Merlin magicked the Stonehenge circle from the top of uisneach hill to the salisbury plains

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Merlin magicked the Stonehenge circle from the top of uisneach hill to the salisbury plains

Post by eucharuapius » Fri Feb 06, 2009 6:39 am


I'm wondering if anyone has heard of the story about Merlin magicking away the Stonehenge circle from Uisneach Hill in Ireland to the Salisbury plains?  I'd love to know more about it.



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Post by Evard » Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:03 am

Merlin the Stone Wizard. He went to the new Gaul upon Spain and set the magic rite upon England
show he may end the role Scottish with ruin and proper alordiment send England to an age uponsi
begin anew the role Ireland was Britain and the note taken with kind copy all sent to the Soceity n
Times Repenance and find ing was not taken issue when sickness sent Alan Mire~a leader Anew N
proper accord nd order what will be the up registered spaces upon reason ^ will be safe and mana
was not the binding upon book saying it will liken tonqi to the reason iyi sa saying borage was riten
why home stones were the older order above Glastonbury.. so he cast the spell sending away femn
who don t ask about peaceful touch ., they ask rue and touche~ like ignorant lessers who will not uh
ever touch Arthur with their defeated attitude and so called millenia potted against good will and men
who did use the sacred in poor form and will begin proper ideal like they were the servant and only a
non dominant man with very lives of eon upon., seeing time was the false power of plebian DanaFe~,
common men prevail without the desire nor want uh (daddy's) money so they consider the sureness :
What will a group of the three probabl(y) [dumbest] witches want upon seeing Lord King Agin.. so Wiz
Merlin.i cast a spell allowing the acquire proper faith Arthur will set races on Promise the land will now
begin accord with great harvest and water.. so the water did surround Englnd and cheq was Hawtin A:
gen we say the lil people will win away the time anew sylvan and eulo ecudu Gaulic Druid. [if it helped]

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