Payewacker's Tarot - How much do you want to learn?

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Payewacker's Tarot - How much do you want to learn?

Post by Payewacker » Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:59 pm

Hi Guys,


A Walk with Tarot – Beginner’s Guide.
Compiled by Payewacker - 2012.

Index to Topics.

Short Introduction to Tarot ... bCVtg/edit

Preparing Cards – Shuffling, Upright and Reversed. ... -yXLs/edit

Spirits of TheTarot ... 0viXg/edit

The Numbers.
The Aces ... ODNoaHZjOQ

The Two’s ... ZmNmcXZnbg

The Three’s ... XAzNXF4OTY

The Four’s ... 3dmZHMyZjM

The Major Arcanum

The Fool ... HQyYjh0ZGM

The Magician ... eCN_k/edit

The High Priestess ... U1KGE/edit

The Empress ... Ghnd3Fja3g

The Emperor ... 2JyemZ3Zzk

Minor Arcanum
Ace of Swords ... ZGozMnRndw

Two of Swords ... G5qYmdqY3I

Three of Swords ... Gp3aGo1YzM

Four of Swords ... nBya3dxYzk

Ace of Cups ... emJ3Y2NkYg

Two of Cups ... 3I2Y3hjZmY

Three of Cups ... Gd3OGpqaGg

Four of Cups ... jZ6dDZ6ZHI

Ace of Pentacles ... ZHp3cTJkcw

Two of Pentacles ... zkyeHo3aG0

Three of Pentacles ... DZxYzd4ZDc

Four of Pentacles ... G56N203ZDQ

Ace of Wands ... RwbjQ1NWRz

Two of Wands ... DJ0amZyZ2c

Three of Wands ... GJtOWc2Z3o

Four of Wands ... mpmdGdyY3A

Tarot Card Spreads.
Celtic Cross and how to read it. ... gxYzExNWFl

Pythagorean Tetractus Spread ... 3ZrcmRtaGI

We will post the Links as we continue on the Course. Please mark this forum as "Watch this Forum" to be updated all the time. The discussion threads are posted on the documents.


You know,i,ve been reading Tarot for a long time or let's say, long enough!!
I'm under no circumstances above professionality, nor totally tutored!!

My question to you? Are you so tutored not to get involved in discussions about Tarot? To me, Tarot is an absolute passion, and I would like to know everything and learn as much is possible!!

Each and every day we learn, life teaches us lessons, not only how to live, but how to help people when they are in dire straits. We are a community which is absolutely essential to most people, have you evr thought of it that way? Have you ever thought that we may be that glimmer of hope some people are looking for, or are you just going to sit back and dispose of your oppinions only?

Yes, many times some individual may ask a question none of us even want to consider, but then, be the pshyciatrist and show this person the way only, to answer their own question or enlighten them to reality.

So, then why is it not possible to try and improve your knowledge by actually getting involved in discussions about Tarot. I don't even think that a lot of "Tarot readers" have ever truly investigated the true purpose of Tarot. If I step on your toes, so be it, then you should get to learn how to be a decent reader.

Let me tell you this, I never want to be known as a "Tarot reader" only, my graetest desire, is to be known as a learner, teacher and guide.

What about you??

Blessed be
Last edited by Payewacker on Tue Dec 27, 2011 2:36 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Post by cedars » Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:01 pm

I agree with you totally Payewacker!

I always and always say that I am learning and still learning the tarot and Life itself. What a certain card may tell me today for a specific reading, may not tell me the same thing for another reading. This I found out recently with the Emperor and the Three of Pentacles. Even though these are both positive cards in their upright state, on both these occasions I got a surge of a negative feeling about these cards in two different and unrelated readings. I thought for a while if I should convey my feelings (mark the word 'feelings') and perhaps be a laughing stock of what 'the books' say about these two cards vs what my feelings said. But I went along with what I felt rather than their book meanings. I do agree, the book meanings are somewhere in the back of our minds, but sometimes when we get a strong a feeling about a certain card that may come across against the normal, accepted rules, I will still follow my feelings.

There is enormous symbolism with the tarot cards and I have tried to take notes and keep my own journal... but I see this process is a never ending one. The more I read and delve into them, the more I see thigns which I had missed before. And, I am only talking about the deck that I feel connected with so far - the Rider Waite.

I have recently started teaching a family member the tarot and I am finding this to be an immense satisfaction and yet a further learning process for myself and it is ALSO opening the doors for me to investigate more into the pictorial and symbolic meanings of the cards, especially the major Arcana.

Perhaps we could move these topics to the Tarot section rather than the Reading Forum and hoping that more and more people will partake with these discussions.

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:37 pm

I agree that Tarot main forum is more suited for the discussion.

I agree with you that Tarot is a life long learning process, which hopefully never end.

Many new to Tarot go in the trap to believe that those descriptions delivered by the decks author are the single truth, and by that learn it to heart.

In my opinion is it just delivered as a "thought awakening", as an area in which you shall seek in order to find answer when you get a specific card.

There is no "firm" right or "wrong", way to interpret a card, it is how the combination of question, card, and the questioner talk to you that count.

When we evaluate a question and a card, it can have several different way to be turned, which again give new, or other meanings to the interpretation.
If one "get a bit more background" on a subject, then one can see it in another light, and an interpretation that seems far out on the field might be spot on.

I think it is the combination between card and Reader that create the power of Tarot, and I think you both show that there is really magic behind it, in right hands :)

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Post by cedars » Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:40 pm

Thank you Rhuto, and thanks for moving the topic to the right forum.


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Post by Payewacker » Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:31 am

Cedars, Rhuto.

Thanks for your support and great for moving the topic, I was just not sure where exactly to post it. Cedars, I distictly remeber one of your readings where you were presented with one card and used another cards meanings and influence. This is exactly what i'm talking about!

Yes Cedars, teaching someone Tarot opens a vast new understanding about Tarot sometimes. I'm also in the fortunate position where i'm teaching a very good friend of mine, Sagie. You will see he did a reading for happi, but posted it under my name, but signed it as himself. He has not registered as yet, but will do so, probably today!! It took some convincing to get him to do the reading, he felt a bitt intimidated to post his reading.

And as Rhuto, rightfully said, we keep the meanings of the decks in mind, but do not neccesarily limit ourselves to these meanings.

The very first lesson I learned, and each and every Tarot Scholar promotes it, is for pottential readers or student to medditate on every card and then derive their own meanings or interpritations, as per the images and symbolism they are presented with.

Very few readers even consider the links between cards, which are subtle and you need to truly look for it, otherwise it's just not considered. I wonder how many readers consider the links between, Magician-High Priestess-Lovers-Chariot-Justice-Death-The Tower-Moon and The Sun. It's not only Thesis, antithesis or dualities, but also the general or consistent thread that exist, which can't be seen face on!

Therefore, in this sense, we have a idea what we can learn from this, how many others will truly get involved here and post their opinions?

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Post by Payewacker » Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:50 am

Sorry for rambling on,

To follow the discussions contained in this thread, go to this link; ... 486#259486

I wonder if we could start by even discussing all the cards Major and Minor wher we find a Moon present. Perhaps we look for the links if all are upright, and then if one at a time is reversed, how would that affect the other card?

Look at the High Priestess, Two of Swords and Eight of Cups. Look at the faces of the Moon, what can be the significance if we reverse Two of Swords?

Another one, The Nine of Swords and the High Priestess, look at the "blanket" and the pomegranate curtain?

Blessed be
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Post by cedars » Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:04 pm

You are not rambling on PW...
good points to discuss.

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Post by cedars » Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:24 pm

The Moon.

Okay, let’s go for it.
My comments are not based on any textbook or study of the moon in the tarot. I am going by my intuition and what they might stand for in their shapes and so on. Although there is a lot written as to the meaning of every colour, every shape of this and that,, but my comments come from my past studies and now based on how I see these shapes and colours and objects, including the moon.

High Priestess, Two of Swords and Eight of Cups. The Moon.

The moon in all of these is a crescent and not a full-shaped moon. The biggest in size is the one at the feet of the High Priestess and on her crown there is a globe (moon or earth?). The colour of the moon in all the above is depicted in yellow.

Whilst the moon is looked upon as the lantern at night to guide us in the hours of darkness, and yet, in the Middle Eastern/Eastern cultures, it is also viewed as an object of beauty. A beautiful face of a woman is associated with that of a full moon, but in Western cultures, if you did pay such a compliment to a woman, she might cringe and not take it as a compliment. It may probably depend which culture is looking at the faces of the moon in the above cards. However, as the moon is the night lantern, but it is not strong enough like the sun to keep every activity on Earth visible and out into the open, it plays more of a mysterious, secretive and an illusive role.

To me, having the moon at the feet of the High Priestess signifies that she has control of that mystery; the moon is not high in the sky as opposed to the Two of Swords and the Eight of Cups – all in the shape of a crescent I might add. Because our path is not always clear at night, despite the moon’s efforts to light it up, similarly a crescent (not a complete moon) makes that task even harder.

Two of Swords: she has no clear vision as to what she must do – half moon, blindfold, criss-crossed by the swords. But, nevertheless, the moon will bring change to the situation that she is in.  The moon brings changes to the tide on a daily basis, the lunar cycle brings changes to a woman’s body, and many changes are borne due to the moon and its effect with the earth’s gravity and so on. I am no scientist to carry on with the rest.

Eight of Cups: the moon is intermingled with the sun or is it a sleeping moon making the path of this man’s journey even more treacherous? If it is a ‘sleeping sun’ then the moon again is in its crescent shape which reflects the soul of the man going on a journey but unsure of the outcome or what lies ahead. It heralds change again; change that this man is willingly to venture into.

The Moon: here again there is a sleepy face of a crescent moon while the sun is bright in full beam. The tarot makes a distinct division in the meaning of the moon and the sun: either full bright clarity or half-hidden, half revealed mystery of the half moon. Whilst I would say a Full Moon can be as soothing and comforting as the sun, but the tarot seems to take the moon in its crescent shape. This may lead us towards religion perhaps and that is an area I would like to streer away from, but just for further info, I would like to mention that Islam depicts the moon in its crescent shape rather than its full shape. Any connections? I am not qualified to answer that.

The Moon and the Nine of Swords: Curtain and blanket.

Pomegranate, this Mediterranean fruit, which is mainly full of seeds covered in some juicy layer of jelly-like substance, symbolises abundance and fertility according to tarot symbolism.  I guess in the case of the High Priestess it symbolises plenty of knowledge behind the curtain but one has to seek for that knowledge within oneself or by educating oneself in order to have the right of access to get behind that curtain. Why pomegranate to symbolise abundance and no other fruit, I do not know. I could have easily chosen wheat or any other fruit or vegetation, but the tarot designers seem to have chosen the pomegranate. Does it have any historic-religious background deriving from the Old Testament? I don’t know.

Nine of Swords blanket: pictures of red roses, a crescent and various other symbols. I guess we are looking at the red roses here which adorn the whole blanket. Why is this woman, covered with a blanket symbolised by ‘love’, having such a hard time?

The symbolism in tarot is very deep-rooted, but I try not to make that as the backbone of my readings.

My penny's worth :)

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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:08 pm

I think your penny showed good value....I look forward to the discussion....thx for attending to all who do...this is a fine way to put up ones own thoughts, and brush them against others...this is the best way to learn and grow hunt down your keyboard and send your thoughts :)

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Post by cedars » Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:40 pm

Thanks Rhuto, I look forward to hearing other views and inisghts as well.

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Post by Payewacker » Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:07 pm

To follow the discussions contained in this thread, go to this link; ... 486#259486


I find your posting absolutely wonderfull and really enlightening.

The Pomegranate curtain on the High Priestess is as you say a veil over or hiding watery landscape. I have not really researched the symbolism regarding the Pomegranates, but have a referance where Persipone, ate these fruits and therefore became the only Goddess that could move between our world and the Underworld. In this way I am of the opinion that, pscycics derive their information from spirits who are not available to every person, but the selected few. In this sense the High Priestess has acheived this ability and therefore has knowledge, which is passed on by the Divine. She also has the understanding of how spiritual forces then influence the world at large as well as how this may be acheived. Her role as The High Priestess is then to enlighten and teach us the divine principles as well as how to develop our psychic abilities to further our understanding of how God deliver information to us. I see the globe on her head as a crystal bal, scrying into the bal, also produce tears, and as these tears are running, the Divine intuition and interpritations are delivered. If we look at the globe and see it as a full moon, we can assume that she has knowledge of how each cycle is generated as well as the way in which all these influences are delivered to us.
As the Moon delivers reflected light to earth, i agree with your view that it iluminates that which is normally hidden at night, however we still find deep and dark shadows. As it then moves through our sky, we may find that different faces of hidden mysteries are revealed and doesn't always mean you can trust only one aspect. For you to consider the entire matter, takes time, investigation and only then a conclusion may be acheived.  

Blessed be
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Post by cedars » Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:01 pm

hello Payewacker!

Thanks for an enlightening insight on the moon. I did not realise the pomegranate had Greek mythological background.
There you go. You learn every day. I have, in my childhood days, had some severe tummy problems by not chewing the pomegranate fruit properly as it is basically seeds covered with some fruity substance, albeit quite chewable.

I have often asked this question during my psychic development classes: who delivers to us the thoughts, insights, the sounds and even the visions in our mind? I've either been told, take it as it comes or....... as you rightly said PW, that it is Spirit that sends us those feelings, sensations and clairvoyant visions in our mind's eye. After a long time of struggling to accept or understand if those were a figment of my imagiantion, I am now accepting without question that spirit puts them in my mind's vision or into my senses. Darn! I should have had more pomegranates when I lived back home :)

What is your opinion on the symbolism of the blanket that covers the distressed woman in the nine of Swords of the RW deck?

Opinions and inputs from other members are HUGELY welcome.

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Post by Payewacker » Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:19 pm

Hi Cedars,

Imagine how the other people struggled when the pomegranates germinated, a very fertile blast!! :smt005

I scanned all the different decks into seperate folders and it then makes it easy to look at all the different images on the cards. For one, Looking at the roses, has no connotation to Death, albeit the flag with the white "Rosy-Cross" In Christian beleifs, the White rose als personified Jesus, hence the "Away with the old, welcome bright future" but then we can see that these roses are on a yellow background. I always have a look at the main colour of the cards as well. Although here we find that the card is mostly black, just gives the yellow a different "attitude"? Looking at this then, we find yellow on a lot of the Major Arcanum as a predominant colour. Here we are talking a person's emotional state when they receive bad news. We can't liken it to The Rosy cross of the Rosicrutions, being white. Now, I looked through the cards and realised that it isn't the only card where red is surrounded by yellow, the pomegranates. Now Im thundering where angels fear to tread. Pomegranates are symbolic to fertility, i don't know, but does these opened fruit resemble a woman's womb? A thought.

When people ask me about a Tarot deck, they always have a questionmark as big as a mountain regarding the explanation of the major arcanum. When we start attaching each suit to a direction, the major arcanum just hangs somewhere. The spot I chose for them is the fifth "element" being AKASH--spirit. It makes it so much easier to explain mundane matters and then spiritual or psychic matters, or shall we say, the higher ranking or predominating forces.

When we look at all the Kings and Queens, you will find yellow and red, all the crowns are yellow. The only other card, sporting a yellow crown on it's own is the Ace of Swords. Look at the Hierophant, he also has a yellow crown, also the Emperor, The Tower. What does the colour yellow directly refer to? My thought, is AKASH or spirit. Here we are then talking about the Higher self. I have a phylosophy about control, the spirit controls the mind, which controls the body, emotions and organs, however a person, and lower through the ladder of selves and downward to the root. The Chariot also has headgear which is yellow and it resembles more a crown to me? Check out the big crown on the Tower as well.

Getting back to the red roses surrounded by yellow. Red to me then, symbolises immagination or fruitfull thoughts and the yellow-spirit. The signs of the zodiac and planets links us to the wheel and ultimately to the universe. In the nine of Swords, we can see that this person's head is not covered by spirit, but his lower body, holding him down is a spark of spirit. Swords, being air moving has a substantial influence on a person. So in the Kings we find the birth of thought and is described in the pip cards from ace through ten. Inspired thought then comes from the head, which is controlled by spirit, which controls the mind.......,

Now, look at the panel on the base of the bed. It is a carving of a Sword fight in which the one person is killed? The panel has four sides being the boundary or root (this is beneath you)-card four CC. My theory, the death either of himself or partner, friend, etc. created a mindset which continously feeds itself to the point where this person is as we can see on the card. This card in particular, is one that I never want to see as a future for any of my querants, to me it spells death with no recourse. I had this card as a fallen one, once. I haven't even packed the cards yet, was still shuffling. When i asked the querant if she had someone die lately, she said yes a friend of her about three weeks before.

I want to draw your attention to the Chariot. Look at his shoulder pads, we see two crescent moons, one with a smiling face and one with a crying face. The belt around his waste is yellow and has the signs of the Zodiac. The black and white sphinx links to the High Priestess "Jachin and Boaz" An interesting observation is that we can also see his "skirts" has Freemason and alchemical symbols on. Another interesting link to the High Priestess can be seen in the Lotus pillars - Egypt. Desserts are symbolic to scorpions, which is a water sign and is combined sexually, sexuality and death has always been partners. Death rules Scorpio.

And now we get to the Hierophant. We are immediately drawn to the main figure, clad in red robes. A triple crown of spirituality, right hand raised in a blessing, left hand with the cross of the martyr. the supplicants. The one to our left has red roses on his tunic and the other white lilies? The white hem of his robe shows 3 crosses, not like which Jesus was crussified on, but the horisontal line is in equal length from top to bottom. This is again a Rosicrucian, masonic and alchemical symbol. Look at the left and right edge of the carpet. Have a look at a pic i attached. King Soloman's temple had a black and a white pillar at the entrance, the floor was black and white. A lot of rituals in magick, when described in a grimoire. You find lots of referances to "Key of Solomon the King"--handbook? In a lot of countries, we find the spiritual "leadership" actually directing that govrnment! That is why the poor Emperor is four and The Hierophant five, one step higher, **** happens.

I tried to attach the pic, has gone fro :) to :smt009 to :smt012 to :smt013 and the phones and computors are at the moment :smt014 . That is if we don't loose signal :smt017 .

Blessed be

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Post by Payewacker » Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:24 pm

Hi Cedars,

Imagine how the other people struggled when the pomegranates germinated, a very fertile blast!! :smt005

I scanned all the different decks into seperate folders and it then makes it easy to look at all the different images on the cards. For one, Looking at the roses, has no connotation to Death, albeit the flag with the white "Rosy-Cross" In Christian beleifs, the White rose als personified Jesus, hence the "Away with the old, welcome bright future" but then we can see that these roses are on a yellow background. I always have a look at the main colour of the cards as well. Although here we find that the card is mostly black, just gives the yellow a different "attitude"? Looking at this then, we find yellow on a lot of the Major Arcanum as a predominant colour. Here we are talking a person's emotional state when they receive bad news. We can't liken it to The Rosy cross of the Rosicrutions, being white. Now, I looked through the cards and realised that it isn't the only card where red is surrounded by yellow, the pomegranates. Now Im thundering where angels fear to tread. Pomegranates are symbolic to fertility, i don't know, but does these opened fruit resemble a woman's womb? A thought.

When people ask me about a Tarot deck, they always have a questionmark as big as a mountain regarding the explanation of the major arcanum. When we start attaching each suit to a direction, the major arcanum just hangs somewhere. The spot I chose for them is the fifth "element" being AKASH--spirit. It makes it so much easier to explain mundane matters and then spiritual or psychic matters, or shall we say, the higher ranking or predominating forces.

When we look at all the Kings and Queens, you will find yellow and red, all the crowns are yellow. The only other card, sporting a yellow crown on it's own is the Ace of Swords. Look at the Hierophant, he also has a yellow crown, also the Emperor, The Tower. What does the colour yellow directly refer to? My thought, is AKASH or spirit. Here we are then talking about the Higher self. I have a phylosophy about control, the spirit controls the mind, which controls the body, emotions and organs, however a person, and lower through the ladder of selves and downward to the root. The Chariot also has headgear which is yellow and it resembles more a crown to me? Check out the big crown on the Tower as well.

Getting back to the red roses surrounded by yellow. Red to me then, symbolises immagination or fruitfull thoughts and the yellow-spirit. The signs of the zodiac and planets links us to the wheel and ultimately to the universe. In the nine of Swords, we can see that this person's head is not covered by spirit, but his lower body, holding him down is a spark of spirit. Swords, being air moving has a substantial influence on a person. So in the Kings we find the birth of thought and is described in the pip cards from ace through ten. Inspired thought then comes from the head, which is controlled by spirit, which controls the mind.......,

Now, look at the panel on the base of the bed. It is a carving of a Sword fight in which the one person is killed? The panel has four sides being the boundary or root (this is beneath you)-card four CC. My theory, the death either of himself or partner, friend, etc. created a mindset which continously feeds itself to the point where this person is as we can see on the card. This card in particular, is one that I never want to see as a future for any of my querants, to me it spells death with no recourse. I had this card as a fallen one, once. I haven't even packed the cards yet, was still shuffling. When i asked the querant if she had someone die lately, she said yes a friend of her about three weeks before.

I want to draw your attention to the Chariot. Look at his shoulder pads, we see two crescent moons, one with a smiling face and one with a crying face. The belt around his waste is yellow and has the signs of the Zodiac. The black and white sphinx links to the High Priestess "Jachin and Boaz" An interesting observation is that we can also see his "skirts" has Freemason and alchemical symbols on. Another interesting link to the High Priestess can be seen in the Lotus pillars - Egypt. Desserts are symbolic to scorpions, which is a water sign and is combined sexually, sexuality and death has always been partners. Death rules Scorpio.

And now we get to the Hierophant. We are immediately drawn to the main figure, clad in red robes. A triple crown of spirituality, right hand raised in a blessing, left hand with the cross of the martyr. the supplicants. The one to our left has red roses on his tunic and the other white lilies? The white hem of his robe shows 3 crosses, not like which Jesus was crussified on, but the horisontal line is in equal length from top to bottom. This is again a Rosicrucian, masonic and alchemical symbol. Look at the left and right edge of the carpet. Have a look at a pic i attached. King Soloman's temple had a black and a white pillar at the entrance, the floor was black and white. A lot of rituals in magick, when described in a grimoire. You find lots of referances to "Key of Solomon the King"--handbook? In a lot of countries, we find the spiritual "leadership" actually directing that govrnment! That is why the poor Emperor is four and The Hierophant five, one step higher, **** happens.

The phone, or lack of signal and the rankatank has now got me  :smt013 , about an hour to get this posted only :smt017
Blessed be

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Post by Payewacker » Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:16 pm

Hi Cedars,

As we all know, AE Waite was also a Freemason. So we need to look at his card designs from that perspective as well, and the revelation when attaching the symbolism becomes a new experience as well as shedding light on the way the symbols were used. But in this sense we may not theorise, or attach any other or compulsive meaning to any of the symbols. These are used and as the name implies “masonry” virtually set in stone and understood as that and nothing more. I also need to clarify that these are theories and should not be misinterpreted. In this, I regard the Freemason fraternity with the highest respect, as they deserve!! All the referances or meanings attached to Masonic Symbolism was obtained from the webpages found and is used in that context.

Let us have a look at the Death card, I think you will see what I’m getting at.

Symbol of beginning; symbol of sacrifice. Cornerstones are laid in the North-east corner-Entered Apprentices stand in the Northeast corner of the lodge. The point mid¬way between the darkness of the North and the brilliance of the East was chosen by ancient builders as the point of beginning, a spot to mark a birth, a commencement of a new struc¬ture. Who stands in the darkness has no light; on whom falls the whole light of the brilliant East and its rising sun is not in darkness. Half way between, then, is a symbol of a beginning-the traveler has left the darkness and moved towards the light. Those who build have left the "dark¬ness" in which is no building, and progressed far enough towards "light" to lay a foundation stone. Early man believed that the spirits of the earth, the air, of nature, would destroy what they erected, unless a spiritual defender haunted the structure to defend it. As the gods were far stronger than men, what was sacrificed to them must be of the best. Hence arose the awful rite of "foundation sacrifice" in which human victims were walled up in the cornerstones, thrown bound into the hollowed foundation to die a miserable death of suffocation, or, more mercifully, be crushed to death by the stone laid on top of their bodies. Freemasons lay cornerstones and in the hollowed center put the book, the picture, the coin, the newspaper of the day, the remains of the ancient superstition that without a human sacrifice to provide a protective ghost to haunt the building it will fall.

Now, look carefully at the Death card. Firstly the direction and the reference above about East, North and North-East, where is the “Angel of Death”?!! If we look and consider the twin towers on the death card. The traveler (Angel of death on horseback) is moving from west to east and is at this point “north-east” . Every building has a cornerstone, or the first corner is build, to align the entire structure. Moving towards the light, we find death also moving toward the two towers. In the two towers are two cornerstones. And “Death” is moving from darkness to the light!!!!!!! THE SUNRISE.

I underlined a very important connotation to the death card. Look at the bodies and the surrounding landscape, we are looking at a pit, in which, Death does not only kill the inhabitants, but also crush them!!!!!! Look at levels, the bottom of the “pit” is much lower than the two towers, where we will find the cornerstones. MMMMMMM, would the best sacrifice denote a “priest”. Has the Hierophant then been offered as the highest sacrifice, by which he is now placating death in spirirt (Yellow—face of death, colour of priest) to accept him as the highest sacrifice to spare the mortals????

The White, Five pointed rose;
Fellowship, Five Points of
Symbol of building; of completion. Ancient builders laid out the position of any structure with square corners from a center; thus the building was "erected upon five points." The pentalpha, or five-pointed star, symbol of the five points, is a diagrammatic representation of a man-two arms, two legs, a head. A symbol may be of something different from what the symbol teaches; thus the Five Points, symbolizing completion of a building (a "making"), teach the essentials of brotherhood; the forty-seventh problem, a symbol of geometry and exact science, teaches a love for learning.

In Symbolic Masonry they are white, black and blue. White in all ages and among all peoples has always stood for purity, inno¬cence, sinlessness; black in the same places and times has been the color of death and sorrow. No symbolism beyond what has been universal is to be found in the Masonic use of black and white. One theory as to blue, mentioned so often in the Bible, and being the color of the "blue vault of heaven", is that "the starry-decked canopy" was adopted Masonically as an emblem of universality and limitlessness. Another is that blue was adopted by the first Grand Lodge (after having first adopted white) as the especial color for its principal officers. Attempts have been made to trace the use of blue to the blued steel which was supposed to contrast with the yellow brass on early compasses, but this seems somewhat far-fetched. Some believe that blue, the color of the ribbon in the Most Noble Order of the Garter, was adopted by early Masons in order to add to Freemasonry some of the dignity which surrounded that decoration (and which is referred to in the familiar apron charge) "more honorable than the Star and Garter". Whatever the reason for the adoption of the color, its use is now universal and "Blue Lodge" and "Blue Masonry" are terms understood throughout the civilized world.

Look at the horse, --White—purity, innocence, sinlessness.
Look at colour of the landscape—Blue--- Most noble.
Black, armour, flag—bearer of sorrow?
Look at the colour of the clothing of the person lying in the left corner, his crown to the right.
Blue and White?—The highest still lower than the priest, but nobility, and should have pure intentions, governing his Kingdom, but flawed with black “deaths” Many rulers killed their citizens with no real cause?

Scull and crossbones; A burial ritual is that masons are buried this way!!

The Sunrise(The Sun) between the two towers (Moon card)-

Lunar Lodges
Lodges which meet at the time of the full moon. In the early days of Masonry, both in England and in this country, many if not most lodges met not on dates fixed in advance, but according to the time when the moon was full; not because the moon "governed" the night, but because it illuminated the traveler's path! In days when roads were but muddy paths between town and hamlet, when any journey was hazardous and on black nights dangerous in the extreme, the natural illumination of the moon, making the road easy to find and the depredations of highwaymen the more difficult, was a matter of some moment!

Walking around a central point. In Masonic initiations it is always clock¬wise; from East to West by way of the South. Like so many symbols, the ritualistic explanation does not explain, except with the most elementary reasons, to fit the most limited intelligence. Dur¬ing this part of a degree, members of a lodge ob¬serve that a candidate is properly prepared, but circumambulation is far older than initiations. To primitive man, God was the sun. The sun traveled from East to West by way of the South. Hence, early man circled his stone altar on which was his imitation of the sun-fire-¬from East to West by way of the South, in humble imitation of the God in the sky. Circumambulation is one of many concealed symbols of a Great Architect. In those rituals in which in a certain part of the Master's degree the circumambulation is in the reverse direction, Freemasonry imitates the ancient ceremony signifying death.

Lesser Lights
Symbols of sun, moon and Master. Together, in the form of a triangle, a symbol of God. (See Triangle.) In ritual, the sun "rules" the day and the moon "governs" the night, appar¬ently that the Master may "rule and govern" the lodge. Actually sun and moon neither rule nor govern; they give light, according to the posi¬tion they occupy with relation to any part of a revolving earth. The Master, however, does both rule and govern. The Lesser Lights are the illumination by which an initiate first sees the Great Lights. That the Lesser Lights as a whole are a symbol of Deity, makes the combination of one Light being seen by the others a statement that Freemasonry is non-comprehensible without light shed upon it and its symbols by the Great Architect.

NOW, TAKE OUT TEMPERANCE, HeeHee, I love this!! HERE WE FIND A TRIANGLE INSIDE A SQUARE!!!!!!! Interesting, above the square, Hebrew letters or folds in the material? Should these be Hebrew lettering, we need someone with Hebrew background to translate this?

Can we now see that Temperance, trumps Death, in the sense that Temperance infuses the square and the triangle. Divinity and people.

Wherever expressed in Freemasonry, whether by reference to the number three, or the position of any three objects, the symbol is of Deity. (See Lesser Lights.) Throughout the Craft emphasis is put upon the number three; three Lights, greater and lesser; three steps on the Master's Carpet; three steps at the beginning of the Winding Stairs; three principal officers; three degrees; three due guards; etc., etc. The number three is but another way of expressing the idea of a triangle, earliest symbol for Deity, inasmuch as it is the simplest closed figure (signifying endlessness) which can be formed of straight lines. The emphasis upon three, or the triangle, is Freemasonry's symbol of Deity-being without beginning or ending.

(See Great Lights.) Symbol of the Mas¬ter; of rectitude of life and conduct; of morality, truthfulness, honesty. So universal is the knowl¬edge of its meaning that the word has percolated into all strata of society. The "square man" is the honest man. To "act on the square" is to act honestly. In Freemasonry to "part upon the square" has its own symbolism. The square is a tool made of two members, pointing in different directions. Those directions are "right" with each other-a right angle, so called because the 90 degree angle is the only correct angle for stones which are to build a perpendicular and stable wall. When brethren "part upon the square," they leave each other in different direc¬tions, but in directions of which, if their desti¬nation be unknown, their rightness is known. Brethren part in the full knowledge that their courses until they meet again will be according to the angle of a square--right.

Another square can be found in The Chariot---movement? Consolidating opposing forces or characteristics either within yourself or otherwise between two people?

What now, is the expressed feeling of all the two’s, three’s and four’s?

Looking at the Major Arcanum, we know that it is divided into three sets of seven.

The Chariot being the last in the first set,
Temperance being the last in the second set,
And the World the last one in the third set – Movement—infusion—attainment.

Blessed be

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