Global Conspiracy

Ummmm Star Wars, X-Files, Star Trek... Parallel Worlds, Planets And Aliens...

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Son of Rah
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Global Conspiracy

Post by Son of Rah » Wed Oct 08, 2008 11:29 am

Being of mixed heritage from my mothers side I could never quite understand why there was such a division between, blacks, whites, asians and oriental etc...........But as I have come to understand, in order for the powers that be to insure control they have to create chaos, which is well documented in the Illuminati's documents which means they have been playing with us for hundreds if not thousands of year. Within this they have created a system of misinformation the question is not are there any aliens but what do they want!!!

From Sumerian script they say that they created humans as a slave race to mine the gold in South Africa but you have conflicting stories which say they came and inparted knowledge to man kind, then you have the saga of the nordics who hitler called the Ayrans, reptilians and greys all adding to the mix up.

As human beings I believe we need to unite ourselves as a race and focus on our own ascension rather than looking elsewhere for a saviour this why I think so any of us are now becoming more spiritually aware

I would like to discuss with you all what you know of the Illuminati, Alien Races etc so I myself can broaden my knowledge on these subjects

With light and Love

Son Of Rah

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Post by indreams » Fri Oct 17, 2008 3:45 pm

these are just my beliefs, but here they are, I believe in reincarnation and I believe that in some of our incarnations that we have lived on other planets as well as earth, we don't always incarnate as "humans", which leads me to believe that the "alien" population will eventually show itself on earth and I believe in a positive way, I think they will come to save the human race (from themselves), because there is a lot of dark forces at work on this planet. I believe the illuminati is controlling the entire population and that their power is waning so they are going to try and take their control back and that's when the world wars and famines will start, but as 2012 approaches and the human shift is moving towards love and light, and more and more people are awakening, I think that's what will save the human race and the planet. I think the "aliens" will be here to assist us in the bridge from age of pisces to the new age of aquarius. I think once the shift it complete the earth and the human race will a new clean beautiful place, with love and light and no greed and war.

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Omnicron Solaris
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Post by Omnicron Solaris » Tue Oct 21, 2008 6:28 am

Strongly believe that there is something to the claims of the conspiracy theorists that our elected leaders are truly not in control.
When I first learned of this theory that people like "illuminati" are actually in charge of the world's government, I didn't believe it.  Perhaps I didn't want to believe it.
And then after doing a great amount of research in an attempt to disprove this theory, much to my chagrin, I discovered that it was most likely true.
People like Alex Jones (if you google Alex Jones you'll find his websites all filled with all kinds of interesting information) have been chasing organizations like the builder burgers for a very long time.  He has been detained at airports and arrested for little or no reason most likely because he knows too much about the supersecret organization.
I would very much like to believe that someday in the near future we will have control over our own collective destiny's... however I do think that this is very likely unless something truly horrible happens to drag these monsters into of the light.

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How about...

Post by pablofelix » Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:46 pm

How about the Billderbergs Club and the Rotschild family???

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