay to talk about.  So it became part of your training, programming, etc.  And with the belief of the caul babies it might have added even more to the mix.  Would it be different had the caul baby been born to someone who didn't believe in it?  These children may be more advanced because of the welcome of the sign.  Oh you see what?  Yes, that is wonderful!!  Not like other children told to stop playing with their imaginary friend.  Dunno just a thought. I'm filled with many, many of those.  :smt002 I still think it is cool as heck, and hope I can see one in my life.  I hear those babies swim around in the sac....research the stories told by midwifes. It is wonderful to read.  Maybe one day there will be an educational video, that would be awesome!  Sounds like you got to experience one of these wonderful births.  That is so cool!!!  Again thanks for sharing.

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Post by Corvuequis » Sat Aug 23, 2008 6:59 pm

One of my favorite stories is about a child who was born with a caul and he was also the seventh son of a sventh son. The story was written by Orson Scott Card, the trilogy was called the Chronicles of Alvin Maker.

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