Death Omen

Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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Death Omen

Post by p3ntacle » Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:48 pm

For all who recently said that this Death meant transformation, I believe there is something more to it than that. Recently I pulled out my Mlle Lenormand Cards and each card has a corresponding letter. I pulled out five cards and they spread out  as D, E, A, T, H. How strange? I also read in the descriptions that there was some sort of marriage and conflict of choices.
"The Island of Rhodes will be invaded by lizards" was one of the cards' predictions... so there is some drastic change going on.

 I haven't gotten the death card in any readings for myself. Mostly because I have been doing them for other people. But, I will let you all know if I do again. Also, I just read in a book of mine that death only meant a physical death when surrounded by sword cards. ALL I have been getting are sword cards! The main one 10 of Swords. My cards have also been getting exactly the same as readings I do for other people. Could this be an omen that someone close to me is going to die a physical death? I already know someone who died, but it didn't effect me.

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Post by Youdah » Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:58 pm

I would agree that this is disturbing.  Are you having any direction or feelings about whose death may be predicted?  The reason I ask is that sometimes it is possible to have a prediction like this so that you might have the opportunity to resolve anything that needs to be made at peace beforehand.  Also sometimes such a prediction can be a warning in that the death is not suppose to happen, but the person is going down that path, and for some intervention and care, it can be prevented.  I've also seen mischevious spirits who only want to frighten and confuse.  So, I think that this needs some further thought and care.

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Post by p3ntacle » Sun Aug 24, 2008 2:03 am

Maybe it was a caution. You know, you can read a lot into things like astrology and numerology. They can shed light, but they don't mean the whole picture. There is a point where logic must come in.  I don't know why it happened that the five cards I drew spelled out that word when I re-arranged them. I haven't over-used them, I only have used them sparingly and with my best care so I do not believe I have been given that message by someone who would do me ill. I believe this as well, because I had been getting this card with the Rider Waite Deck too and I see a pattern that it seems, of an emotional death. It might also mean, that since I have been using the tarot cards and using the occult-- To take it seriously and to be careful.

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Post by Youdah » Sun Aug 24, 2008 4:15 am

What you said gave me an idea.  Perhaps the deck of cards needs to be cleared.  I haven't used Tarot in quite sometime, but I seem to remember that there were some things to do for them to make them more in tune.  JewelofTheSouth is a reader.  Can you send her a message and ask?

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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Sun Aug 24, 2008 2:09 pm

I thought I heard my name mentioned. lol I can give the clearing information right here. I'm happy to do it and it's no problem.
I have found that with tarot, there are many ways cards can speak. However, just like us, there are times when we simply can't get the words to come out in the way they were meant by us and tarot cards or cards that speak are no different. Please remember that tarot cards are made from living, breathing tree's which hold all of the elements including spirit. You cleanse crystals, and so must you also clease your cards. Here are some very effective ways of clearing a stuttering deck:

1. Place a "Life bag" in with your cards. I'll explain in a moment.

2. Sage/Smudge the cards on a monthly basis.

3. Make sure after each reading you do for someone else you smudge your cards.

4. Do not let anyone else "Touch" your cards.

5. Clear the cards after each reading by simply placing the deck in your hands and laying down card 1 in the left hand corner, card 2 in the spot to the right of the first card and card 3 in a pile next to that and card 4 in a last pile all the way to the right.

Like this: (Make 4 piles)

1     2     3     4

Do this until your cards have all been layed down. After that, pick up pile 2, then cover it with pile 4, and then with pile 1 and lastly pile 3. Shuffle the cards, place them to your mouth and blow in to them and place them in your bag or box.

You can also in dire cases of really negative speech from the cards as in your case, smudge them amd wrap them in 2 thick brown paper bags with mugwort and bury them in the earth on the waning moon. Do not recover the cards until the day before the moon begins to wane again. They can also be placed believe it or not in the freezer for 48 hours.

Life Bags: Cleanse all stones first. The stones should be as follows: Crystal quartz, Rose quartz, Amethyst, Petrified wood, Labradorite.

You can use one or all. Listen to your inner self and you will know what to place in the life bag for that particular deck. Here's what the stones do:

Crystal quartz: Is programed to protect the cards for negative energy

Rose quartz: Used for loving vibrations

Amethyst: Helps the cards to communicate clearly

Petrified wood: Helps the cards retain their integrity and helps with pastlife spreads/readings

Labradorite: Channels energy from the light universe speaking the truth. It is a star stone.

Herbs may also be placed in the life bags such as mugwort, which is highly effective for any form of divination. Camphor keeps negative energies out as well. Bay laural leaves create the energy of victory and wisdom in your cards. Simply rubbing your cards one by one down with mugwort helps them to be very clear in their meanings. Cards can become confused by energies. Once a friend of mine spilled a drop of wine on her favorite deck of cards. They were so drunk, they could no longer speak the truth. Be careful of what you have around your cards, and where you store them and how you store them. Life bags are small bags made of any material that you place the stones and herbs in and then place with your tarot cards. If you place them in a tarot box wrapped in silk, please treat the box first to remove residual energies. Use smudging and a couple of drops of essential oil appropriate to reading and protecting cards. Let the box fully dry and place you deck in. Do this once a month. Take the stones out of your life bag once a month and cleanse and reprogram them. Throw out the old herbs and replace them with new.

This is only a few ways to do this, but it is effective. If you are looking for other ways, simply ask and I will try to help.

I Hope this helped. Let me know how your cards react to being cleansed in one of these manners.

Gentle Hugs,


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Post by p3ntacle » Sun Aug 24, 2008 2:26 pm


Labradorite! I just touched one of these stones at a shop. I had felt that this stone really spoke to me. This stone was a rough chunk of Labradorite with some crystals there as well.

Big thing, I really do not think I have an issue with communicating with the cards as they mostly are always accurate. The only issue is their accuracy.

The deck I used is very old, it was a gift from my step-grandma who bought it when she was in Italy, though the design is a French One.
The deck was also given to the Napoleons.

Which is pretty cool, but also I know the Napoleans and Kings are often war-faring so as a peaceful person it might have some negativeness to it?
I doubt it though, the cards are perfectly safe and I have used them before.

I usually don't get the cards to spell out anything, and I believe chance is more to blame than whether or not the cards carry spiritual power of whatnot.

I don't like getting superstitious, and your directions seem a little strict. I personally find it better to have a more composed attitude towards the magical, and to me it is more mature to take it as simply another aspect of everything being connected.

My only real problem right now, is that I don't know how to interpret them.
They have astrological, flower, animals, numbers, letters, pictures, etc. as correspondences. It was originally a Parlor Game. I don't think I would want to imbue the deck with too much of my spiritual power, as if I were to give it away then someone would have that attachment.


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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Sun Aug 24, 2008 3:31 pm

Hi P3ntacle,

My directions are simply that. Just things I do that help with my collection of tarot decks. In the tarot forum, there are classes and others who hang out there that would answer all of the questions you have. Have you checked that out yet? Great information.

Gentle Hugs,


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