Symbol of A Raven

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Symbol of A Raven

Post by Suki_no_Aesop » Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:35 pm

I've always like Raven and never associated anything dark with them.


In the dream I was in a diminsion with in a dimension I was also in Italy. &nbsp;I was with a small friend of mine, she had auburn hair. We were being chased by "evil" ... I don't really know what they were some sort of evil force. &nbsp;Anyway I said to my friend (and the strange thing is I don't have any friends with red or red tinted hair...) Let's go into this Italian Temple . &nbsp;But it was a cathedral .... it sort of looked like the Roman Collosium ((Sorry for my horrible spelling >.<)) So we went in. &nbsp;We ran up a set of biege stairs that were carved out of stone. &nbsp;The stairs opened up to this room . &nbsp;Inside the room were hundreds of thousands of books. &nbsp;There were also a ton of carved statues, they were all of dragons, all sorts. &nbsp;I look up at the vaulted ceiling and see a stained glass mosaic. &nbsp;It's colors were amber,blue, and black. &nbsp;It was a a stained glass mosaic of a mother raven. &nbsp;It was a raven that had been soaring high and she was saving her kin. &nbsp;She died doing so. &nbsp;The mosaic captured her last moments of life. &nbsp;She was in the sky with her head thrown up (to the right) to the sky. &nbsp;Her beak was open and in the dream I heard her death cry (mentally). &nbsp;I knew all about the raven and her circumstances just by looking at the mosaic. &nbsp;

What do you guys think the raven symbolized ... I'm not too sure so I was wondering if anybody else had any ideas .... = P Thanks!

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Post by Rook » Sun May 03, 2009 2:37 am

Heya Suki

My impression:

Cathedral - the dream is addressing something spiritual

The concept behind the raven, one who died to save its kin. &nbsp;Sounds like the same concept as Jesus to me.


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