
Symbology and symbolism has always played a great role in the esoteric's sphere of life. Discuss everything about symbols here.

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Post by satori » Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:22 am

For the past few years dolphin references have been popping up (picture, written word and spoken word) where ever I go.  For a while there it was really many times to just be a coincidence.  Just wondering if anyone knows what it might mean?   Or am I reading too much into it? :smt017

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:08 am

dolphins   purposeful change returning to our roots

playful sleek swimmer gregarious intelligent mammal of tropical and deep ocean .no creature has adapted more elegantly to her world than dolphin.

dolphin embodies the power of patience. shows how with time and slow determination  which clebrates change little by little you can create wonders
move mountains and become the person your heart desires.

the element of water seems to provide everything that dolphin needs .ut as she moves rhythmically through the witer-creasted waves she remains wedded to her orgins on earth.

she must breathe the salty air as she breaks through the waters surface and is unable to resist riding the bow waves of human ships in joyful acknowledgment of her primordial land based self.

she reminds you never to forget your cultural and familial roots, to seek them out and celebrate their diversity and richness by including their fruit in what you create today.

dolphin also shows that breathing is more than just a means of supplying oxygen to the body but a tool which may be used to heal body and soul awken sexuality  and induce altered states of consciousness.

for those whom dolphin guides practicing breathing techniques will be especially beneficial allowing you to journey deeply into the worlds below.

dolphin schools and orca pods are wolf-packs of the deep as one they repel their predatory enemy the shark help injured and disabled companions and hunt in intelligent co-operations. orcas move resolutely along the coast .herding giant schools of salmon together and finally encircling them tightly.

they then in turn lest the salmon escape feast on the nutritiuous oily flesh. synergy is all

dolphin teaches that the whole is so much more than the sum of its individuals............

sorry  i found a book on the self     lol

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Post by satori » Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:04 pm

WOW...thanks for the information.  Oh, and if you don't mind...what book on self are you reading?  Sounds interesting.

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:10 pm

Animal wisdom / Harness the power of animals to liberate your spirit

Susie Green

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Dolphin... meaning

Post by dessa » Fri Sep 26, 2008 5:26 pm

Dolphin/Porpoise's Wisdom Includes:

Knowledge of the sea
Patron of sailors
Communication skills
Understanding the power of rhythm in your life
Use of breath to release intense emotions
Water element magick


The Power of Breath and Sound

A Dolphin totem can show you how to enter
the waters of life and then with breath and sound
call forth what you most need or desire.

Sounds are a part of dolphin life, and therefore, if you have this totem,
they need to be a part of yours.
Sound is the creative life force.
Learn to create inner sounds so that you can create outer manifestations.

The dolphin, along with the whale, are the other sentient beings of our planet.
They too are self-aware and have souls.
Accordingly to the Michael Teachings, they are on their fourth cycle,
while most of mankind is on its eleventh or twelfth cycle.

If a Dolphin totem has shown up in your life,
ask yourself what your words and thoughts are creating.  
Are you getting outside and into the fresh air?  Are you holding in tensions?
A Dolphin reminds us to get out, play and most of all, breath!


The Dolphin

Dolphins live in groups of up to 100 individuals. Females give birth to a single young. Several Dolphins surround her to assist with the birth. They will pull the newborn out by its tail and protect it from harm. Injured and sick Dolphins are cared for by others who will lift them to the surface to breathe.

Dolphins spend large portions of their day playing. They live their life in joyful harmony with each other and their world. They seem to have learned the lesson that love is the most important part of life and can teach those with this totem how to love themselves and their world more. The power of Dolphin is community in balance.

Dolphins use a variety of clicks, whistles, grunts and body postures with which they communicate. Each Dolphin has an individual whistle that it calls itself, and it uses other Dolphin's personal whistles to call their attention. Those with this totem would benefit from some form of work or activity that uses the voice as a healing or communicative tool.

Some people believe that Dolphins are more intelligent than humans. They have a large brain and a great intelligence and are often associated in mythical lore with higher forms of consciousness.

Dolphins have been known to inexplicably beach themselves in large numbers. Perhaps they are following a sick or injured Dolphin to try to aid it. There was a story told to me about a man who singled out a dolphin from its group and killed it. The remaining dolphins beached themselves over and over and eventually died.

Dolphins have a purity of being which touches our inner nature. If Dolphin swims into your life, follow its lead and open yourself to the energy of love, harmony and balance. Express your inner truth and follow your inner joy. Dolphin asks you to return to the depths of your being and rediscover the love that you truly are.


Dolphin - Breath of Life.
Dolphin teaches us that in attuning to the rhythms and patterns of nature we can learn true communication with the wisdom of All That Is and share this wisdom with others.



Universal love
Spirit of the Dolphin,delfin,delfine,delphin,delphine,schwimmen mit delfinen,schwimmen mit delphinen ,delfin schwimmen,delphine schwim mit
Native American Totem Animal,Animal Totem Meaning,Wild Dolphin Swim
Teachings Native American Totem Animal,Animal Totem Meaning,Wild Dolphin Swim, Spirit  
Dolphin teaches us:
Harmony of mind, body and spirit
Balanced emotional and mental self
To be open to living in more than one environment
Harmony within duality
Help and protection
To enjoy our sexuality
The value of touch as a means of support and healing
Communication through telepathy and sound
The value of play
To flow with life
schwimmen mit wilden delfinen, schwimmen mit wilden delphinen
How to Apply Dolphin's Teachings to Your Life
Ask yourself 'What am I communicating?' Is it of benefit to myself or others? Communication happens on all levels. You do not have to verbalise it. People may be sensing your thoughts and feelings. Perhaps it is time to resolve them.
Do you have a circle of support? Dolphins swim in pods always protecting each other and expressing love through the sounds they make and touch. Now may be a time when you need to form a circle of support or call on one already created.
What brings you joy? Do it! Dolphins play. They do not struggle. Enjoy yourself and flow with life.
Bring more sound into your life. Do you have a musical instrument hidden in the cupboard? Use sound as a means to nurture, celebrate or just have fun with it. Dolphins use sound regularly.
Dolphins are creatures of the water and water is about emotion. Are there emotional issues bothering you? Do you feel blocked in some way. Is it time to release them. You could do this by holding it in your mind and in visioning its release as you rhythmically breathe in and out. On the out breath see it floating away perhaps out with the tide. You you also envision water washing through you as a cleansing.
animal dolphin information
power animal, find your power animal,swim with dolphins texas  
How to Harness the Energy of Dolphin

Read about Dolphins
Take a trip to the ocean and swim like a Dolphin
Swim with Dolphins
Take Dolphin essence
Use the breath to release emotional blockages
Wear Dolphin jewelry
animal dolphin information  
Communication swim with dolphins in fl
Have you desired to swim with dolphins? This may be their way of communicating with you. Dolphin may be an important totem animal to you.
Dolphins communicate through sound and touch
Often communicate to children in their dreams
Many children coming into the world today are known as dolphin children and have dolphin like qualities. Communicating with these children will bring you closer to the essence of dolphin energy and their spirit of harmonious play
animal dolphin information  
Prayer Animal Dolp hin Information,Power Totem Animal,
Dolphin of the water
In rhythmic breathing I flow with life
In union my mind, body and spirit, physical and emotional self
at peace in the two worlds I encounter
You remind me of the joy in play
power totem animal,native american totem animal,animal totem meaning

Myths and Legends Animal Dolphin Information,Power Totem Animal,Native American Totem Animal,Animal Totem Meaning,Wild Dolphin Swim, Spirit of the Dolphin
Greek people believed Dolphins were friends of humans and to kill one was immoral.
River Dolphins in the Amazon are also considered sacred
Many cultures around the world have a story of creation that involves Dolphin like creatures. No one is certain if they were Dolphins or not. Generally these cultures including the Dogon tribe of Africa tells of flying saucers coming from the sky and landing in water. Dolphin like creatures jumped from the ship into the water. The Dogans say that Dolphin like creatures came from the water and told them about Sirus. They have diagrams of Sirus in their caves dating back 700 years ago.
Dolphins are obviously related to our developing consciousness


Ted Andrews/Animal-Speak:
Keynote: The Power of Breath and Sound
Cycle of Power: Year-round
The dolphin is a mammal of the sea. Many people think of dolphins and whales as being fish, but they aren't. They nurse and contain most of the qualities that separate mammals from other animal species. The largest member of the dolphin family is the killer whale which also embodies the quality of patience.

The fact that dolphins make their home in the sea is very significant. many myths speak of how life began in the primordial waters of life. Water is the symbol of creation, passion, and even sexuality. It is the element of all life. It is a symbol of new dimensions and forces.

Dolphins can open new creation and dimensions to a great degree. Water is essential to life, but so is breath. Many techniques for breathing exist that teach how proper use of breath can be used to induce altered states and align oneself with new dimensions of life. Learning techniques of breathing can help you to become more passionate and sexual, and to heal the body, mind, and spirit. For example, tension and stress can be released by simply imitating the spouting breath that dolphin uses upon surfacing. People with lung and breathing problems can benefit greatly by aligning themselves with dolphin medicine.

Dolphin has a rhythm to its breathing and to its swimming. Learning to breathe like a dolphin can be beneficial. Breath control is the key to the power of the dolphin. When you can align yourself with dolphin through breathing you can have dolphin take you to all the places and times that existed before the great seas covered most of the world. Dolphin can lead you to underground caverns and the primordial beginnings of yourself.

Dolphin also has a sonar ability. It uses a series of clicks and responds to the feedback of those clicks as the sound reverberates. Sound, breath, and water are all considered the sources of all life. Sound is the creative life force. Sound came forth out of the womb of silence and created all things. Learning to create inner sounds so that you can create outer manifestations is part of what dolphin an teach.

Sound requires breath, and water is the unformed creative element that we can shape into any manifestation, if we know how to comine breath and sound. The sacredness of sound and breath has been taught in many societies. In the Babylonian cosmology, the gods formed by the goddess Tiamut in the waters of life did not come into being until she called them forth.

Dolphin can show you how to enter into the waters of life and then with breath and sound call forth from the waters what you most need or desire. There are breathing techniques and sounding techniques essential to manifestation. If we don't use them properly, we find that our prayers are unanswered and our affirmations manifest in an obtuse manner. Dolphin can show us how to do it properly. (You may wish to refer to my earlier work Sacred Sounds for further information on this.)

The dolphin was a symbol of salvation to the early Christians. To the Greeks it was a sacxred messenger of the gods, a dynamic blessed symbol of the sea. Because of this it was rarely killed. The dolphin often displays an altruistic behavior. It has a large brain and great intelligence. Even today, rather than be wary of humans who would kill them, they enjoy the company and their curiosity draws them close.

If dolphin has shown up as a totem, ask yourself some important questions. What are your words and thoughts creating for you? If unsure, when dolphin arises, you will soon discover. Are you getting outside and enjoying fresh air? Are you holding in tensions? Are others? When dolphin shows up it is time to breathe some new life into yourself. Get out, play, explore and most of all breathe.

*Brad Steiger/Totems:
Demeter, the ancient Greek goddess of fertility, chose the dolphin as her totem animal, thus representing her position as Mistress of the Sea. The serpent symbolized her majesty as Mistress of the Earth.

Since the earliest days of sea lore, dolphins have been credited with saving the lives of shipwrecked humans. In both old Roman and early Christian art, the dolphin was depicted as the guide that would bear souls of the dead across the waters to the Blessed Isles.

For Mediterranean Christians, the dolphin, King of the Fishes, came to represent Christ, King of Heaven. A rather common Christian imae is that of the dolphin together with an anchor, representing salvation firmly anchored on faith in Christ.

For the Native American tribes located on coastal regions frequented by the dolphin, the aquatic mammal was identified as a special mesenger of the Great Mystery.

If the dolphin is your totem animal, you are allied with a spirit helper that has come to you from another realm of being. There is a playfulness associated with this totem animal that can be misleading for those who would be satisfied with superficial teachings. Always ask this spirit helper to take you deeper and deeper into the mysteries of the other realm from which it originates.

You will quite likely find that the dolphin will increase your respect and love for all living things and assist you in developing new levels of compassion. Be prepared to begin looking at the world from a very different perspective as your "dolphin eyes" consider all beings around you as elements in universal harmony.

*Bobby Lake-Thom/Spirits of the Earth:
These animals are good signs and very good powers. To see a Porpoise near the shore is a good sign, meaning good luck or protection is coming. The elders who live by the ocean say, "If someone is sick in your family, or if you are having bad luck, or if someone is threatening you, then go to the ocean and make prayers to the Porpoise. Tell it what you want or need, ask it for help. If he stands up and laughs, then dances backwards, your wish will come true."

I have talked to older Indian men who were in the Navy during WWII and they have told me stories about how the Dolphins saved their lives. In one situation a pilot was shot down and under attack in the water by Sharks. He prayed and asked the Great Creator for help. Shortly after he sang his song the Dolpins came in and chased away the Sharks. They pushed him all the way to shore. In another story an Indian fiserman's boat caught on fire an dhe hd to jump into the ocean. Once again the Sharks came in just before this happened (a bade omen and a forewarning); then they waited while he desperately tried to swim to safety. He said the Porpoises came in and formed a circle of protection around him until another boat came up and pulled him out of the water. For some Native tribes, it is also a good sign to see a school of dolphins or porpoises come by during fishing season. It means the fish runs will be prosperous.

*Patricia Telesco/The Language of Dreams:
According to Pliny, this creature represents the need for swift movement with regard to a decision or opportunity. A guide. Many fables tell of dolphins aiding shipwreced sailors. From what reef is this creature offering to liberate your mind, body, or spirit? Native American: A messenger between the worlds, dancing above and below the waves. The dolphin is the essence of the Great Spirit and the wind of life itself. Breathe deeply of its symbolic messages. Playfulness. Dolphins speak directly to the child within and urge it to come out more regularly.

*Timothy Roderick/The Once Unknown Familiar:
Key Words: Sociable, articulate, progressive, scientific, detached
Magical Influences: Increase of intelligence, clarity of speech, peace for the self and for others.
Personality: Dolphins are naturally curious beings. They want to be fair in their dealings and actually go out of their way to find balance. Since they are quite social, they depend on the company of others to make them feel complete. They usually either come from or create large, extended families.

*D.J. Conway/Animal Magick:
Dolphins an porpoises are a smaller species of Cetacae, an order of aquatic mammals which includes whales. Dolphins can be distinguished from porpoises by the beak which projects forward from the head. Types of dolphins are: the bottle-nosed, the common, and the spotted. Types of porpoises are: the common and the white-vented. The vast majority of dolphins and porpoises are marine animals, although there are a few living in rivers and fresh water.

The dolphin, with its antics and friendliness, probably attrated the attention of the first men to sail in boats. Dolphins make a wide variety of audible sounds and are able to communicate with each other in this way. The common dolphin is known as the Arrow of the Sea, sometimes traveling at a speed of thrity knots.

The Sumerians knew of the dolphin and said it was connected with Astarte and Istar. The ancient Egyptians thought of this creature as a symbol of Isis. According to classical writers, dolphins were harnessed to sea chariots and acted as carriers to sea deities. The ocean Nereides rode on dolphins, and the Titaness Thetis sometimes journeyed on them naked. Dolphins were called the King of Fishes and the Arrow of the Sea. Their usual symbolic meaning was power and swiftness, but they were also considered to be guides of souls into the Underworld.

Dolphins were sculpted on the walls of Apollo's temple at Delphi. In his aspect of Apollo Delphinos, this god could take the form of this creature. The Greek word delphinos means both dolphin and womb, and is seen in the title Delphi, or World Center. When painted on funeral urns, the dolphin symbolize the passing of the soul from one world to another.

The dolphin was an emblem of Minoan sea power, so powerful in the Mediterranean at one time. These sea creatures even appear on Celtic coins and in their art, usualy ridden by a male figure. For some reason, they were associated with well worship. Dolphins were known to the coastal Native Americans as very powerful and magickal creatures. Because these animals breathe air, but live in the water, they were considered to be keepers of the sacred breath of life.

Superstitions: Dolphins will rescue drwoning swimmers by pushing them back to shore; this is one superstition that has some truth to it. Dolphins or porpoises swimming along with a ship or playin in its vicinity are a prediction of good weather and good luck on the voyage. River dolphins cut up the belies of crocodiles with their fins.

Magickal attributes: The sea, wisdom, eloquence, freedom, magick, change, discovery, truth, communication, trust, balance, harmony. Create a rhythm in your ife. Learn to release intense emotions through beathing. Water Element magick, especially for releasing negative or debilitating emotions.

*Jamie Sams & David Carson/Medicine Cards:
Manna. Dolphin speaks to us of the breath of life, the only thing that humans cannot go without for more than a few minutes. We can live without water and food for days, but oxygen is the source of our sustenance. Within the breath we encounter the rhythm of energy that all life emits. In changing the rate or rhythmic texture of our breath, we can tap into any other lifeform or creature. This is a very easy way to connect with divine energy coming from Great Spirit, as well as with your own personal rhythms.

Dolphin is the keeper of the sacred breath of life, and teaches us how to release emotions through Dolphin breath. Dolphin creates rhythm, swimming through the water and breathing before submerging, then holding its breath for the duration of underwater travel. As Dolphin comes above water again, it blows its breath out in a manner resembling the popping of a cork. We can use this same technique to pull the stopper on our tensions and create total relaxation. This is a good exercise to use before entering the silence.

Manna is life force. Manna is present in every atom, and is Great Spirit's essence. Dolphin teaches us how to use life-manna through our breath. It revitalizes each cell and organ, and breaks the limits and dimensions of physical reality so that we may enter the Dreamtime.

Dolphin was traveling the oceans one day as Grandmother Moon was weaving the patterns of the tides. Grandmother Moon asked Dolphin to learn her rhythms so that he could open his female side to her silvery light. Dolphin began to swim to the rhythm of her tide weaving, and learned to breathe in a new way. As Dolphin continued to use this new rhythm, he entered the Dreamtime. This reality was a new and different place from the seas he had known.

Dolphin came to discover underwater cities in the Dreamtime, and was given the gift of the primordial tongue. This new language was the sound-language that was brought by Spider from the Great Star Nation. Dolphin learned taht all communication was pattern and rhythm, and that the new aspect of communication was sound; he carries this original pattern to this day. Dolphin returned to the ocean of the Great Mother, and was sad until Whale came by and told Dolphin that he could return to be a messenger to the Dreamtime dwellers anytime he felt the rhythm and used the breath. Dolphin was given a new job. He became the carrier of messages of our progress. The Dreamtime dwellers were curious about the children of Earth, and wanted us to grow to be at one with Great Spirit. Dolphin was to be the link.

If Dolphin has appeared to you today, frothing through the waves in your spread, you are to be a link to some solution for the Children of the Earth. This can be a time when you are to link with Great Spirit and bring answers to your own questions or to those of others. In addition, this can mean a time of communication with the rhythms of nature. You are put on notice to be mindful of your body rhythms and the patterns of energy being fed to you from the Creator. Imitate Dolphin and ride the waves of laughter, spreading joy in the world. Breathe and experience tha manna so freely given. Break existing barriers and connect to the Dreamtime or Great Star Nation. Know that we are whole in the eyes of the Everliving One.

Contrary: If Dolphin appears reversed, know that you are forgetting to breathe. You may be under stress, and your body may need manna. You may be starving your cells and organs no matter how many vitamins you are taking. Your natural cycles may be fouling up. Pay close attention to your health and your feelings. If you are on edge or just tense, take time to relax and breathe the life force in your muscles. Focus on releasing old breath at the bottom of your lungs and refilling your respiratory system with regenerative manna. Breathe from the diaphragm and fill the lungs to capacity. Then exhale from the chest to the belly, allowing your body to totally relax as you breathe out.

Another message of contrary Dolphin is that many signals are carried through universal tides or waves, and you may be failing to use you sonar. To detect these wave-patterns you may need to realign yourself with natural rhythms within your body. Then it is necessary to use the dolphin breath to connect to universal awareness and signals.

Dolphin says to dive deeply into the water, to play by the coral reefs, and to discover the beauty of the rhythm of breath.

*Denise Linn/The Secret Language of Signs:
This is a significant symbol. Dolphins are signs of unharnessed joy, playfulness, spontaneity, and even of spiritual enlightenment. They are superconscious, intelligent beings who have learned to live together in harmony and joy. Do you need to play more and be more joyful in your life?

*Mary Summer Rain/On Dreams:
Dolphin reflects spirtiual companionship.

*Zolar/Encyclopedia of Signs, Omens, and Superstitions:
According to the ancients, dolphins loved music and also saved those who had been shipwrecked. It is generally thought among seamen a good omen to encounter a dolphin. Should it approach near the coast, however, it is thought a storm is not far away. Should it go back out towards the north, good weather is indicated; should it turn south, the weather will be rainy and cold. Dolphins were believed to transport on their backs the souls of sailors who had died at sea.

*Lady Stearn Robinson & Tom Gorbett/The Dreamer's Dictionary:
These amusing, intelligent mammals are a sign of advancement through your own mental vigor, but other details of your dream should also be considered, such as the condition of the water, the location and/or action of the dolphin, etc.

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