I need to know weather or not to pursue this love interest..

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I need to know weather or not to pursue this love interest..

Post by Messiahs_Torch » Sat Feb 07, 2009 10:58 am

I'm really getting mixed messages from this person but I really need to know if this person wants me to pursue them or should I just leave it alone?? I like this person alot but I dont wanna waste my time if this person doesnt like me. Any insight will be greatly appreciated.

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Welcome to the human mating game!

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Feb 07, 2009 8:20 pm

Unfortunately in order to be able to directly read this person's feelings and intentions towards you would involve me giving you a third party reading, which is sadly not allowed on these MB forums.

But with due respect approaching anyone in a romantic manner must always necessarily involve the risk that you will be rejected on your first attempt, and if you are waiting for an absolute rock solid 100% guarantee that this person will want to pursue a relationship with you either now or some time in the future, then you are barking up the wrong tree or looking for something which can never be given through a reading or any any other alternative method.

You could be quite unintentionally by doing this setting yourself up for years of feeling lonely, living with your regrets that you did not at least find out if you may have had a real chance with them.

Life and love are always at the best of times to be sure risky businesses, but without taking some calculated risks, we can never hope to achieve anything of importance to us (and I stress that it must but important to us, regardless of what other people may think is important) in this life.

I understand that you feel you are lacking in the confidence you need in order to pluck up the courage to approach this person and determine whether you have a basis for a relationship to develop, but everyone feels that way especially the first few times we offer our heart to another, although only the bravest amongst us is willing to openly admit that we are incredibly nervous at the very thought of having to do this.

My advice would be to take things slowly at first by introducing yourself and getting to know each other better with no pressure for either of you to take the relationship any further at this relatively early stage (assuming that this unknown person is not already in a relationship with someone else, as if this is so then you are I feel looking for trouble and will probably find it). Start out by being their friend, then allow nature to follow it's natural course if indeed your relationship is meant to be.

But you need to be in it and to take the associated risks involved with putting your heart on the line, to have any real chance of winning over his or her love for you?

At this point in the proceedings therefore, I feel that giving you a reading on this would be counter-productive, and could be if misinterpreted used as an excuse for you not to at least give this your best shot.

While I cannot offer you a guarantee that he or she will be interested in you, on the other hand I would not want to be seen as standing in the way of true love by making any predictions with no basis other than my own preconceptions (understood?).

Yours sincerely,

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Sun Feb 08, 2009 12:56 am

Sometimes, if you sit back and 'allow' the situation to just be, you'll have your answer.  Always be friendly, kind & loving (and especially to yourself), but don't spend too much time fretting, worrying, or wondering.  Listen to your instincts.  You always know what you want to do.  ALLOW the situation to unfold, naturally, without any control or negative emotion.

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Re: I need to know weather or not to pursue this love interest..

Post by looking_glass » Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:12 am

Messiahs_Torch wrote:I'm really getting mixed messages from this person but I really need to know if this person wants me to pursue them or should I just leave it alone?? I like this person alot but I dont wanna waste my time if this person doesnt like me. Any insight will be greatly appreciated.
If you think you're going to "waste" your time, it sounds like you think your time is more valuable than even trying to know the person.

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Re: I need to know weather or not to pursue this love interest..

Post by RoseRed » Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:07 am

Hey there,
eye of tiger wrote:Life and love are always at the best of times to be sure risky businesses, but without taking some calculated risks, we can never hope to achieve anything of importance to us (and I stress that it must but important to us, regardless of what other people may think is important) in this life.

My advice would be to take things slowly at first by introducing yourself and getting to know each other better with no pressure for either of you to take the relationship any further at this relatively early stage (assuming that this unknown person is not already in a relationship with someone else, as if this is so then you are I feel looking for trouble and will probably find it). Start out by being their friend, then allow nature to follow it's natural course if indeed your relationship is meant to be.
Youre never going to get any str answers about Life and Love. Just one of those things! :) You get better at assessing situations, but there will always be a time when it seems like a complete curve ball hit you and that you never saw coming.
I have always lived with two things kept in mind, (well actually many many things kept in mind but these are two that kinda stand out alot), and that is:
Time - it is the best tool you can ever have, let things unfold the way they are meant to - if a clear answer is not right infront of your face then its not ready or youre not ready to see it. be patient. The answer will be sure to present itself. "All in due time" as they say :)

kgirlsmomma wrote:Sometimes, if you sit back and 'allow' the situation to just be, you'll have your answer.  Always be friendly, kind & loving (and especially to yourself), but don't spend too much time fretting, worrying, or wondering.  Listen to your instincts.  You always know what you want to do.  ALLOW the situation to unfold, naturally, without any control or negative emotion.
says it quite perfectly.

"personally i would rather regret something that I have done that regret something I was too scared to do" - Movie.
And the mentality with that is - So what!! you put yourself out there and maybe you get your heart hurt?? Soooo???? You will carry on living thats for sure! :) You're not going to die from it - so take a chance and you might be very pleasantly surprised.

Thats my 2cents on the heart....

Now taking your post:
Messiahs_Torch wrote:I'm really getting mixed messages from this person but I really need to know if this person wants me to pursue them or should I just leave it alone?? I like this person alot but I dont wanna waste my time if this person doesnt like me. Any insight will be greatly appreciated.
I'm just going to let my thoughts run with me...

Well mixed messages....those can be yours...like a heart vs mind clash or that maybe she is sending you very clear messages and you don't want to interpret them.
Or that you know very well deep down inside what the answer is, for you, but you don't really want to accept it.

A little more descrip: maybe you know that she is not quite right for you...even though you like her, just that niggling feeling that, well, you could really do with a different choice.
She may tick all the boxes for you - but still...there is that niggly feeling...
Or it could be that she is quite clear that its just friends, but when she's friendly then youre interpreting it as something else?

Be careful which one is giving you the answers - whether its the heart or the mind. Heart is the way to go.

And quite frankly - I don't really like ppl who give mixed messages...to me it seems dishonest - like there is something that the person is trying to hide. I don't like that.
Life is far too short - say what you mean straight up and upfront - don't mess around - the truth may hurt but then it hurts for a little while and then you get over it. Being honest and upfront gives you and the other person options. It allows them to choose for themselves what is most correct.
Keeping quiet - takes everyones choices away and then its just stalemate, no one wanting to make the first move....blegh.

Yip okay - those are some rambling thoughts :)
Good Luck!!
Hope you keep us informed on what your decision is!

Okay just read your dream interp: hummm puts some extra thoughts in mind - maybe she is a girl that has alot of stuff going on, like drama around her and sometimes you will get the urge to protect her, but you don't have to...she has a very very strong totem looking out for her.
So its not a broken-wing kinda relationship - if you do pursue her, then don't let it trick you into thinking that it might be a broken wing relationship, that you need to protect her or fix her kinda thing.

--> eye of tiger - is that a little too close to a third party reading???

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What is meant by “third party” readings?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:12 pm

RoseRed asked
is that a little too close to a third party reading???
I seriously doubt that an interpretation of the member's dream or the above insights could be seen as being a third party reading concerning the woman in question, as they are still very much focussed upon Messiahs_Torch (a registered member of these MB forums) and the effects that any of these possible behaviours could potentially have on him.

This is perfectly allowable as there is no attempt whatsoever to read her directly as an invasion of her right to her own privacy, which is the basis for having this rule in the first place.

M_T both requested a reading as well as inviting us to provide a possible interpretation for his dream, so his right to privacy has also been respected at all times. He requested both, and therefore does already know that we exist.
What is meant by “third party” readings?

A reading normally involves two people, the reader and the person getting the reading, sometimes called the querent or the client. (If reading for yourself, you are both parties.) When the querent wants to know about the motives, actions or desires of some other person not directly involved in the reading, they are asking about a third party.

Third party questions most often involve the reader’s relationships with other people. Here are some examples:

   * Does he love me?
   * Is she cheating on me?
   * Will he get a job soon?
   * Will she pass her test?

In each case the querent is asking about someone else, not about himself.

Why are third party readings wrong?

When developing a personal code of ethics, each reader must decide for herself whether she will or will not do third party readings, and under what circumstances. Some readers consider third party readings to be an invasion of privacy. The third person is not directly involved in the reading, so the reader does not have explicit permission to read for them. Other readers feel they share a common energy bond with their clients during readings. Outside parties are not part of this bond, so the reader would not be able to access information about them through the cards.

What should I do when a querent asks a third party question?

I suggest explaining to the querent why you cannot read for the question as asked, and either ask them to rephrase it or offer some alternatives that redirect the question back to them. If they insist on asking about others (and it is against your ethics to do so) you can simply refuse to read for them.

Here are some suggestions for rephrasing these questions:

   * What can I do to strengthen my relationship?
   * How can I approach him about our relationship?
   * What can I do to support his job search?
   * How can I help her prepare for her test?

What if cards come up for that other person during the reading?

Try to keep your card interpretations focused on your client and their own motives, desires, etc. It may reveal your client’s reactions to the other person, or you may be projecting the client’s thoughts or feelings onto the other person.
Also could I please bring the following suggestion from the Reading Room Guidelines - For Readers to your attention if I may?

M_T has not yet been given the opportunity to respond to either my insights or dream interpretation. I feel myself that this is grossly unfair.
6 ) Please look to see if a reading has already been given, and then please do not give another which may be confusing to the member or make the original reader feel unwanted and that their reading is ignored, or usurped; instead fill another request rather than doubling up.

eye_of_tiger     :smt006

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