New kind of paranormal abilities

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Post by RoseRed » Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:52 am

spiritalk wrote:Deepak Chopra saw its value in his book:  Timeless Mind, Ageless Body.  The seniors were thrilled.  LOL
hahaha! I can well imagine! The seniors... :smt003
I am going to have to see if I can find that book somewhere.  Shot!
Prof. Akers wrote:I have a Pastor friend who is convinced he can and has asked god to stop the rain threatening a church fete, apart from that he's a great bloke.
lol! I can just imagine this pastor going outside and giving the sky a good glare muttering something like, Don't even think about it!
heehee!!!  :smt003

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Post by NAAANEE » Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:32 pm

science can be used both for good & evil.but everybody is a dynamo if he knows the science of getting rain.
today also i have met one lady who told me that she knows when rain comes.I asked her how she knows it?
she just told me that her nose is sensitive to water smell.if she gets that smell then she tells that rain is going to come.
readers if you have like that type of experience please fill in this forum.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:51 pm

For some it is 'in the bones' they ache when rain is due.  That is not actually producing the weather - it is more predicting what is there in the atmosphere.

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Post by NAAANEE » Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:37 pm

yes sensing things is different from creating things.
In Hindu epic Mahabharatha ,where ever Pandavas(the heros of the epic) reside that land will flourish with good rains,crops & all round prosperity.The kauravas(villains of the epic) guessed correctly where Pandavas are hiding just by observing the sudden prosperity of a small neighbouring country where Pandavas were actually hiding.
here sensing ,creating is not there but another dimension came i.e. attraction-attracting timely rain for a good crop production through one's moral strength(heros are high in good moral values.)
so how many ways we can create rain?
how many ways we can sense rain?
how many ways we can attract rain?

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:21 pm

The science of it all should be looked at with your questions.

Creating rain would be quite a feat.  I am sure with other psychic sensitivities in play, it could also be possible to create rain.  Mind over matter has been an interesting focus of mine - so yes, even to creation of the weather.

Sensing rain has been around since the beginning of human existence.  As stated earlier - through the bones, through the smell, perhaps through all our senses.  There is just something in the air before a rain storm.

Attracting rain by the landscape has been recorded.  So perhaps there are ways a farmer can farm and leave fallow some of his fields in order to draw rain.

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:39 pm

Some say, with good intentions, anything can be created.  I believe if the original poster wishes to meditate and create rain, he can.  Therefore, I say, let's all turn out thoughts into creating with good intentions peace & love in the world, so we can all thrive.
Last edited by kgirlsmomma on Sat Feb 28, 2009 3:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:43 pm

Yes, collective thinking (raising of our consciousness) can create miracles on our earth.  Let's all get on the same page - peace on earth and watch it happen!

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Post by NAAANEE » Sat Feb 28, 2009 4:25 pm

i too believe in collective goodness.If the society is good it will automatically attracts the good things in to the world.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Mar 01, 2009 1:48 pm

But we tend to listen to the news and hear all the negativity about our current leaders.  Then our thoughts go to agree/disagree and we are off worrying about the state of our own nations.  Retaining peace and harmony of mind is not so easy in this materialistic world.

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Post by RoseRed » Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:09 am

I know we are kinda going off topic here, but its really an interesting topic - I agree with you spiritalk, thats why I stay clear from most things 'negative' - I don't even like to read 'negative' story books or watch a movie with the 'incorrect' way of thinking.
I think maybe at the back of my mind that maybe one day I will be able to but now while I'm still at such a learning stage I am being very strict with myself as I do struggle with detachment, I'm not very good at it :)

Its very difficult to retain a state of peace and harmony at all times and to still be of this world.
Yeah no problem if you're so detached and removed from in all and in a complete and total state of bliss where nothing can touch you, but thats not exactly the point I feel. I always go back to the fact that we must be our 'spiritual selves' but also be able to be of this world. Live an ordinary life in an unordinary way. Just a thought. :)

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Post by NAAANEE » Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:42 am

Read the story of King Janaka who is both a king & also a Yogi.Having a strong character & knowing how to be peaceful at will makes a person to do miracles! But even then it cannot be called a miracle but it is your true identity that is manifesting.
There is no question for detachment.If you have understood the importance of the things & their time period & just appreciating for it being like that we can always be happy whatever may be the thing happens.And all these paranormal abilities are just a small thing in your life.Your soul perfection is manifested!

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:00 pm

I don't believe I am of this world, but living in it.  Living in 'peaceful bliss' comes from living centered & strong, from your empowered self, and living your truth.  Or 'living an ordinary life in an unordinary way'.  It is living without fear.   I don't believe there is 'incorrect ways of thinking'.  Just some thoughts are more powerful in a positive way.  There will always be conflict, so people can learn thru dichotomy, and learn to live centered & strong.

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Post by NAAANEE » Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:58 pm

Yes,the world is relative and labeled to understand ourselves.Whether the thought is positive or negative we do not know.But it is belief in that thought.The power of conviction!

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Post by RoseRed » Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:05 am

kgirlsmomma wrote:I don't believe I am of this world, but living in it.  Living in 'peaceful bliss' comes from living centered & strong, from your empowered self, and living your truth.  Or 'living an ordinary life in an unordinary way'.  It is living without fear.   I don't believe there is 'incorrect ways of thinking'.  Just some thoughts are more powerful in a positive way.  There will always be conflict, so people can learn thru dichotomy, and learn to live centered & strong.
No no no lol!
You have taken each of my words instead of the general feeling I was trying to give.
I do not believe I am 'of' this world either, but I do know that I was born on this planet at this time and so I am apart of it and it doesn't really matter who I really am from some past life or some other planet. Thats just another label in a sense. I am here right now, so I am apart of this World.

And that state that I was describing is not one that is just achieved by living your life with positive thoughts etc... yes if you really want to get picky then yes doing the simple things do def lead you to great enlightenment. But this state that I was talking about is when you are so detached from this world, that you understand it in such a way that no one would know what on Earth you are even going on about.
Its when you can look at your parents and feel not a personal sense of connection but just the Oneness, the Source. As our parents are just Guardians.
It is a state that I could never in a million years be able to type out and try describe thats why I attached a general feeling to it.

And when I meant "living an ordinary life in an unordinary way" its to be able to be a great spiritual person but to not loose your connection with what others call reality. So that you can relate and interact with others who are not on your level. I think that is very very NB.
If you can only relate and interact with other 'major' spiritual ppl then I think you have 'failed'. You need to be able to interact and relate to all sorts of levels yet still keeping what you believe strong within you.
That is what I meant.
Living in 'peaceful bliss' comes from living centered & strong, from your empowered self, and living your truth.
Of course it does!
Thats what we have been all talking about in various topics all over the forums, that is some of the core 101 values I believe. We all have postings all over the place and its not just in one thread that a person can be sussed out, I believe very strongly in those factors you mentioned.
as well as
It is living without fear.
...there is no other way to live your life. :)
I don't believe there is 'incorrect ways of thinking'.
That too, of course there is no incorect way of thinking.
That is why I put the '' around words that are relative, I have mentioned this before, but not in this thread. When a term that is entirely debatable and relative is used I put a '' around it, so that it is an indicator for others to take a second look and an conscious choice on my behalf to always be aware of the choice of words I use.
There will always be conflict, so people can learn thru dichotomy, and learn to live centered & strong.
True again.
You can learn all the lessons and its easy to apply them when the going is easy, but what about when the going gets tough?
Is the person still going to uphold the lessons they have learned?
Thats how you can tell the state of a person, if they really and truly are living by what they say they live by.
"Through Adversity to the Stars" - per aspera ad astra

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:46 pm

Quite a lengthy explanation certainly does change the meaning of your previous post.  Thank you for clarification.  You have learned quite a bit on your journey.

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