
Post your questions here. Have a healthy discussion, and learn to develop your psychic skills as a novice medium.

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Eagle Iceland
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Post by Eagle Iceland » Sat Jan 05, 2008 5:23 pm

how do you get in contact with your doorkeeper and more specificly what is a doorkeeper?

all my best
Eagle Iceland

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jan 06, 2008 3:42 pm

Guardian are with us for life.  They often are referred to as the doorkeeper.  The doorkeeper is the spirit that stands guard over all activities of the spirit.  The lessons learned, the approach taken, are all under the guidance of the guardian.  

When we first begin our psychic lessons, we are seeking to reach our spirit guides who will bring their expertise to work with us in psychic abilities.  The doorkeeper is usually the first to arrive on the scene as he is concerned with who will bring what message.  

Identity and/or names, cultures, etc. are not as important as the 'feeling' you have (and it is most evident in the times of crisis) when you are guarded from an unwanted energy.  It is all about energy work.  When attuned to the spirit world through meditation, the energy shifts are the things of note.  Work with the energy!

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Post by Brekka » Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:51 pm

First of all I am so glad I have found this place.........
Spirittalk, I have read many of your replys and have thought how wonderful a soul you are. Abright and Shining Light on a dark and dreary day. :)  On this doorkeeper matter... I have a couple questions.  I have a very large Warrior who comes to me when I am in for a signifigant change in my life or to be warned of a Physical damage to me.  (Deaths in the family, I had cut my foot severly, accidents about to happen etc.)  Would he be one of my doorkeepers or a Guardian angel of sorts OR are they all in the same?
I have been told of the angel who watches over me altho I cannot remember his name, (ashkira maybe?)   and yet I do have guides that visit me. I am still very new to all of this , learning as I go... I have been told many things my many people and really dont know wether to believe any of it. LOL   Getting of the point tho.   Have a wonderful day, I hope the sun is always shining for you,  Brekka

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:52 pm

I am a firm believer there are many strata of spirit helpers.  And so much literature has been written and available to describe it in the author's understanding.  We all have our own ideas.  I think maybe the important aspect is in our abilities to know our helpers are here and to work WITH them not AGAINST them in our life purposes.

Guardians sign on for life and is a strong personal energy.

Angels come in more emergency situations (see the angel literature on this)

Spirit guides are there when we are sensitive to their presence.  After all, if a materialist was not using their creativity or sensitivity to attune to spirit realms, why stay around in hopes of being acknowledged?  They will and do work with us, impressing all kinds of information - but it is important that we know it and perhaps even thank them for their efforts.

As soon as we are prepared to listen to our own inner sensitive intuition, there is spirit help available.  But spirit guides are human beings who have lived a material life and know how easy it is to get caught up in material pulls of interests.  Spirit interests tend to take a back seat to material interests.

As we attune in our own individual way (meditation is a wonderful key) many helpers are available.  Identifying and working on only the names tends to limit rather than open this communication.  Be open to energy and how it changes around the helpers as they come and go.

Gena Loraina
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Post by Gena Loraina » Wed Sep 03, 2008 1:09 am

The doorkeeper/gatekeeper is your main guide. This guide is in control of all that enter to communicate. This guide will regulate the proper guide to the proper situation/question. I utilize my gatekeeper in my readings as we must remember that we are the authority and the guide is there to assist us and teach us.  I insist that my gatekeeper not allow anyone in without identifying them in a reading. For example, if I have some one that has passed on that wants to leave a validation for the sitter, my Guide Mahaya must be able to tell me that this is a grandmother. If an identity isn't given, I do not trust the communication and refuse to listen.  Also I request that my gatekeeper keep to my left and Omniel (I work with angels as well) stand at my left. If my visitor comes from my left I know that this person is in spirit. If the visitor comes to my right, I know that this is a person in body.

What worked for me to meet my gatekeeper was to keep the clear intention, and each evening I ended my day in a prayer of my choosing and a meditation with my third eye open. After a time I would naturally fall asleep. One night in the middle of the night I was awakened by three sharp raps. I immediately awoke, and then knew instantly who it was telepathically. I said to myself, "I am ready" when I shut my eyes I saw a very dark, muscular person that appeared to be female with very short hair. The clothing looked African tribal, however this guide was carrying a clipboard. At that time I had never heard of a gatekeeper, but instantly understood the meaning of the clipboard.

Everyone's experience is unique, as we and our guides are all are unique. Meditation and intention will be eventually successful for most.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Sep 04, 2008 6:42 pm

While the spirit does not require the rest, the physical body does - that is why we sleep through the night.  Dreams, sleep states are not for 'working' on self in any way.  There is a commitment of time and energy that can be made from the conscious state of consciousness rather than one that is altered.

While experimenting with this and that is a method to be used - sometimes following a pattern of exercises that have been tried and tested would help as well.  These exercises include the attunement process for each and every person to reach their own personal spirit guide and gain that relationship of friend and partner.

Gena Loraina
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Post by Gena Loraina » Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:56 am

I totally agree that the body restores itself during sleep. There are 5 stages of sleep and three waves associated in sleep patterns. The theta waves, the delta waves and the alpha waves.  When we enter sleep, and travel through the theta waves we sink deeper in the sleep state until we reach the delta state which is the deepest stage of sleep. It is here that our bodies regenerate itself. This is the period in which we do not dream. Our bodies is solely focused on regeneration. It normally takes almost three hours to even get to the deepest state of sleeping. The lightest stage is the alpha stage and this is the stage where we dream. This is also the stage in which our blood pressure,breathing,brainwaves, and heart rate rises and we enter in sleep paralysis.    Dreaming is also vital for our health, this is where we work out the stresses in our lives and release tension.  This is also where our prophetic dreams come from.

If you are a prophetic visual person you can not prevent this from happening, you can enhance, but you can not prevent. We are designed to dream from birth. Leonardo Divinci designed the first airplane and sumarine from his dreams, and Julias Verne worked out the distance between the earth and the moon and also had predictions come to pass from dreams.  I myself as a child predicted an untimely death through the alpha state.

By meditating before sleep, we bring in more oxygen to our bodies, enter a deeper state of relaxation by calming the mind and can enter that restoritive Delta stage of sleep at a faster pace and also stay there for a longer stretch. (Delta only lasts up to 30 minutes. Thank goodness we cycle through the stages.) Meditation before bed is recommended by doctors, psychologist and the spiritual community. As pertains to the guides, it is a good quiet moment to make your intention known. Our guides have only our best interests in mind and will not interfere with our health or needed sleep. If you do happen to awaken in the middle of the night to your guide, your sleep stage was more than likely in the alpha state and your body in the process of awakening naturally for example for a night time trip to get a drink of water ect. By no means will anyone be doing nighttime psychic work because of a guide. lol I love my sleep too much!

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:49 pm

I might add....there is a lot of information on psychic, mediumship, paranormal, metaphysical, etc. that has to sifted to find the wheat from the chaffe.  When you use a method of 'do it yourself' the job falls to your own methods of connection and communication with spirit and what works for you.  When you use a method of finding a good teacher and following the exercises and techniques it can be a smoother operation.  You have free will to choose.

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Post by NAAANEE » Tue Feb 24, 2009 12:40 pm

Gena Loraina wrote:I totally agree that the body restores itself during sleep. There are 5 stages of sleep and three waves associated in sleep patterns. The theta waves, the delta waves and the alpha waves.  When we enter sleep, and travel through the theta waves we sink deeper in the sleep state until we reach the delta state which is the deepest stage of sleep. It is here that our bodies regenerate itself. This is the period in which we do not dream. Our bodies is solely focused on regeneration. It normally takes almost three hours to even get to the deepest state of sleeping. The lightest stage is the alpha stage and this is the stage where we dream. This is also the stage in which our blood pressure,breathing,brainwaves, and heart rate rises and we enter in sleep paralysis.    Dreaming is also vital for our health, this is where we work out the stresses in our lives and release tension.  This is also where our prophetic dreams come from.

If you are a prophetic visual person you can not prevent this from happening, you can enhance, but you can not prevent. We are designed to dream from birth. Leonardo Divinci designed the first airplane and sumarine from his dreams, and Julias Verne worked out the distance between the earth and the moon and also had predictions come to pass from dreams.  I myself as a child predicted an untimely death through the alpha state.

By meditating before sleep, we bring in more oxygen to our bodies, enter a deeper state of relaxation by calming the mind and can enter that restoritive Delta stage of sleep at a faster pace and also stay there for a longer stretch. (Delta only lasts up to 30 minutes. Thank goodness we cycle through the stages.) Meditation before bed is recommended by doctors, psychologist and the spiritual community. As pertains to the guides, it is a good quiet moment to make your intention known. Our guides have only our best interests in mind and will not interfere with our health or needed sleep. If you do happen to awaken in the middle of the night to your guide, your sleep stage was more than likely in the alpha state and your body in the process of awakening naturally for example for a night time trip to get a drink of water ect. By no means will anyone be doing nighttime psychic work because of a guide. lol I love my sleep too much!
good information
i had my many dreams came true.sometimes i use to sense how many letters coming to me today also is coming in my dream.it is really a wonder for me.i get dreams of meeting people etc.& it happens also meeting them.that's strange right!

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:27 pm

Mediumship is best understood in an alert state of mind.  Meditation uses the alpha state.  At that state we can be alert to the mind and develop good habits of mediumship.

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Post by NAAANEE » Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:02 pm

I think we need lot of patience to develop it.one should really know that peaceful state to achieve that inner rhythm

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:52 pm

Another thought is....it takes ourselves to change ourselves.  You must do the work to make things right in your own life.  A psychic or medium can only councel and help you with those decisions.  Nothing is a pre-determined outcome, we must create for ourselves what we wish for ourselves.

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Post by NAAANEE » Thu Feb 26, 2009 5:31 pm

I remember one quotation at this time "If you say I do not want to change,then you are doomed to stay that way".

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:53 pm

The creative mind at work.

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