Capricorn living with other capricorn

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Capricorn living with other capricorn

Post by sweetmotion » Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:12 pm

My mother and I are Capricorn, we are so much a like lol
We argue a lot. We are stubborn lol

Anyone have the same situation?

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Post by Crow » Fri Aug 15, 2008 12:37 am

Asked his input reguarding his Capricorn Mom, and his Capricorn daughter.  Common traits:  Stubborn, Imagination, Determination, Neutrality, Sentimental, Memory, Problem Solving, Creative, Loyalty, Humor, Freedom.

I sympathize with you.  Everyone says Taurus is stuborn.  With my Sag I can reason with, my Taurus I can distract, now with Capricorn she forgets nothing!  Reasoning with her rarely works. Come hell or high water they will get the job done.  Something else I admire, their determination.  Although it is giving me lots and lots of white hair!!  She's the one always keeping me on my toes. ;) I can see where the two of you had your moment.  Were you two close once you grew into adulthood?  

It isn't all bad...I love the vibes these two put off.  Being loved without a word, so deeply they love.  I am showered with gifts that has alot of thought put into it.  (Minus the slice of cheese covered in candy hearts, yuck...but I went along.  She said it was a Cheese Cake for Valentines Day. lol)  Something I learned, never dismiss their gifts.  They are such a blessing.

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Re: Capricorn living with other capricorn

Post by astrologer50 » Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:33 am

sweetmotion wrote:My mother and I are Capricorn, we are so much a like lol
We argue a lot. We are stubborn lol

Anyone have the same situation?
All the fixed signs are stubborn, I wouldn't have said Cappi were per se, but maybe they have their Ascendants in fixed signs or moon in fixed signs OR 5 out of 10planets in fixed signs -- that would make someone stubborn.

You need to understand there is far far more to astrology than just ‘sun signs’ firstly there are 10planets in the sky and 12houses and any one of these 10planets can be in any one of these 12 houses – so there’s 144 possible combinations there –

What is vitally important is your ‘time of birth’ and nearest town and then go to free website like to calculate your natal chart, you may have to reduce the image in Extended chart selection to 63% save to your hard drive, then upload here.

Secondly you need to understand --  When a sun sign is conjunct a heavyweight planet from Saturn onwards, ie: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, that sun person automatically becomes and honorary Saturian, Uranian, Neptunian and Plutonian cos the contact with very strong. Now obviously, you won’t know this until you get your free chart calculated from or many others

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