How do you see spirits?

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How do you see spirits?

Post by mystic67 » Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:27 pm

Fo those of you who have seen spirits, how do you see them. Do you see
them as solid figures or transparent. I have read and head so many differant things on this I'm just curious. When I see them they are as solid
as anyone else, not see through at all. Maybe they appear differantly to
differant people?? Just wondering what your experiences have been :)

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Post by ravenuriel » Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:07 pm

transparent. is what I see.
but its also in color for me.
I dont see them all the time .. mind you.. but when I do thats what I see.. I have been told that my mind is to busy and I need to slow it down and develop my skills..
but then my house is well warded.. too.

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Post by astrologer50 » Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:05 am

most mediums see internally clairvoyantly through their third eye. Some see externally, a form of projection, like the person is standing right their in front of them.

Both are equally valid faculties.......

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jan 24, 2009 3:05 pm

Sight is one of the senses that is strong in mediumship.  All the other senses are valid as well.  Sometimes we just sense rather than actually see a spirit presence.  It works for me!

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Post by astrologer50 » Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:09 pm

another method is working symbolically and metaphorically. spirit may show you something in a picture and you have to say what that may mean to the person you are giving a message to.

EG: a kettle blowing steam, pretty simply. Someone is either needing to or actually letting off steam cos there mad.

clairsentience is sensing perhaps how a person passed with what health condition, say a stroke down one arm or head injury (pain in head) of just feeling they may have been crushed in Road Traffic Accident.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:30 pm

There is also sight in the sense that the energy is moving around a person.  To see the form strongly is not the best description but there is a sight (an awareness) of someone standing with the sitter.

Symbols are a strong lesson in mediumship.  It is like a picture is worth a thousand words.  And after all, even our language is based upon symbols.

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Post by BASSTONYA » Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:45 pm

I see people who have passed all the time in my dreams. When I am awake I see figures from the corner of my eyes. I also hear things but it is usually very fast and mummbled.

I am not sure what to make of this but I will make it short and quick. I had went to see a friend before I moved. I was driving past her house on my way to an appointment and something just told me I needed to stop and see her on my way home. I did just that. When I walked in her house I started getting what I thought was a headach. As we were talking she told me that she thought her place was haunted. I was picking up on a few things there. It was a man and he doesn't like fighting. Well, the pain in my head was getting so intense that I finially had to leave. It felt like someone was just hitting me over the back of the head with a sledg hammer. I was a very intense pain and to be honest I could have cried it  hurt so bad.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jan 28, 2009 1:40 pm

To get through to the medium, many methods are used.  You can and should tell them to back off when you are suffering pain.  The purpose of mediumship is NOT to suffer and be in pain.  

It is hard to tell sometimes when it is our own pain or from spirit.  Tell them to back off and call on your guide to aid the process.  I use a firm tone as well as snap my fingers - it seems to help.

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Post by gryskywolf » Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:48 am

When I was young I saw them transparent but now I see them as like grey shadows..  I might not always even see them with my eyes but I feel them,  I will get info what age they are, male or female, when they lived, the clothing they wore when alive, sometimes how they died..they don't always know they are dead.  Once I felt two who had both drowned in a pond close to where I lived who died many years apart..a woman and a small boy...and I always " saw"  them holding hands.  They were always together, never apart.

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Post by Baby_Doll_Gone_Wrong » Sat Feb 28, 2009 7:42 pm

I see them like...."Who's that guy standing in the bathroom?"

If I don't focus/pay attention, I may not realize they are a spirit.  I usually just block out my...talent, when I'm in public places, just to avoid the confusion.

But even with my powers on low, I still know there's a spirit standing there. Like, I don't see them...but, I still know? (It's weird, like, in my head, I know the sky is blue, and there's a spirit sitting on the couch)

In school, a lot of teachers used to get the impression I was a druggie, due to the amount of time I spent staring in space. If only they knew I was staring at their dead relatives!

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Mar 01, 2009 1:45 pm

There is a time for material pursuits and a time for spirit awareness.  That much you have gleaned from your own experiences.  Perhaps taking charge and shutting off when in a material situation will help it strengthen when in use?

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Post by firetopaz » Mon Mar 02, 2009 4:34 am

It's funny you say that.  There are three spirits where I work and I am usually too busy to pay attention to them but every now and then they vie for my attention.  I know one is male but couldn't tell you much more than that.  I usually ignore them and find their antics amusing.  Occasionally they call my name...or I hear someone call my name and I answer and my co-workers go "what" and I say didn't you just call me and they all give me that look...yeah, I am sure you know the one.

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Post by CuriousK » Fri Mar 06, 2009 7:47 am

I have no talent to see spirits whatsoever, and perhaps i'm pretty happy that way. It would really scare me!  So i wonder, with what people saying here that they do see spirits; i was thinking of the movie sixth sense. Do you see them as they have died - say if they died a nasty way, do they reveal themselves to you the way they look when they died?

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:25 pm

In psychic/mediumship abilities we use all our senses and just 'know' spirit is there.  It is all about the energy.  I, too, would probably be scared to death if I saw clearly like some do.

The fact is that there are many talents with the mediumship abilities.  And each must use them to their own advantage and to their best good.  

Some do see spirit clearly as you described from Sixth Sense.  Others just know they are there or get a more shadowy presentation.

Everyone is unique and mediumship is no different in that regard.

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Post by CuriousK » Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:43 am

That is extremely scary to see a spirit in the state that they were at death.

This was one reason why i was hesistant to develop any abilities or try to contact my spirit guides!

As a youngster, i did 'feel' that i was touched upon the neck, it was a cold but gentle touch. I knew it meant well because at the time i was praying.

Another time i felt another 'cold and gentle' touch was when i was praying for my mother, and asked for help since she had collasped. I felt the touch and a few seconds after that a phone rang to tell me she was alright. I do wonder if these touch were from my spirit guides, now that i am learning more about them and what they are.

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