Confused Virgo

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Confused Virgo

Post by aubrei24 » Fri Jul 04, 2008 10:51 pm

I know my sun sign is in Virgo, but I just found out my Rising sign is in Leo and my moon sign in Libra.  
It seems strange because to an extent I'm a Virgo, but I do have some Leo characteristics and a little Libra.  Its seems as if the Virgo and Leo are fighting because first impression of me people think that I'm quite and shy, but my friends can tell you the full opposite.  They have to tell me to shut up more than to talk. I don't like arguing and try to avoid it, but if I'm tested I fly off with no problem.  I am very confident, and I try to be confident with out being conceded.  I only organized in certain things for some reason.  A bit messy, I don't want my room perfectly clean, it drives me nuts to see everything perfectly align, but when I do clean everything has to be spotless.  I get fussy if the house is dirty and I didn't make the mess.
I'm loyal to my friends and will do anything for them, at the same time I like my space and privacy.

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Virgo + Leo Asc + Libra Moon

Post by Kahzmik » Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:25 pm

Rising Sign of Leo?  Wow How nice!

 So Leo Rising means you have the 'mask' of Leo.  Your seemingly shy nature [from what you have shared] is most likely a mix of natural Virgoan shyness [no matter how diminished it may be] and then then acutley self awareness you posses about yourself, who your with and where you are.  Why are you so aware of this?  Image!  Thats the Leonian in you.  As you stated you arent shy you are quite the opposite, but apon first meeting someone you are sizing up the situation trying to see how you appear to the other fellow or the group.

Moon in Libra may compound this action.  The moon deals with emotion, and with the moon placed in Libra specifically, there is a tendancy to want partnerships, yet you constantly may see flaws or things that need to be fixed in your relationships.  Relationship means more than just your lover-it extends to friends and aquaintances as well.  Of course the scrutiny of your relationships would add to that seemingly shy nature.

I hope this helps!

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I agree

Post by Kyera » Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:53 am

I completely understand, that is I am sun sign Virgo and Rising Libra, they fight constantly.. lol :)

I hate things to be disorganized and yet I dislike doing the cleaning myself, unless.. I'm the one who made the mess, in which case I am very anal. I also work my bottom off and although I claim that I do it for the love of working the detail, which is true.. I believe EVERYTHING to be so UNFAIR when i do not get recognized! Why on earth would a Virgo be so worried about be acknowledged for the work they have done, most of us are happy just knowing that it was done right!

The mixture of our signs is what completes are chart, there is more than one aspect of your personality, not to mention upbringing, (evironmental) that makes us who we are, don't stress if you are not the perfect Virgo... (Like I am) okay that's a bit far. lol  A combo like Virgo-Libra is hard to deal with and personally I have to keep acknowledging my inconstincies to make sure that I am not contradidicting myself.. a common problem.. (I was also raised by a Libra) Talk about bickering!!!

If I can manage the deuling signs, you can too!

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@ Kyria

Post by mysticvirgo » Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:30 pm

Oh you think the Virgo/libra duality is hard enough, Toss in a Moon in Aries opposing that whole mess. :P

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Re: Confused Virgo

Post by astrologer50 » Sat Feb 06, 2010 8:55 pm

aubrei24 wrote:I know my sun sign is in Virgo, but I just found out my Rising sign is in Leo and my moon sign in Libra.  
It seems strange because to an extent I'm a Virgo, but I do have some Leo characteristics and a little Libra.  Its seems as if the Virgo and Leo are fighting because first impression of me people think that I'm quite and shy, but my friends can tell you the full opposite.  They have to tell me to shut up more than to talk. I don't like arguing and try to avoid it, but if I'm tested I fly off with no problem.  I am very confident, and I try to be confident with out being conceded.  I only organized in certain things for some reason.  A bit messy, I don't want my room perfectly clean, it drives me nuts to see everything perfectly align, but when I do clean everything has to be spotless.  I get fussy if the house is dirty and I didn't make the mess.
I'm loyal to my friends and will do anything for them, at the same time I like my space and privacy.
Well done for digging a little deeper --
Basic astrology
Now basically your sun sign is your 'core beliefs, values, ego' and Asc is your physical body, mode of expression and mask and persona that we all wear and hide behind, but definitely not what's going on underneath. What's going on underneath is your Sun sign. Moon sign, house placements and aspects describe your emotional and intuitive responses, also describes your view of your mother, as saturn describes your father by sign and house position.

So, think of a glass milk bottle the bottle is your Asc and your sun the milk, but the milk still has to 'come out' through the glass neck of the milk bottle....

Now aspects within a natal chart represent 'facets' of our personality, because we are all multifaceted beings. What these do is 'break down and compartmentalise' these facets into smaller bite size chunks. This does take quite a lot of self analysis and objectivity to 'see yourself' and why you do certain things and behave in certain ways. Actually it can be quite good therapy...

Remember back to your school days an opposition is 180', square 90', trine 120', and sextile 60' Now challenged aspects are conj (depending on the planets, cos some like each other and some really don't) squares and oppositions. Easy aspects are conj (if the planets get along) eg: Jupiter conj Moon, sextile and trine. Quincunx is inbetween (depending on the planets) causes health strains and unresolved or hard to balance planets/energies.

Amongst other things, astrology is a wonderful tool for understanding yourself and others better.....enabling us to make better choices in life as we become aware of how our behaviour influences what happens to us through the law of cause and effect. Astrology does not reliably predict the future.......But it can provide an excellent insight into the psychological make-up of people, enabling us to accurately predict their behaviour and it's resultant effects

If you intend to learn about astrology, you will need to begin with a natal chart, it need not necessarily be your own, but many choose to begin this way, in an effort to better understand their own life journey, and purpose. Astrological natal charts are as individual as a persons ‘fingerprints’ depending on where (latitude & longitude) and time of birth.It is important to get your *time of your birth* as this is the most important information.

Here are my personal recommend beginners links to focus upon Natal charts:-
I hope that you come here and want to learn about astrology and join in with exchanges. There ever expanding Education forum here and lots more to explore. ... hp?t=12556 ... essons.php ... -outer.php ... t_patterns

House systems
Lots of people that come into Astrology get their free charts calculated at and the default ‘house system’ used is Placidus and think that’s just the norm and all that there is……..BUT that is just the tip of the iceberg. You can change the default on in Extended Chart selection to Equal house and a few more.

Throughout the forums but mainly in natal astrology there are two main branches Placidus (unequal size houses) v Equal House (whereby each house is same size) but lots more……. For more information on these go here. ... qual_House ... lained.htm
For further research try here... ... idus+equal ... use+system ... post152849

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Re: I agree

Post by mysticvirgo » Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:16 pm

Kyera wrote:I completely understand, that is I am sun sign Virgo and Rising Libra, they fight constantly.. lol :)

I hate things to be disorganized and yet I dislike doing the cleaning myself, unless.. I'm the one who made the mess, in which case I am very anal. I also work my bottom off and although I claim that I do it for the love of working the detail, which is true.. I believe EVERYTHING to be so UNFAIR when i do not get recognized! Why on earth would a Virgo be so worried about be acknowledged for the work they have done, most of us are happy just knowing that it was done right!

The mixture of our signs is what completes are chart, there is more than one aspect of your personality, not to mention upbringing, (evironmental) that makes us who we are, don't stress if you are not the perfect Virgo... (Like I am) okay that's a bit far. lol  A combo like Virgo-Libra is hard to deal with and personally I have to keep acknowledging my inconstincies to make sure that I am not contradidicting myself.. a common problem.. (I was also raised by a Libra) Talk about bickering!!!

If I can manage the deuling signs, you can too!
I am almost exactly the same, I have a Virgo ascendant, but the rest of my first house is Libra.  I have an aries 7th house with Moon and Saturn in Aires. Lucky I have MArs in Sag to sort of keep all that fire constructive.

Really want to do the "Whose is worse" Try having Sun, Pluto AND Uranus conjunct together on your Ascendant!

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Re: I agree

Post by astrologer50 » Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:10 am

mysticvirgo wrote:
Kyera wrote:I completely understand, that is I am sun sign Virgo and Rising Libra, they fight constantly.. lol :)

I hate things to be disorganized and yet I dislike doing the cleaning myself, unless.. I'm the one who made the mess, in which case I am very anal. I also work my bottom off and although I claim that I do it for the love of working the detail, which is true.. I believe EVERYTHING to be so UNFAIR when i do not get recognized! Why on earth would a Virgo be so worried about be acknowledged for the work they have done, most of us are happy just knowing that it was done right!

The mixture of our signs is what completes are chart, there is more than one aspect of your personality, not to mention upbringing, (evironmental) that makes us who we are, don't stress if you are not the perfect Virgo... (Like I am) okay that's a bit far. lol  A combo like Virgo-Libra is hard to deal with and personally I have to keep acknowledging my inconstincies to make sure that I am not contradidicting myself.. a common problem.. (I was also raised by a Libra) Talk about bickering!!!

If I can manage the deuling signs, you can too!
I am almost exactly the same, I have a Virgo ascendant, but the rest of my first house is Libra.  I have an aries 7th house with Moon and Saturn in Aires. Lucky I have MArs in Sag to sort of keep all that fire constructive.

Really want to do the "Whose is worse" Try having Sun, Pluto AND Uranus conjunct together on your Ascendant!
Having aries ruling your 8th house cusp is not the same as having aries in 7th. You are pisces ruling 7th house cusp with Virgo Asc. Having 3planets in 1st house of aries will give you the more Aries feel, not having aries in 7th. Also is doesn’t matter that you have libra ruling 2nd house, if you have Libran planets in first house they will still feel, react and behave with a Aries flavour.

Remember planets are modified by sign, the area where they express is house and aspects from/to these planets is ‘how’ the house cusp ruler acts like a background influence, like a stage setting and the planets are actors on the stage and how they act are the aspects.

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