strange 'dream'

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strange 'dream'

Post by Fharris » Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:00 pm

Just wanted to get some input about what happened the other night when I was trying to go to sleep. I dont know if it was a dream or what exactly it was, but basically, I had my eyes closed and was relaxed, but was trying to 'see' with my eyes closed. lol, i know it sounds funny, but sometimes when I drift off to sleep, its as if I can see the whole room, as if my eyes are open, but they are actually completely shut....
what happened then, was that i got a ringing in my ears, that got louder, untill it peaked into a very loud 'electronic' sound, which I can only describe as something from the matrix movie lol. I also got a burst of fear, which quickly subsided as I 'just went with it'.
After that, the darkness 'faded' into daylight, and it was if I was somewhere else, in some other house I dont recognize and it was day time. I could look around the room in the house, but this only lasted about 30 seconds. After this, everything faded back to black, and was normal again.
Throughout this experience, I felt completely awake, and was even aware I was lying in bed, while I was 'seeing' this other room.
I dont think it was astral traveling, as I have heard that you see yourself lying in bed, or have a 'cord' etc, I had none of this. Everything was the same as if I was looking through my own eyes.
Is it possible this is just my imagination (which is vivid!), or could it be something more?
I have been trying to do visualization thing more since attending a circle meditation evening, and have been feeling more in touch with things since. I am hoping this is something spiritual, as I have been drawn to all things esoteric in a big way lately. I even bought some amethyst, citrine and rose quarts (which are all next to my bed), hoping to get something off them.
This 'incident' happened before getting these things though.
I would love to hear your thoughts on my 'experience'.
Thanks in advance!

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Post by LisaMarie30 » Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:28 am

Sounds like the meditation group is working. :) It does sound like astral travel.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:50 pm

Why would you disrupt your sleep time for exercises in spirituality or meditation?  It is just not the right time to exercise those faculties.  You need to be awake and alert to do meditation for spiritual awakening.  

What happens in dreams by chance, can happen in meditation by design.  When we are getting things from the mind, it is best to take them to meditation to help understand them for our use.  You are doing the are trying to bring about happenings in a dream(y) state and not be alert to understand and use what you get.

A meditation circle is a good place to gain experience and help open the whole being - body, mind, spirit - to the spiritual journey.  A good teacher would be telling you that your experiments are not conducive to growth - but will sidetrack any good information and input from sincere spirit guides.

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Post by LisaMarie30 » Tue Jun 23, 2009 4:55 pm

Well, spiritalk has more experience then me, so I'll retract back my comment then. I'm still a student, too. ;)

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Post by Fharris » Wed Jun 24, 2009 5:17 am

Hey guys,

some excellent points and good advice spiritalk :) thanks for that, it makes complete sense.
I have not been back to the meditation class, but think maybe that is the best thing to do for now, maybe the reason I didnt understand things was because I was out of my depth.

Thanks again!

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:00 pm

When we start to open psychic centres, many interesting things present themselves.  We need some caution in trying 'everything' all at once.  Some steady growth will bring some excellent results.  Take your time to understand each step of the way and then it will unfold in a common sense manner.

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