Gem's Tarot Class - Feedback for **The 22 Major Arcana**

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Post by pirbid » Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:47 pm


Hallo, Windspirits. As a fellow companion in the course, I have been following your descriptions of the Major Arcana and I like your deck very much, as well as your interpretations for each card.

I believe the beauty of intuitive reading is that each reader will have his/her own unique style. If we did not, all querents might as well stay with the softwares published, which are ok, but a bit colder than having a person read for you and be able to exchange opinions on the reading.

Nice having you along  :)

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Thank you

Post by windspirits » Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:17 pm

MM and Thank you for the kind words.  I know I have read so many different books and websites on Tarot and it seems as if when someone teaches
the subject they tend to try and teach the same thing to everybody.  I am so glad this class is so different.  I might just finally learn something about
the true Tarot.  I have tried so many variations of classes or studies, and have just given up any hope of ever learning, because I would see or thought
I saw things differently, and was told I must learn the true meanings before trying to interject my own desires, feelings, etc.  I am a firm believer that
one must say things as they are rather than as someone thinks they should be.  Just because it is written in a book, does not make it so.  
At least that is my opinion anyway.

Thank you so much, it means a lot to me to be appreciated for who and what I am.

Nice to be noticed..

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Post by farafina » Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:34 am

I just finished the major 22 arcanas. What I really liked about this course is the fact that there is no set in stone interpretation, as we find in books for instance. On the contrary, I felt that the course encouraged me to use my intuition and my own insights to make out the meanings.
Wonderful initiative!
Thank you Gem for taking the time to do this and for the dedication.

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Post by appylover » Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:35 am

Hi. Just got done with the 22 arcane. I really liked this part of the course. Can't wait to get going with the next lessen.

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New decks!

Post by pirbid » Sun Mar 16, 2008 5:48 pm

:) I have just finished posting the Major Arcana from my three new decks, so that people have a closer idea what they look like (save for those who already own them, of course  :smt003 ).

But Gem, you were very right when you said one can still learn a lot from going through this exercises with different decks. Here is what I have learned this time around:

- I got a very clear idea of my familiarity with previous decks, specially RW, on which I studied every symbol on each card (long time ago, though). I could easily picture the RW version in my mind when trying to compare it with the new cards, so that I could see what important symbols and interpreting "tips" might be missing or decidedly altered.

- Quite a few questions popped into my mind by just going through the Majors again in detail. I hope to be able to post some of them in the Tarot forum and see if I can get some enlightened answers.

Summing up the experience, this time around I was trying to fathom how easy it would be for me to read from these decks. Very early on I was convinced the Universal Fantasy Tarot would not be one of my regular reading decks.

I have had a few decks edited by Lo Scarabeo and they have a high artistic quality, but they do not bother much with the original symbols, so I find them ideal to make big collages with and put them up on the walls of the reading room. Or maybe make a blown version of a few favorite cards and put them up as if on a spread. In fact, I have put up temporal spreads using artistic decks on these glass frames used for photos, so that the cards were not damaged and could be changed often.

Llewellyn's deck is easier (specially the Minors, which are a very close version of RW's), and so beautiful that I think I will make an effort to use it on some face to face readings with friends.

And finally the Guilded Tarot, while having some tricky cards, is still close enough to my familiar meanings that it can make a striking reading tool. I have wanted this Tarot from the first time I saw one single card, and when I found Ciro Marchetti's page and saw images from all three of his decks, my mouth just watered. So I will make sure to get them all in time (I am hoping they will become more attainable in a few seasons, and the third is still on the making).

For scanner space reasons, I will not be posting the Minor Arcana unless someone is interested in seeing a specific card from any of my decks (so far  :smt003 ). These are The Guilded, the Llewellyn, the Universal Fantasy, the Ancestral Path, the Spiral, the Medieval Scapini, Robin Wood and, of course, the original Rider Waite.

Feel free to ask if you want to see any of these cards, although Aeclectic Tarot site has innumerable images from nearly all Tarots known and published (I go there whenever a deck is mentioned here that I never heard of).

Thank you for being there as course companions. Cheers!  :smt006

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Post by xaxaa » Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:20 pm

I finally made it to finish all 22 cards of M.Arcana :)  
Some of them were complicated and needed more time but the previous descriptions really helped me
make some sense! Now I understand them and with some exercise I think I'll be able to read them some day :)

Thanks for the help! :)

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my readings

Post by Clare » Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:53 am

0  the fool -  careless, ignorant vain
1  the magician -  guardian, confident, determined
2  high priestess – regal, knowing, serene
3  empress and emperor -  defiant , warriorlike, determined
5  the hierophant – fear, paranoia, hostage
6 the lovers -  openness, trust, affection
7  the chariot – arrogance, soldier, braveheart
8  strength – control, leadership, command
9  the hermit – weary, sad, bleak , alone
10 wheel of fortune -  travel, wealth, luck
11 justice – intelligent, decision maker, justice
12  the hanged man – lazy, slacker, joker
13 death – final, martyr, kamikaze
14 temperance -  saintlike, pure, prudish
15 the devil – male, slovenly, lazy
16 the tower – chaos destruction, disruption
17 the star -  innocence, bliss , happiness
18 the moon – harmony, understanding, unity
19 the sun – fun, laughter, brightness
20 judgement – idol, god like, worshipped
21 the world – happy, content, bliss

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My Interpretations...

Post by deelitefullyme » Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:22 pm

I just finished the Major Arcana.  The majority of the cards I have not had a chance to read upon so the interpretations came purely from my thoughts behind the pictures I saw.

I am using "The Dreamer's" deck which is a beautiful deck that spoke to me when I was in the store.

Thanks for this class.  It is a nice learning break from book leaning and it allows me to be more creative in my quest to understand the tarot.

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Post by Mandimedea » Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:17 am

I finished the major arcana and now I am reading to move forward.  Thank you, I am really enjoying this.

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contemplating the major arcana

Post by scarabcameo » Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:13 am

I am working with Dali's deck but think his personality may overshadow the underlying tarot meanings and may go back to Waite for the major arcana.

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