The child's father

The dynamics of Childcare and relationships have changed & needs a closer look... Discuss Parenting & Family issues here.

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The Child's Father

Post by Jeanius » Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:06 pm

Clearly not South African mothers...
At worst they were raped; at best they do not know where the father is and inbetween they spend years in court fighting for maintenance while drawing state child support.

But yes, your post is hilarious.
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The Child's Father: Family / Women Abuse

Post by Jeanius » Thu Mar 19, 2009 7:30 pm

Somewhere on these pages I saw a post that seems to have come from a young person or a person who was abused as a child. The post refered that women are abusers too and sometimes do not protect their children (from the fathers). My post on South Africa may seem flip but I am deeply involved with the DEvelopment of Women. There is a lot of talk about women abusers but various social records and court records show that 93% of abuse cases are violence perpertrated by men on women. This would thus be 'the exceotion that proves the rule' kind of thing when we talk about women abusers. Where women 'sit back and watch fathers abuse daughters (and sons) there is usually a history of both societal gender constructs and family abuse that paralyses the women. Often they feel that since societial gender power relations are constructed against them and their children and that they will end up in a much worse situation if they leave and will not be able to provide for the children they stay in the abusive relationship. It's really tough. We recently had a case where a woman killed her son when he would not respond to any efforts on her part for drug and behaviour rehabilitation. He robbed her, broke into the house and beat her. She put him out and took him back and one morning she killed him. The courts gave her a suspended sentence and she is often called upon to speak at community meetings on drug and family abuse. Another women was also set free after she killed her partner who had abused her for years. Other women had been sent to jail in the past. Our courts used to be quite tough on women because they are women and are suposed to be the custodians of morality and family values no matter what the men got up to. Most of our households are supported by women and sometimes by children. Domestic Vilonce is the number one crime and do not get the attention it desreves.

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