Daily horoscopes for 25th January, 2009

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Daily horoscopes for 25th January, 2009

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:01 am


Your reputation is your top concern right now, but is such an obsessive focus keeping you from making deeper emotional connections with other people? It certainly can be difficult to balance your goals with your personal relationships, but you need to do it. You can master the art of being yourself and being there for others if you try. Luckily, you have an older relative who has some helpful insight. Talk to them today and see what they tell you to work on first.


The people you'll be dealing with today are a lot more grounded than you are right now, which could make you uncomfortable at first. It's tough to work with people who don't see things the way you see them. But if you just relax, you will slowly become much more grounded yourself! Reach out to the people who are always cool, calm and collected and they will reach right back. They can teach you how to see things as they really are, minus all the drama.


More than ever, you are open to the unfamiliar today -- your quick mind is ready to sort through a confusing matter. You will figure out what to make of it. Go out early today and try to find something or someone to keep your brain humming. It's a great day to tackle a puzzle that's been driving you nuts. Or you might want to try (one more time) to get along with that difficult personality. You should challenge yourself today. No matter what the outcome is, you won't be disappointed.


The clouds in your mind have been confusing you a lot lately, but today brings good news! The sun is coming out, and it will burn off that foggy thinking to show you exactly what you need to do! Someone or something will come into your life unexpectedly and provide you the light you need to understand a mystery that's been plaguing you. This is definitely an exciting development that is going to leave you feeling good -- and feeling back in charge of where your life is going.


Listen when that little voice in your head tells you to power through today -- and then take action! Work through lunch or stay late to finish up what you need to do. Any further postponement could leave you painted into a corner, with no options. You have some nice momentum right now, and you shouldn't let it go to waste. Sure, you might prefer taking it easy this afternoon, but you really shouldn't put things off any longer. You'll sleep better knowing you got everything done.


Your formerly healthy ambition has been feeling a bit sickly lately, but when you get a little taste of power today you will finally start to feel robust and capable once again. You can see where you want things to go, and with a little patience you will see a path to take to get there. Your sense of who you are is going to continue to grow slowly but steadily, and you are already starting to see the rewards of being more self assured in your social life.


Being the odd one out can be an advantage, so don't get upset if someone calls you out and makes you feel weird for doing something you thought was the right thing to do. Whoever is trying to push your buttons simply doesn't know how to peg you or figure you out, and they are being lazy in trying to understand you. They're too busy following everyone else and doing the 'in' things to think independently like you do, but you shouldn't let their jealousy bug you.


You have everything you need to make your dreams come true today. You have the energy, and most importantly, you're getting the green light from those in power. Everyone and their brother has some advice they think you should hear, but you don't need instructions from people to know how to run your own life! Being a part of a community is important, but today you should realize that your first priority is to yourself. So go off on your own and leave all the advice behind.


Rush around today, and you could be cheating yourself out of some very pleasant experiences. Don't think that all of your errands are boring things you need to get out of the way in order to move on to more fun and relaxing things -- think of each of them as opportunities for adventure. So slow down and take your time. The dry cleaners, grocery store, or dental office might not usually be the most interesting place on earth, but today ... who knows?


You are getting into the good graces of some very influential people right now. While this is great for your career prospects, it could also have a negative effect in terms of your personal relationships. You don't like to think that the people who want the best for you can get jealous, but they can -- and they are. Try to cool it when it comes to talking about the exciting things that are going on. Be sensitive to the fact that they can't totally relate to what you are living.


It's time for you to be a bit more frugal and put some stricter financial restrictions on yourself. Even if you feel like you are flush with cash right now, it would do you some good to tighten your belt. Pretend that you have less than you have, and you will end up being grateful for what you do have -- instead of always being hungry for more. Being content is a great gift, and it is one you can actually give yourself. All you have to do is adjust your goals and be happier with less -- for now.


You'll be involved in a serious game of Follow the Leader today, and the good news is that you will be the leader! Everyone is eager to follow in your footsteps because they have led you to such great places -- make sure you don't go too fast for people to keep up. Get ready for some serious attention to cause a disruption in your private life. A few personal facts might become public knowledge, so if you have any secrets you need to hide, do what you need to do to keep them hidden.


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