Paradoxes in Vedic Astrology and My Conclusions I

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Post by RishiRahul » Sun Nov 09, 2008 6:11 pm

projenator wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
projenator wrote:Rishirahulda,
                  Long time no see, glad you are finally back. Really appreciate your comments, what i wanted to get at with the ayanamsa fine tuning is figuring out which planets are in rasi sandhi. This is often neglected. Planets in rasi sandhi will give effect of both houses. In the Rasi chart, Jupiter is in the sandhi of seventh and eighth houses. Likewise in Navamsa, Jupiter is in sandhi of ninth and tenth houses, I bet which also means it is in the sandhi of seventh and eighth house from AL.
                  I am really trying to get into some deep fine tuning since close observation, analysis and discussion of events during dasa of planets in bhava sandhi has led me to believe that such planets will lead to effects from both houses. In my case, Jupiter has lead to both seventh and eighth house effects. For e.g. I had numerous offers for relationships but till date, nothing of permanence has resulted. As far as inheritances go, I am pretty sure I will have some by the end of Ju dasa but managing them and the process of ownership/consolidation (in bits and pieces in different locations) will be a struggle, definitely.
                  Just wanted to illustrate how a planet in bhava sandhi plays out and how useful it is to figure this out by fine tuning ayanamsas.



Hi Projenator,

Are you n American citizen yet? by the way. Have a good time with New President with vision (Obama) and his palm reflects a non president type of nature. With a good practical advisor, and his personal greedlessness and good vision, lets wish him good luck!!

I'll be with you guys there shortly on 21st Nov.

Bhava and rasi differences were always important. You and I believed it solemnly...true.

My advise: Do not ponder too much about sandhis in D9, as it would ultimately confuse. Not that its wrong entirely. I have researched it too. I believe there are things not much necessary as it will confuse views.

Your Jupiter is better than you think it is. It is the nodes which cause trouble to it.

How is the Jupiter mount in your right palm. (please do not post your palm here) high or low etc. Should not be low. Any squares or grilles in it?

Regarding rasi sandhis: atmakarakas are closest to the extreme rasi sandhis and the other are hogher karaks.

                  The night Obama won, i was on my way back home from downtown Chicago around 10 pm and there was so much excitement in the air. It looked like party night and people were calling each other making party plans the next day.
                   Yes, I agree Obama is a different kind of person, not the usual rich spoilt bratty presidents America had before him but how much can he do alone, he has inherited a total mess, just see the American debt clock in NY and you will understand. On top of that, the generation after the baby boomers don't have much skills other than presentation and communication but a huge ego, even if he creates jobs, it will take a herculean training effort to develop those skills to perform them. As I mentioned repeatedly in my other thread, the next couple decades will be very interesting. I am pretty sure the euphoria will die down by 2010, at most 2011 and then the frustration will set in because Obama will be forced to take some hard decisions.

                    Political rambling apart, yes, I am aware my jupiter is not that bad, actually the years of Ju dasa before sade saati started was pretty good, albeit somewhat stressful but I got my results, hence I am not very confident about Ju being my atmakaraka, Mo as my atmakaraka makes more sense. The jupiter mount on my palm is definitely not low and it has a partly formed grill. I really appreciate how you double check astrological findings using palmistry.

                    Also the abroad thing you talked about earlier is pretty challenging to decipher. While it is very apparent that I will have abroad connections on the career front, whether I will settle abroad is not very clear. But there  definitely are elements of foreign career connections and possessions abroad (tenth lord in twelfth in rasi, lagna lord in twelfth in D4 and fourth lord in twelfth in D16) and rahu in lagna brings a flavor of foreignness in the horoscope as well.

appreciate the discussion, thanks.


Hey Proj,

Do tell me the date and time that Obama won the elections so that I can try my horary skills.

Never tried to experiment with country charts. Never had some one who tried to motivate my Jyotish learning.

Wow, you have very correctly tried to go to D4!

Am sure you have tried to go to my site. Did you see that I insist on posting palms. Or have you seen my palm predictions in MB projected in my success stories in my website?

The overall quailities are ultimately revealed in the palm... even the timings.

A grille/grille of some sort in Jupiter mount shows the excess of the qualities of Jupiter, making it negative in qualities, turning it problematic due to too much pride, confirming it to be your atmakaraka.

Let us have a debate. Why do you think that moon is your atmakaraka?


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Post by soulsearch » Sun Nov 09, 2008 10:44 pm


If I may ask too....Why do you think Moon is your AK??


Vinay Jha
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Useless discussion due to lack of data

Post by Vinay Jha » Sat Dec 20, 2008 3:19 pm

RajeevSharma has raised a genuine question, but it is wrong to derive any conclusion from the scanty data he provided. I take into account all factors before uttering anything. Hence, either he should provide time and place of the natives under discussion, or not discuss the topic at all.

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Post by projenator » Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:46 am

projenator wrote:In my case, Jupiter is in the sandhi of seventh and eighth bhavas and I would not call it entirely powerless. Jupiter being third and sixth lords for Tula lagna does no good, had it been powerless, Jupiter dasa would not have been stressful. It has definitely given me stress and put me in situations where grit and determination was called for. When the dasa was with saturn or mercury, the pinch was not much (bearable) but with venus( eighth lord effects) and sun( badhak effects, also sun in 8th in D10), the pinch hurts definitely. Some might be inclined to blame the onset of Saade sati but I feel Jupiter, although not that powerful has been pulling strings from the background. I can say this from the presence of Jupiterian folks in my life at this time and their actions.

here are my details for cross check

July 5, 1976, 14:02 hrs, howrah
          Would appreciate your comments on the above. Depending on your comments, will further discuss.

kind regards,


Vinay Jha
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Post by Vinay Jha » Sun Dec 21, 2008 3:40 am

projenator's comments are OK. I had already said that only the whole effect of a horoscope should be evaluated, which meant that it is wrong to formulate any static rule for a planet in bhaava sandhi always being powerless.

I've checked projenator's horoscope, and found all his obsewrvations to be true, excepting one. Periods of Jup+Sat or Jup+Merc were not so bad ( Saturn's antardasha received only good influences of Jupiter, and bad influences were dispelled, due to mutual friendliness, while Jup+Merc  was slightly worse as compared to Jup+Sat), but Jup+Sun was bad due to Sun (Sun was more to blame than Jupiter in this case, because Jupiter gave good results due to its fast friendship with Sun). Jup+Ven was also bad, but not because of Venus being lord of 8th. If lord of 8th is lagnesh, its Ashtamesh-dosha is mitigated. The evil effect of Venus is due to Sun : please check the difference in degrees of Venus from Sun.

Let us remember a general formula : effects of a planet in bhaava sandhi are attenuated due to sandhi-effect. In projenator's case, Jup+Sun should have given good results due to Jupiter and bad results due to Sun, but Jupiter failed to give appreciable good results on account of sandhi effect.

I was interested in the horoscopes of children mentioned by RajeevSharma , I do not know what are the reasons of secrecy. In projenator's case, sandhi effect is mild and should not be used as an example of sandhi.


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Post by projenator » Mon Dec 22, 2008 5:37 pm

           could you please elaborate your reasons for considering Sun's influence malefic ? I am aware Sun is the badhaka lord conjunct Lagnesh in close proximity of around five degrees, it's also in eighth house in D10 but its also the labhyesh and situated eleventh from it. Sun, the karaka for father is in ninth house, so karaka bhava nashya applies and in my case, not only it does but very much so. Actually you have raised a very very interesting point which almost every astrologer who has seen my chart never considered in spite of me telling them repeatedly that their assessment is not matching with reality. My dad's overbearing influence and authoritarian views have affected my life very negatively. While I don't want to go into the minute details at this point, it would be interesting to know how you reached your conclusion and also will be a learning point for the student in me. Also if you can comment on Jup + Moon since one of them is atmakarak depending on the ayanamsa used and they are in 6/8 relationship to each other forming Shakata yoga. It will be a period of painful change, if you could elaborate in what way as you see it.

Thanks in advance and kind regards,


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Post by sutradhar » Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:22 am

This just puts the one question the fore. Is rash chart enough for predicting ?
A person born within 5 minutes at the same place doesn't have same kind of life. Twins born with a difference of 1 min have a different life all together. This just puts to fore one big question :
If twins should be seen thru shastiamsa that means divisional charts totally modify ur life. A navamsa is 13"20', persons born within the same time and place will be having same D1 and D9 are they going to have the same life. Then answer is known to everyone. MEP is one of the principle I think is derived dhruv nadi or dev keralam ( I think so).

Bhuwan Agrawal
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Post by Bhuwan Agrawal » Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:43 am

Divisional charts ONLY amplify things which one cannot see in the radix. e.g. a novile aspect of 40-degree will show up as a conjunction in D9 which is easier for our eyes. All the information is deeply ingrained in radix chart and divisional charts just bring clarity for analysis. Sastiamsha has a granularity of 6-degree, therfore will show up as a conjunction of those planets within that granularity. Regarding twins ASC in divisional charts is very sensitive point and can not be ascertained even in D9, it could still change easily. All depends on degree of the ASC riising in radix. Twins paradox in astrology is still open if  everyhting remains same in all the divsional charts.

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Post by RajeevSharma » Wed Aug 19, 2009 6:16 pm

quite a good discussion it was.. i m going to revive this thread and participate in it as i missed its major part because my so  called  e-vacation

wud like to have more inputs on this subject and in the mean time i ll give my take on certain comments here...

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Post by sutradhar » Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:48 pm

Hi folks
as per me I don't use lahiri ayanamsa
Jupiter is in rashi sandhi in 8th house
its debilitated in navamsa, dashamsa
now for u to analyze


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