Alien Ships / Alien Abductions

Ummmm Star Wars, X-Files, Star Trek... Parallel Worlds, Planets And Aliens...

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Aliens and Alien Abductions

Post by KitawnaMagyar » Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:30 pm

Greetings and MM,

This topic is intriguing yet mystifying at the same time.  I have had my share of sightings since I was 11 yrs old.  I have lived in many states growing up thanks to My parents moving around.  These sightings that I have seen in my adult years has been with other people present who witnessed it as well.  

Now, regarding abductions...I cannot say for sure.  The brief bits and pieces I remember are foggy, yet I do recall the light blue light in the bedroom and I recall seeing the heads of what looked like small children outside the window and that is all I can recall.

Later in my adult years, there have been episodes of missed time; strange marks and bruises that do not hurt on the inside of the thighs from time to time that are unexplainable and do not hurt.  

I have developed unexplainable allergies to certain foods and medications over the years (that I was not allergic to before) as well as certain medical situations arise and then vanish without treatment that have baffled the doctors I go to.  

A few years back, I had a dream that seemed too real.  5 months and 5 days later, I came to find out that 2 other people that I am close to in different parts of the country also had the same dream (They both had it the same evening).  The dreams were exactly the same and involved UFOs and other incidents that cannot be explained.  After contacting Whitley Strieber and a few other individuals who are known to have been abducted and contacted...I was told that these dreams were witness dreams of sorts (though not a common dream type) and that in order to recall that I need to be regressed.  I haven't made it to that point yet but have been thinking about finding one who is schooled in such matters.  (wonders if My brain can handle the truth - whatever that may be).  

So for Me, yes they are real and I have seen too many ships of different sorts in different parts of the country over the last 30 yrs to not believe.  

What is your input?
~ Damnant Quod Non Intelligent.  (They condemn what they don't understand).  Docendo Discimus (We learn by teaching).  Omnia Mutantur, Nos Et Mutamur In Illis (All things are changing, and we are changing with them) ~

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Post by Jojo09 » Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:25 pm

Hi, The first time I saw a UFO was back in 1995 in Somerset Southwest of England, I was working away at the time, I came out of a friends apartment and I started to walk back towards my apartment, I happened to look up into the nights sky and saw a large round saucer shaped Object with different colour lights going round it, I kept my eyes on it for abit, but it wasn't there for very long then it just sped off, so fast that it was like a flash of light, then it was gone.

Another sighting I had was actually last year 2008 late summertime, I went outside my house with my daughter and my niece it was a very clear day not a cloud in the sky, I looked up and noticed a Silver Triangular tube shaped object it was about 20 or so feet up seemed pretty large from a distance, it was so still in the sky no sound or movement, I shouted my husband to come out and see it, he looked up and seen it too.

Altogether 4 of us seen it, I ran in to get my camera so that I could take a picture of it, but for some strange reason it wouldn't show up on my Digital camera, I tried several times to take a picture but it would seem like it had vanished, then I would look at it without the camera and it was still there, we all went back inside I went back out about a minute later, just to have another look and it had gone.

It would have took alot longer to have moved out of sight, then just a minute, I hope to see another one in the near future.

Brightest Blessings to all.

Jojo x

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Post by Omega7154 » Wed Oct 14, 2009 12:27 pm

On the ESA website there are photos of mars that upon magnification show distinct very large spherically shaped metallic structures, as well as other structures that are not natural. Check it out.

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Post by myeye » Sat May 29, 2010 6:19 pm

Hi guy's I'm a bit late in the topic but I saw UFO's three times I was in the army in Ireland I was on duty in base one night and seen this light dancing across the sky first 1 then seen more and more all changing colors disappearing and reappearing say 1 hundred meters away from the point it vanished ,I was on my own and said it to only 1 guy at work a few days after I had seen them,I also told one guy out side of work. A few months later the two guys I had told met for the first time that night we were just driving around and parked up to chat and after about ten or so mins I see these lights again about 15 in all doing the very same things as before dancing the sky and the over lake after about an hour we went to drive away we seen that there had been a big BIG round white right over us different then the others this one was perfectly still and didn't change color we could not see any detail only bright white light, it stayed and we seen getting distant as we drove next thing it apeared to the right of the car again same thing perfect still we would get distance and it would apeared again and again and again untill we got in to the built up area then it left us ,we got back to my house and reflected on what happend and I could see in the gap in the curtains it was right out side my home, all I could say was I'm going to bed ,a few months after I was on duty at a prison on the roof and a few miles away over a mountain I seen one moving slowly across the sky and another one not moving I quickly picked up the binoculars twisted them in to focus and just as I did they vanished.

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