Multiple black cats and sh*t seams to be hitting the fan!

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Multiple black cats and sh*t seams to be hitting the fan!

Post by Aiden » Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:17 am

Before i tell my story i first must give some background information.

  So today my boyfriend came over so that we could talk because crisis is hitting my family. This includes, my 5 year cancer stricken mother has caught pnuemonia for what she feels is the 6 or 7th time and i just found out today that our house as well as hers has not been being paid for for the past couple of months and they might be foreclosed upon. My boyfriends fathers liver is failing as well as his roomates father and my father is extremely suceptible to having a heart attack.He is an extreme work-a-holic and doesnt know how to just not be doing 8 million things at once and today my step mom brought up his possibility of having a heart attack.

  But anyway today he came over and we sat outside in his car and out of my garage came one, two and then a third  black cat. They walked up to the front of our car and then "crossed our path" so to speak. Then there was another one sitting outside my house and another on the side of our porch.
  We live across the street from a Wiccan and i pointed to her house saying that maybe we should get her opinion on this incident and just then we saw two black cats crawl under her car.(we assume they were two of the same ones we saw and not an additional two).
  The one on the side of my house just sat there and watched us and seamed to be waiting for one of us to get out or leave but when i got out and tried to walk up to it it ran away when i got about 15 feet away.

  If anyone has any feelings about what could be going on or any if not extensive knowledge on this black cat omen i would love to hear from you because i dont know what to think right now. Everything seams to be either falling into place for some cataclyzmic downfall or some "birth pains" of an extreme transformation.

Someone please help!!

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Post by suzisco » Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:34 am

Unfortunately due to your age we can't give a reading.

The symbology of cats is fairly complex and there is another thread here in symbols that talks about the myriad of meanings behind cat symbols.

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