Daily horoscopes for 19th February, 2009

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Daily horoscopes for 19th February, 2009

Post by AstrologyBot » Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:31 pm


If you think you can make peace between two people who've been bickering a lot lately, you're probably right. You can see through their bluster and you know that deep down inside they really like and respect each other. Now, all you have to do is to convince them of this. Believe it or not, your word carries a lot of weight with each of them. So step in and say something today. Don't worry about being told to mind your own business. They are looking for a referee.


You've been excited about a new project or goal you want to get started on. But you haven't started it yet -- even though you've been talking about it for a long time now. And people are starting to wonder if you're someone who follows through with their promises. It's time to get going and put your energy into making your ideas a reality. Put things in motion today. Because if you don't, you could get a reputation for being flaky. Don't risk it.


Finding a balance in your life requires you to make a sacrifice from time to time, but when you give a little bit you also get a bigger sense of ownership in the larger plan. Today, take another look at an argument you recently had with a loved one -- you'll quickly see how the rift was caused by each person being too rigid and unwilling to see the other side of things. Call or email that person today and let them know that, together, you two can create a plan of action that will keep you both happy.


The upcoming social plans that you are so excited for are sure to be a fun time, but that doesn't mean you should rush around right now. Face it, you can't speed up time -- no matter how much you might want to! So there is no sense in running around today. You will only waste your energy and get yourself all revved up with nowhere to go. Distract yourself today by helping others. Ask around to see who could use your help. Be of service to someone.


Amplifying the volume of romance in your life can be easy if you admit that romance doesn't just relate to a love relationship. Romance exists wherever there is beauty, wherever there is music, and wherever there are two people laughing at a private joke. You need to adjust your vision to include a wider view of what is romantic. Then, you will start to see romance a lot more often. Cherish the way you relate to the world. Smell the roses. You're rushing around too much to notice the magic.


A friend may be experiencing some family problems right now, but helping them solve them is not your obligation. Do not encourage them to tell you all about it, because it's none of your business. Even if you think you know exactly what they need to do to get out of this mess, bite your tongue and let them deal with it on their own. Get involved, and you could end up getting dirty. There are details you are not aware of, so just stay out of things.


Try to be more expressive today -- in how you dress, how you speak, even in how you move. If you need some inspiration to do so, spend some time today exploring different forms of art -- you might even try your hand at one of them. You won't be a master right away, but learning a new creative skill will ignite your imagination in a very exciting way. Surrounding yourself with the people you love is another way of getting your creative juices flowing. Their energy will give you unique ideas.


Don't get frustrated if your matchmaking efforts haven't gone the way you wanted them to -- if people get caught up in the moment and a few sparks of romance blow into something significant, then that's wonderful. But if they don't, you can't force it. So try not to take things personally if the perfect meeting you had planned fizzles out to be nothing more than one bad date. They know you were trying to help, and they appreciate it. From now on, step back. Let them find their own match.


There is a lot of genuine goodwill coming your way today, and it's going to give you the perfect happy little boost to start some new projects. You've got the spark and the attitude to get into planning a party, putting together a group outing, or just getting back to a hobby you haven't been able to enjoy for a while. People will put a smile on your face, even the grouchy ones who usually make you roll your eyes. You're seeing the best in everyone -- and they are still seeing the best in you!


Creating new things today will bring you an exceptional level of satisfaction. You don't have to literally build something -- just use your mind and your hands to create something that is unique to you. Cooking, painting, knitting, writing, and even doing a few repairs around the house are all great ways to keep your mind and your body active. By tonight, you will find a great deal of joy in seeing what you can accomplish all on your own.


Your friends are not always easy to please, and right now it might be starting to feel like you can never do right in their eyes. But you are giving too much, working too hard, and caring more than you need to. It's time to take stock of things. Ask yourself if it's really worth it to work so hard to read their minds. Then, do what you want to do. Are these constant power struggles really the way you want to live your life with this person? Get it all out in the open and talk today.


The drama in a coworker's private life is leaking into your relationship with them -- and it's going to start complicating things today, especially if this coworker has power over you. This could be a tricky situation to maneuver around, but you can do it. You've got the charm, you've got the tact, and you've got the good reputation required to get your stuff done without having to get them involved. Let them do their own thing. Decide not to count on them.


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