The Four Elements

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The Four Elements

Post by Youdah » Wed Oct 15, 2008 8:02 pm

**This thread open to all, not just those interested in astrology.**

We are beginning a class in Western Astrology next week.  There are some concepts that students need to know before we get started.  That is why I'm asking for YOUR help and ideas!  

I can prattle on about The Four Elements, but I know that there are many here at Mystic Board who can give excellent ideas, insight, descriptions, and experiences, and the relationships of The Four Elements.

Tarot readers, I know, can give some good ideas about The Elements.  Many others have understanding of these.

So, I'm asking for your posts!  You don't have to be an expert, or a teacher, but please help out the students, and everyone else, to understand these things.  If you know of a good, non-commercial website that talks about The Elements, please post a link!  If you're already signed-up for the Astrology Class, please participate, also!

Thank you!
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Post by RoseRed » Thu Oct 16, 2008 11:19 am

Ancient man searched for the elements within themselves.
• As their thoughts were free moving, and unseen, they likened them to the element Air.
• As their desires burned in their breasts, so they likened this to the element Fire.
• As tears flowed in response to their feelings, so they likened this to the element Water.
• And, as the stability of their bodies, like the planet they lived upon, was the basis of survival, so this then represented the element Earth.
It was thus decided that there were four inner requirements for lasting happiness.
• Peace of mind - Thoughts(Air)
• Courage of convictions - Desires(Fire)
• Love within the heart - feelings(Water)
• Strength of resolve - Stability(Earth)

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Post by soulsearch » Thu Oct 16, 2008 12:52 pm

RoseRed wrote:Ancient man searched for the elements within themselves.
• As their thoughts were free moving, and unseen, they likened them to the element Air.
• As their desires burned in their breasts, so they likened this to the element Fire.
• As tears flowed in response to their feelings, so they likened this to the element Water.
• And, as the stability of their bodies, like the planet they lived upon, was the basis of survival, so this then represented the element Earth.
It was thus decided that there were four inner requirements for lasting happiness.
• Peace of mind - Thoughts(Air)
• Courage of convictions - Desires(Fire)
• Love within the heart - feelings(Water)
• Strength of resolve - Stability(Earth)
Wow Rosered,
That was truly beautiful. ( If I may you have a strong water/air element in your chart??? :) )

Managed to read quite a few things from many sites and found the common characteristic to be

Air :Mental process  and Communication..
Fire : The energy, the enthusiasm , the passion ....
Earth:Practicality, the stability,pragmatic.

A balanced person would be a person who has the creative thoughts/ideas ( Air), the action ( Fire)required to convert the ideas/thoughts practically ( earth) and with sensitivity ( water).

I am sure thats there is lots more to learn...but I rather stick to the K.I.S.S. principle :)

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Post by RoseRed » Thu Oct 16, 2008 1:46 pm

thanx soulsearch I also just loved it when I came across it quite some time ago!
I really like your version too esp the air one: mental process and communication also the earth one: practical.
Good choice!
soulsearch wrote:A balanced person would be a person who has the creative thoughts/ideas ( Air), the action ( Fire)required to convert the ideas/thoughts practically ( earth) and with sensitivity ( water).
I just LOVE that!!!

I have absolutly NO idea what I have in my chart - but you shall soon find out as I will!! :smt003
But I think I do...hummmm.... :smt017

edit-->to correct some words

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Post by Youdah » Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:16 pm

My star pupils!  :)

I'm glad I didn't try to explain the elements, because you two did a better job than I would have!

Suppose someone had an AIR element in their chart.  What kind of characteristics would they have?
Suppose you were doing a different kind of chart, a reading, for them and there was a strong AIR element for that day...what would you expect to happen to that person during that day?

If you make-up a little "suppose" scenario for each of the element (including spirit), then you are already interpreting astrology.

Share some more "suppose" situations, if you want to!  Or make-up a scenario, and see what kind of "interpretation" someone else would have.

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Post by Youdah » Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:24 am

I found this great graphic today that showed another layer to the elements.  Astro students, notice the addition of "touch" to the elements; how the elements, cold, wet, etc.
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Post by soulsearch » Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:24 am

..If someone would have a strong Air element then
The positivities would reflect in a person who would have the ability to think before reacting ( fire) to a situation. He would be adaptive in his thoughts as he would have the abilitiy to comprehend and understand.Even if the thoughts could be impractical ( low earth) or insensitive ( low water) he would have the ability to re-assess (air) his thoughts making him more accomodating to new learning.
Since air sign also reflects about networking. He would learn well in and from social situations.

The negatives would show up in areas where the person's ideas ( high Air) would be stuck in his head and the inability to execute ( low fire) the same.At times a constant learner would be required to snap out of his dreamworld. They could also be dettached (Low water) and at times lack insensitivity.
However the positive in the low air chart ( balanced other elements) would indicate a person who passionately ( fire) communicates with emotions/psychic ( water) in the pragmatic world ( earth).But maybe he would be rigid in his thoughts due to lack/less of Air element.

If we take a transit for a day and there would be a strong Air element then
Positive aspect :The native ( high air)could network( air) with another person and there could be some learning (air)
Negative aspect :The native ( high air) would totally get lost in his thoughts and cause mental stress (excess air)
Positive aspect : Native ( low air) could be exposed to an area...where some learning could take place and would make him realise( transit high air) ( and balance other elements) to view a situation through a different perspective.
Negative aspect :the native ( low air) could be exposed to certain thoughts/friends/situations ( air) that could cause him discomfort/nervous (low air) due to his inability to be accomodating ( low air)

How a person would eventually react would be based on the three elements and the transits but the above would be generally the areas that would/could cause the 'pull' factor for the native.

Would appreciate if you could share about the spirit element.


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Post by Youdah » Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:44 am

soulsearch wrote:...snip...
Would appreciate if you could share about the spirit element.
Yes, all that you said above.  Thank you for such good examples.

In mundane astrology, the person could receive letters or phone calls with strong Air element in the chart.  (Mundane astrology addressing the ordinary things of life).

Spirit.  Spirit is the "higher self," God, the "universe," soul, Buddha, Freya, or whatever name someone gives to this area.  Think of spirit as the "glue" or the "energy" that holds all the four elements together, or as a separate element, depending on a person's beliefs or philosophy.

On a daily chart with a strong spirit element, someone might enjoy and experience awe at a beautiful sunset...a moment of connection with the sublime or nature, for example.

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Post by soulsearch » Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:23 am

Yes, I understand the spirit element but was wondering how would it fit in the purview of both the  astrology and the astrologer.

Since it rests in the center of the chart and as you say is the universe within the self does it compensate for areas where certain elements are low..eventually creating a balance/ glue.The form this energy takes place would be areas that the individual lacks ( air,water,fire or earth) as per the chart.

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Post by Youdah » Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:01 am

soulsearch wrote:Yes, I understand the spirit element but was wondering how would it fit in the purview of both the  astrology and the astrologer.

Since it rests in the center of the chart and as you say is the universe within the self does it compensate for areas where certain elements are low..eventually creating a balance/ glue.The form this energy takes place would be areas that the individual lacks ( air,water,fire or earth) as per the chart.
Just to make a graphic, and from a personal philosophy, I put "spirit" in the center.  It is more common, though, to see it placed a five pointed star so that each element is the legs/arms and spirit being the upper most point of the star.  

The spirit would be the energy that flows between the planets, the signs, the aspects.  The personality, the events in the life, the karma, will cause the person to balance.  In this way, the spirit element is the force that causes this all to transpire, to balance, to change.  As the "wheel" turns through the life, the person is encouraged to balance (or obtain that which is "low").  So, the spirit doesn't actually compensate, but causes the person to balance themselves.

I think when I asked to consider what anyone would expect to see in the chart with each of the elements, I was mistakenly blurring the line between "spiritual" and "spirit."  Although there are aspects in any chart to show spiritual, the spirit's effect could be seen in the chart, but not necessarily in the same way as the four elements would.

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Post by RoseRed » Fri Oct 17, 2008 8:12 am

Okay Air – well if someone had a strong element of Air in their chart I would say, as complete guesses that they might be quite up in the air – like maybe a little bit ungrounded? Their head is filled with thoughts and ideas, they might be very flowy on their feet, like float around situations bringing understanding and new perspectives to things also they might be serene? Detached?
But maybe they might be affected by situations too as they can move so easily and change so much??

If they had a strong element of air for that day: maybe allow some free thinking as you might find the solution to an old question or might get a new perspective? Try not be so rigid, adapt to situations in the day? errr….
Fire – if someone has a strong element of fire in their chart they may be upfront, str down the line, no time for nonsense, get str to the point without any of the niceties. ummm quick to flare up but also constant, when under control can accomplish great things as they are able to see the truth, kinda like the flame burns away all the crap and all you are left with is the truth of the situation. I think that they also need other ppl to a huge extent. I flame cannot burn out of nowhere it needs fuel, either air or earth. It can only exist through others, even though strong once created. errrr I think I may have gotten distracted with this one!  I’m doing more of a analysis of the actual flame…oops! heehee

If they had a strong element of fire for that day: be strong in your decisions for the day – be a little forceful – eg) a friend is taking all your time up by complaining about her boyfriend, be kind but strong with her and tell her that she can’t use you as a crutch or something like that. Look closer at what is presented and find the truth of the situation behind all the layers. Be careful to not lose your temper? You might be a little aggressive and dominant?
Water – if someone had a strong element of water in their chart I would say that they are governed by their emotions. It's like this huge river and it goes where the river takes it, goes with the flow and wherever that river may go whether to a ‘bad’ emotion or a ‘good’ emotion they will not know the difference and maybe wont be able to even change the course of direction as it would be going against their very nature.

Characteristics: would find peace by being around water, quite adaptable, very strong - if I remember water can be the most destructive force and when used as a torture technique is was proved one of the most effective (okay a little weird example but it just popped in), purifying, can take any situation and calm it down ummmm…..

If they had a strong element of water for that day: go with the flow, allow the days events to happen as they are meant to happen, don’t swim against the flow basically. Maybe be careful you might be a little emotional today so don’t make any big descions rather just relax, sit back and allow events to occur.?
Earth – strong element of Earth…hummm….okay let's think…grounded, solid, stable, wisdom, compassion, cycles, understanding…
Okay these are just words that came in, wisdom because the earth has witnessed so many things and yet it still loves us and provides for us the ultimate compassion and love. The earth knows it's cycles and lives by them – it's in it's nature, will of survival – no matter what we do to it if given just a moments chance it will spring back and start healing itself…ummm…MOTHER energy! yeah def mother energy.

If they had a strong element of earth for that day: you know what you believe in and you know who you are don’t let others bend you? be compassionate to situations that might come up, be strong and stable, maybe if a project is taking forever to finish just sit down and meticulously plug away at it don’t put to much thought into it just do it???

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Post by RoseRed » Fri Oct 17, 2008 8:39 am

Youdah wrote:In mundane astrology, the person could receive letters or phone calls with strong Air element in the chart.
Now that was NOT something I even considered! heehee!
How on earth does that happen? :)
Messages from the air transformed into physical messages?! hahaha!
But if that is getting ahead of myself then please just tell me to wait for the course to start Or just don't answer me. :)
Youdah wrote:As the "wheel" turns through the life, the person is encouraged to balance (or obtain that which is "low").  So, the spirit doesn't actually compensate, but causes the person to balance themselves.
Could you kinda say that when one has a certain dip in one of their elements then they will naturally gravitate towards that element in their daily lives?
We are self-regulating beings and do it all the time without us even knowing?
The driving force is the spirit - the spirit is the thing that pops the idea into your head?

I don't have very good examples in mind but maybe say if their earth element might be a little low then then might have the 'pull' to go for a little walk in the garden or maybe watch discovery channel/animal planet?? hahahahahaha!! rereading that makes me laugh!!! Its the best I could do this morning! hahaha!!

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Post by soulsearch » Fri Oct 17, 2008 10:13 am

Loved your ideas in the first post....especially the way you left it open ended.
Could you kinda say that when one has a certain dip in one of their elements then they will naturally gravitate towards that element in their daily lives?
We are self-regulating beings and do it all the time without us even knowing?
The driving force is the spirit - the spirit is the thing that pops the idea into your head....
.....and believe me this is one of the best I have heard....I guess my thinking is really mundane...:)

Thanks for the laughs...needed that !:)

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Post by Youdah » Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:54 pm

You folks are natural readers.  I mean it.  

You are making my "job" of teaching very, very easy!  :)

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Post by Youdah » Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:59 pm

Let's switch gears now.

What about the graphic I posted showing the Four Elements, with hot, cold, dry, moist?  How would that fit in?

I'll get you started...start with the assumption that every
on the planet, or in the heavens, has the "energy" of the elements in it.  So, if something was a WATER element and COLD, what things or places or behavior would you find?  Don't make it more complicated than it is.    :)

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