What the Tarot cards mean? One card Readings

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Post by david1 » Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:07 pm

Friday 12 September 2008 at 19:08

Today I have the strength card 08 and this is telling me that I have the strength coming back or some type of new strength coming my way.  This strength card could be saying to me that I will have a new job some where.  Well I do have an interview on the 19 at a hospital to become a supervisor so it may be that it is trying to say about.  It may mean that I now have the strength to help others and it may mean that once I have my WRVS training then I will find strength to help people.  If its inside strength then It may be that I am becoming better in myself.

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What the Tarot cards mean? One card Readings

Post by david1 » Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:55 pm

Sat 13 Sep 08 at 18:56

The Magician today is saying you have the power to do new things or learn new skills in work or in school or college.  But there may be a surprise for you that you have not had yet so be ready for it.  As the magician has the skills to show you where to go then you can use them to help you.  So the skill could be helping someone sell things or buy things, to give things like water to people that need it.  But it may be that he can help to make things better in life.  

Today I did get a letter for a job interview in Reading for a Bus cleaner.  So that may be the surprise for me and a good thing coming my way, or it may be I will lead people in a hospital.

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Post by david1 » Mon Sep 15, 2008 6:57 pm

Monday 15 September 2008 at 19:58
Sunday 14 September 2008

The Sun Card 19
The sun has his or her hat on and so it should as you can be happy to be alive.  But it may show other things that you can be happy about like your brother or sister is having a baby.  You get good news about a new job you like to do and it makes you all happy.  Maybe you have been in school and can now goto college to pass other exams.  There may have been good news about someone in the family that is coming to see you.  There may be another business that you are going to join and it’s happy to say yes to you.  But you are the only person to know what is making or what would make you happy.

Monday 15 September 2008
The Devil Card 15
The devil cards tells me this would be a good time to forgive someone if you feel that he or she has been good and you like them back.  It may be that you have married someone and you are not giving them a change to say what was good or bad.  So why not break the chains that are holding you back and see what happens.  You may see some good things like the friend that comes back into your life or if you were married they forgive you.  Sometimes this card does say get away from someone if they are hurting you or that they don’t care for you.  You can do better they letting someone hurt you by letting yourself walk out of his or her life and then find someone new to love you.  This way you break free from the bad things in life.  

for Tuesday 16 September 2008
The Empress 3  
There may be delays somewhere in your life that may be slowing you down like you are finding it hard to change job or to get a job.  But it could be that the delay is in you traveling to and from work, holiday or a day out.  This could mean that soon there may be someone day coming into your life like a brother, sister or a new baby in the world.  If you are having delays they will not be for long.

For Wednesday 17 September 2008
Judgement 20
We now have the time to judge what has happen in our lives or to judge what has been going on at work, college, or school.  We can start to think of the good things or the bad things within life, work, college or school.  Maybe it’s the judgement of being single and you find someone to go out with.  Maybe you are trying to make friends or find someone to love you for what you are.  The Judgement card is here to judge something that has happen or maybe coming to you in your life don’t let it go as you need to think with care.

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What the Tarot cards mean? One card Readings

Post by david1 » Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:01 pm

Tue 16 sep at 18:02
for Thursday 18 September 2008

The Lovers
Well the lover’s card is here so there may be some type of new lover or a new friendship to come into my life.  I should be so lucky.  But it can mean that someone in the family will renter my life or that something to do with love is on its way in.  But if it’s to do with love then it could mean that I will see someone that likes me and we get to each other again.  I feel that as I am going to Reading on this day then I may find the lady that is trying to find me.  Only one way to find out and that is to walk into the supermarket and find out if she comes my way.  

for Friday 19 September 2008
The Hanged Man is here and he is maybe and I do hope I am right that my life is about to get better again.  He gives me the idea of getting stonger or there may be some type of delay in your life.  It could be that I need to take a good look at what is happing around me and try to find new things to enjoy myself with.   I could go to the pub, go into the supermarket if the lady has not found me.  I could try to find some type of new way of doings things.  But it will be good to have some more good things back.

for Saturday 20 September 2008
Well justice is here to say that there is some information that may affect the balance.  There may be a legal situation to deal with or the police to deal with.  What ever it is there may be some type of document to sign for in order to move forward.  It may be that if I am going on holiday I may sign something that may or may not be anything legal.  But there could be something that needs me to sign for something.  But looking at this card it may be saying look at what has happen in the past and see how you can make it work better next time.

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What the Tarot cards mean? One card Readings

Post by david1 » Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:25 pm

Thursday 18 September 2008
Sunday 21 September 2008

Tower 16
Well the tower card is here saying that something may change in my life and I hope that is a job to get money. But it could be also something that will happen very fast like I will see an accident or a tree down on the road. Something on this day when I’m on holiday will or may happen. It may be that I see an old friend or someone will be down there. Maybe it could be that I there will something wrong with the caravan. Anyway I not going to put my mind on it as it’s a waste of my time.

for Monday 22 September 2008

Chariot 7
We have some type of movement today but I will not know where as I am still on holiday. But looking at movement there could be a phone call about work to ask me if I like a job. If its to do with victory or winning then I can’t see yet what it means. So lets look at the card and give it some more. There may be some type of movement in life and that could be new job, new business, or a move to a better home or business. But sometimes people have a victory after doing something for someone else or helping someone else. What if you do have a victor and win on what was a wrong or a right. As the person that you are and if it was to be movement then you can enjoy the new things.

for Tuesday 23 September 2008

The World 21

Well the world is what I have in my hands and I can now or you can now do the things you would like to do. If you like to have new friends or a boyfriend or girlfriend this is the time to start your search. If there is something new that you like to try go and try it as you will never know what you can do until it has been done.

So go and find that new thing you are looking for or you would like to try.

for Wednesday 24 September 2008

The Lovers
Well the lover’s card is here so there may be some type of new lover or a new friendship to come into my life. I should be so lucky. But it can mean that someone in the family will renter my life or that something to do with love is on its way in. But if it’s to do with love then it could mean that I will see someone that likes me and we get to each other again. I feel that as I am going to Reading on this day then I may find the lady that is trying to find me. Only one way to find out and that is to walk into the supermarket and find out if she comes my way.

for Thursday 25 September 2008

The High Priestess
We now meet a lady dress in blue and a white hat with some horns coming out of her hat. She has a cross on the top of her dress and near to her face. There is a moon where her legs would be as we don't know if she has any legs as we can't see them. There is what looks as a small area on the floor to be what may be her dress or some water round her. She has white lines coming off her dress where her legs would be. On her head board of her chair she has some sand cover with red Flowers. Within the background I can see water and each side of her two pallar’s. One pallar is black and the other one is white.

What the Card means.
The black pallar is dark and is black for bad things. The white pallar is white for the good things. The water behide her shows there is something we must find out about. The moon at her foot is saying look for new information in the new light of the day. This person helps me to know that there are secrets to be learned. It could be that some information is needed and you come up with it. That’s what the water is there saying the information or secret is there. Also I don't put it into the top area but she does have some rolled up paper with the letters Tora on it. Now she is saying wait for this new information or here is some information that will help you find what you need. So this card is telling you that there is information or secrets that will come to you.

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Post by bellevalentine » Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:20 am

Is it really possible to read for yourself????

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What the Tarot cards mean? One card Readings

Post by david1 » Sat Sep 27, 2008 4:02 pm

In answer to your question I feel you should be able once you know your cards to ask a question and get the answer.  I would like one day to read tarot cards for money.  But I have to do work on learning the cards and allowing everyone to help me.  I hope this helps you.  Also just got back off by Holiday in Kent so sorry for not answering your message.  David.

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