HELP! Ex-wife drumming up false charges...AGAIN

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HELP! Ex-wife drumming up false charges...AGAIN

Post by Aymeesue » Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:28 pm

My Fiance's ex-wife is drumming up charges against him again and involving the children..

This is the third time she has involved the court's in her sceme to keep my fiance away from his children..(who adore him, by the way)..

Her accusations are nothing but awful lies..

I have never had to deal with such a vicious person in my life..Does anyone have any advice they could share....???

Sorry to come on here and vent...


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Post by kgirlsmomma » Sat Mar 14, 2009 1:50 am

We've already given advice on this topic, and the advice would be no different that your posting in another section.  The only way this woman will change, is thru the love  and positive energy that you show her that will 'allow' for that change, if she ultimately wishes to do so.  You can only control the way you act, think & feel about this situation, and learn whatever lessons there are to be learned.  And don't think there aren't lessons.  If there weren't..this situation wouldn't be happening.

Whatever is the truth, if you are firm in your truth, needs no explanation.  Live your truth with integrity.  Who cares what she says?  The only answer is "Is that so?"  Give no ammunition, no rebuttal, nothing for her to act or react to.  The children know the truth, and can testify to that if they have to.  You know the truth, and should not worry yourself with anything but that.  "Is that so?"  "I'm sorry you feel that way."  The 2 most disarming statements in the universe.

Now one can learn the easy way, or one can learn the hard way.  This woman will continue to 'teach' you learn a lesson the most difficult way possible, if you allow it.  Seek, find & learn the lesson, without negative action or reaction toward her.  She is merely the teacher, as you are also to her.  Leave her be who she is, to learn and change in her own time, showing nothing but your integrity, truth, love and light shining thru.  The longer this takes, the more difficult the lessons become, because the ego has now entered into it.

Or is this not what you're seeking?  Truth, light & love?  Are you looking for 'permission' for something else?

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Post by firetopaz » Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:55 pm

I worry most about the children, who are so young and impressionable and get used as weapons to cause more hurt.  I wish people would look and see exactly what kind of lessons they are teaching their children.  I am hurt, so your dad can't see you unless he pays me more money, leaves his new girlfriend, is as miserable as me.  So then you children can have two miserable parents.  I know.... lifes lessons, but it still seems a harsh lesson for children who are just learning to read, walk, and how to get along with others.  Breaks my heart in two.  The ex will eventually get over her anger with her husband (we hope), but the children will have needlessly suffered until then.

Try to help these babies as much as you can.

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Post by Aymeesue » Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:07 pm

Thank you for your advice..I know I must sound like a broken record but it is so hard to sit back and watch the way this women acts and worst of all the way she involves these children.

We saw the children earlier this week and I acted as if nothing was wrong.  I don't want the children to think that this is their fault when the truth is, they are being manipulated by their mother.

I have a hard time sending love her way because of the pain she has put my family through, however, what I can do is put her totally out of my mind, not worry about what she is doing or saying and live my life the way I always have.  

The children seem to enjoy their time with us and hopefully someday they will understand that their father and myself are not these horrible monsters that their mother painted us out to be.

Until then my main concern is to do, act and say whatever is in their best interests so that they can grow up leaving as little scar tissue as possible.

Again, thanks for your advice.

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:10 pm

The thing to remember, is the 'person' is the shell, the body housing of the spirit.   Strip that away,  underneath, we are all one in the same....Nothing but spirit love.  This woman', ' the children' , 'that person' 'him' 'her' 'she' ME.  So as you do unto do unto yourself.  Choose actions wisely.

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