Questions I have long been pondering...

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Questions I have long been pondering...

Post by Ginak3 » Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:58 am

I am new to this site, so don't know exactly how things work in this forum. But I have 3 very important questions to ask. I am not sure If I am allowed to ask them all at once, but I will write the time for each at the end. I appreciate any help that I can be given.

1. I am currently in love with someone I met last year at university. But now that university is over for both of us, we are both in our own homes. Unfortunately he does not live in the same country as me and staying in touch over phone is our only option until God knows when. And now my family has really started asking me to meet other guys for prospects in marriage. So my first question he the one for me? And is their hope of us having a successful married life in the near future? I am in Clovis, California, USA and it is 12:53 am.

2. And when is a good time for me to be getting married? I am in Clovis, California, USA and it is 12:56 am.

3. Also I have been struggling finishing up my medical education. I am in the middle of my medical college studies and I am having financial set-backs that keep holding me back from completing my education. Will I be able to finish my education and successfully enter into my career? I am still in Clovis, California, USA and it is 12:57am.

Thank you for any help you can give as I have been struggling with these issues for quite some time and need some mental relief.
Last edited by Ginak3 on Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Ginak3 » Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:44 pm

Hi, i have still not received any replies to my post. Just wondering why that is. Did I ask the questions wrong or was there any missing information? As I am new to this website, I do not know much. Please help me get my questions answered. Thank you.

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Post by Youdah » Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:04 pm

Those who do readings, do so voluntarily.  If you look back at past questions in this forum, you can notice that sometimes it takes weeks until someone is able to do the reading.

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Post by Youdah » Sat Aug 16, 2008 6:23 pm

In horary astrology, a chart is made for the exact moment when the question is asked.  It is like the "birth" of the question.  In your post, you've asked about two different things: romance/marriage and education/finances.  Although it's not impossible, asking questions about different things together, or more than one thing being "born" at the same time, it can become difficult.  Like twins who are both trying to be born at the same exact time...they can be born near the same time, but not at the exact same time.  Consider the Bible quote that says "no man can serve two masters."  Only one thing at a time.  This doesn't necessarily mean that you can have one, but not the other.  But, it definitely shows that you should give all your attention to one thing at a time, to not split your energies by trying to do two things at once...and this is what you are trying to do.  Make time for each and set priorities.

Yet, this is what we have.  A situation where two different things are trying to come to light at the same time, not only by you asking two different questions, but also in your life.  Since this isn't very easy or impossible, we have to take a look to see "who" is "born" first.  In this chart, it is education/finances.  Either you were thinking about your education in more importance when you asked the question, or it held more worry and concern for you, than did romance.  Because there is a major lunar eclipse within two days of you asking these questions, it further shows that romance should not be allowed to overshadow or block the education.  There is indication that you can receive money from intellectual pursuits (rather than manual labor).  It is unlikely that you can find resources for education until after Sept. 7.  After then, things should start to turnaround for you.

I normally like to give a more precise reading.  However, because you have asked two questions at the same time, I cannot do more at this time.  I would suggest that you concentrate on one question, give it all your attention, then post a new single question.  Read the "sticky notes" at the beginning of this forum.  Before you ask another question, though, I'd wait until the lunar eclipse is past (August 16-17).

Hope this gives you the direction that you were seeking.

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Sorry to interrupt

Post by divinehelpneeded » Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:02 pm

Hi Youdah,

Could you explain why lunar eclipse is not a good time to answer? I know it is a bad time to do good/auspicious things, but is it applicable to answering questions as well? Can it change the reading?

Sorry had to ask this question here. I was not sure where to post this question, but since there is no forum to learn horary astrology (although this question is not really specific to horary), I thought it better to post it here.

Warm Regards....

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Post by Youdah » Sun Aug 17, 2008 6:55 pm

It is not a bad time to ask questions, if you want the answer to be NO.  :)  Whenever there is an eclipse, there is a very strong sign that the answer will not be favorable to the person.  The moon rules the outcome of any question.  So, when the light (moon) is blocked, or overshadowed by the sun (the querent), then it will not come to pass.  Other indicators in the chart may show why or who would cause it not to happen.  I advised Gina  not to ask during this time of eclipse because the question would have automatically been NO.  Yet, if the question is meant to be answered NO, then a chart after the eclipse will show the same thing.  If you go over to the Tarot or Psychic reading forums, you will see that many of the readings requested during the eclipse showed unfavorable outcomes, even when the reading was done in other ways than astrology.  You will also notice that some readers who usually do many readings have been silent in the last two days, and not done any readings.

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Post by divinehelpneeded » Sun Aug 17, 2008 7:19 pm

Hello Youdah,

Thanks for that info!

Just hypothetically, if the answer was supposed to be yes in any other situation, would it be no in the eclipse time? But then doesn't that violate the actual scenario that is going to happen (as it would be yes otherwise)?

Again, sorry for my limited knowledge :) and also to keep on adding questions, even when this is not the forum for learning horary.


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Post by Youdah » Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:53 pm

I have never seen the universe say yes when it meant no, or say no when it meant yes.  People are drawn to ask questions at certain times, so those who have a yes would not ask during the eclipse.   Why do you ask a question this week, but not next week, or the week before?  You see, the energies that are strong in you, your thoughts about the subject, cause you to seek answers at the time that you have the thoughts or the experiences in your life.  So if the answer was to be yes, the thoughts would not be with you to ask.

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Post by divinehelpneeded » Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:39 pm

That's actually a very good explanation Youdah! It really makes sense. And I can certainly link it with my questions :) Although even I had experienced these things, but I might not have given a good thought about it.

Thanks for that!


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Post by Ginak3 » Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:01 am

Thank you so much for all you help. It has really helped gain good solid advice on where my energy should be focused. Although I will read the sticky notes per you advice, and then repost my questions separately. Thank you again so much.  :)

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