My Stone(s)??

Know the right astral gems that can make your life progressive

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My Stone(s)??

Post by Buster » Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:09 pm

I wanted to download the software but i have a mac it doesnt work,Im born on the 8th of March 1988 At 1.11 AM. and also i would also like to wear a stone that helps me deal with stress and hyponcondria (negative thoughts etc) and improve my career and is there a certain way to wear them etc or a date i dont know.. . :smt008  :smt008  :)  thanks you so much!!!

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Post by Aria » Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:44 pm

carnellian are good for career. yu just have to cleanse the crystal under clear running water while affirming in your mind that the negativities are being washed off .clense and then again affirm into the crystal that you are doing great progress with the help of your crystal ...wear the same need to wait for a specific time... good luck..

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Post by dessa » Sun Sep 28, 2008 8:56 pm

Colors best for those born on the 8th are indigo, all shades of brown, dark green and navy blue, so this can help you when looking for stones as well as
the idea that those born with the 8 influence will find a beneficial change wearing a diamond or onyx next to the skin.

Onyx Encourages good fortune, happiness reduces stress and helps with self control. It can help release negative emotions such as sorrow and grief. It is used to end unhappy or bothersome relationships. It defends against negativity that is directed at you. Balances yin-yang energies. It's associated with the base root, first chakra. Helps with disorders of the bone marrow, soft tissue, the feet, wound healing, childbirth and to increase stamina.

Diamond is the purest of all gemstones and the hardest substance known to man. The diamond gemstone processes unique powers of light reflection, which help to increase personal clarity in the mind and body.

You can also create a medicine bag of stones to carry with you that would help with a various qualities, finding out what it is you want the stones to help you with is a key.

Or you can create a medicine bag of stones for specific areas you wish to deal with such as Stress

Combining These Stones Creates A Powerful Synergy ~
Amethyst is considered the Master Healer. It cleanses the aura and helps balance us. It increases calm, responsibility and self worth.
Rhodonite decreases anxiety while increasing attention to detail. Helps attain calm assurance in all activities.
Blue Lace Agate is a calming stone that counteracts mental stress, neutralizes anger and brings deep peace.
Clear Quartz is a powerful stone that can act at a very deep vibrational level bringing the body back into balance. It fortifies the nerves, and balances the two halves of the brain. [clear quartz can also enhance the power of other stones]

There is no specific way to wear them though as mentioned above on the onyx and diamond you may find wearing next to the skin helpful. but just carrying them with you can be beneficial they do not need to be very large, just enough for you to find you feel the energy.

There are other qualities to these stones as well but for what you seem to be looking for in terms of peace of mind, and less stress this seems a good idea.

A calmer and more positive frame of mind can help with the job issues however there are stones that can help with prosperty. ie career.

For business :
Lepidolite is a protective stone that can bring success in business ventures and or in your career.

Garnet is known for stimulating success in business.

Petrified Wood is sometimes called the "Stone of Business". It promotes successful new beginnings and enhances practical aspects of any business endeavor.

Citrine is known as the lucky "Merchants Stone". It has money Energies. It’s believed one should keep Citrine in your business retail cash drawer or on your desk.

For Success:
Amazonite is considered the prosperity stone. It encourages the pursuit of your unique path in life. It helps self expression, artistic creativity, communication, confidence and leadership.

Aventurine enables abundance and brings good luck, money, joy, balance and clarity. It enhances creativity, career success, prosperity, and independence.

Citrine helps attract abundance. Known as the lucky"Merchants Stone", it has money energies.

Lepidolite is a protective stone that brings success in business and or a chosen career path.

For Prosperity:
Amazonite is known as The Prosperity Stone.

Aventurine enables abundance and brings good luck and money.

Gold Tigers Eye has been used to stimulate wealth and once acquired it also has the stability to help maintain it.

Agate Green Moss attracts abundance and is a stone of wealth.

Citrine helps with prosperity by attracting abundance. Known as the lucky "Merchants Stone", it has money energies. Put a citrine in a retail cash drawer for luck and attracting abilities.

For Fulfillment of Desires
Amber helps with bringing what you desire into a state of reality.

Malachite is helpful in removing obstacles and clearing the path that leads toward our goals and desires.

Sunstone emits a sense of abundance in fulfilling our needs and desires.

Opal is a stone of love and helps release inhibitions in our pursuit of physical desires. It’s a stone of peace and tranquility for the aura.

Just remember the stone that resonates with you is going to be the most helpful, and once you wish to find one that helps you will be guided to it.

hope this information has been helpful or useful in some way.


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Post by mystic67 » Sat Jan 10, 2009 8:30 pm

I agree very much for you that Amazonite would be great.  It would be great also as a stone
to calm any nervous energy or anxiety that you experience.
Intuitively I am sensing that you are someone who is very anxious also, hematite is the one I would
go to for this. Also Tourmaline comes to mind.  If you can get bracelets that are made of round beads
of these stones, or you can order the beads online and make your own braclets of stretch cord that
would be really good for you. That's what I find helpful for me too. You should also if you can, go to a shop
that carries rocks and crystals, the tumbled kind, and just look at them and see which ones draw you to
them. You can't make a mistake that way, you'll know and you'll give your own intuitive self a chance to speak
to you. :)


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