virgo...astrology thru a psychic's eyes

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virgo...astrology thru a psychic's eyes

Post by jld » Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:28 pm

exerts about virgos from sylvia browne's astrology thru a psychic's eyes...

often have cracked hands from washing

virgos are promicuous, but have a prudish exterior-can redirect sexual energy though... known as whores of zodiac

virgos like to have everything in its place

carry lists constantly

obsessive about colors in the house and an obsession about counting

must finish things once started

slow, smoldering type when angry

soft heart-let children walk all over them
permissive, but inconsistent parents

can love more than one person at a time

walk with head first on balls of feet

loyal supporters to friends

close knit with family

relate strongly to the past

private learners- not much for formal training

retentative memories, file cabinet mind esp. when hurt

estrangement with mother

...i thought these were fairly accurate. i related to a lot of what was said. maybe not the whores of the zodiac part. hopefully i am channeling that energy elsewhere lol

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Not all of it, but most of it!

Post by tootsiewon » Fri Jan 25, 2008 4:01 am

I really had a good laugh at this one!  

I DO have cracked hands!  

I'm not promiscuous but I'd like to be!  

Everything in its place is a GOOD thing!  

Colors matter, darnit!  I don't count things, tho.  

I'm notorious for starting something new before finishing the last thing - always have lots of pots to stir and irons in the fire.  Organized chaos.

Slow & smoldering?  LOL!  No way - I get right to the point.  When I'm ticked off, the eyebrow goes up and the mouth opens.  Even my 6'3" body-builder kid gets shakey in the knees.

Perfect on all the rest, except for the part about a filing cabinet mind, "esp when hurt".  I don't bring up old hurts - picking scabs just makes for lousy healing.  However, everyone calls me when they can't figure out a crossword puzzle answer or they "need to know".  Yep, I store useless information quite well.

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Post by jld » Fri Jan 25, 2008 6:02 pm

yeah... i have cracked hands too. esp. since my daughter's potty training in progess lol

virgos do seem to be good multitaskers...

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Re: virgo...astrology thru a psychic's eyes

Post by sonicpixie420 » Mon Jan 28, 2008 3:01 am

jld wrote:
virgos are promicuous, but have a prudish exterior-can redirect sexual energy though... known as whores of zodiac
How can that be?
Not that I'm a prude , but I always thought virgos are loyal.
I would expect that from air or fire gemini.
It would be ineteresting to see signs of famous porn stars :-D the ones I know are gemini or aries.

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Post by tootsiewon » Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:25 am

I agree that the "whores of the zodiac" thing is a crummy thing to hang on Virgoes.  I'm a Virgo.  I don't think that it's OK to cheat on a spouse or partner.  Although I might think that the idea is fun that doesn't mean I'd do it!  

Who says Sylvia Brown knows everything, anyway?  She's human.

I think that it's conceivable to be loyal without being exclusive.  I'm a very loyal friend - even if my friends are at odds with each other.  I might be tempted to dump a friend who would say, "If you're friends with Pat then you can't be friends with me!"  

Geminis, Aries and Scorpios have been the people I've known as promiscuous.  

I don't know any porn stars.  I'm not sure that promiscuity on the silver screen is the same as promiscuity in real life.  A job is a job.

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Post by jld » Mon Jan 28, 2008 7:58 pm

In another section, Libra
"Libras, like virgos, should be called the prostitutes of the zodiac, which means that they can give their love to so many that they can love everybody."

Maybe she's using whore and prostitute out of context. Maybe it's the ability to love more than one at a time that she considers whorrish. Pretty odd description though.

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same here not all but a lot of it

Post by jdsickles64 » Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:27 pm

I agree with the virgo's known as whores. That is just wrong on all aspects. I do love more than one person but that doesn't mean I am going to go out and sleep with all of them. I love my husband and have for 21 years. As far as getting angry I do hold it in and let it all build up then I explode. What makes me explode is normally something that is not only small but really stupid. But it's the straw that broke the camels back that one last thing that just adds to what is already there. My hands are not cracked but I do make sure everything is in it's place and clean. I am one that has to have twenty projects going at once so not sure where that comes from since it's not virgo. I don't allways finish either boy now I am confused. I am also a perfectionist if it's not perfect then I do it till it is. That part stinks and I hate it because it makes my life miserable just because it drives my family crazy when I am constantly making things perfect and don't stop till it is. Gotta tell you I am learning a lot with this site and I thank all of you for the information on here because it has helped me understand some of the stuff I go through.

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Post by Kahzmik » Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:42 pm

I feel Sylvia Brown's characteristics of Virgo are the older superficial more stereotypical Virgoan traits.

I was born on August 23rd so I am a Virgo.

My hands are not cracked, though I do prefer to wash my hands when it is time to.  Its not obsessive-its cleanliness.  I feel anyone can learn something from that.  Does this mean that our parents and teachers who suggested we wash our hands before eating or after using the bathroom or after playing in the dirt were all Virgos?  Hardly.  Cleanliness is common sense.

I don't count except when doing math, and the only colors I really care about are the ones I am I match?  I would hope so, and I don't feel that is out of the ordinary.  

Whores of the Zodiac??  Yeah right!  Did she have a bad experience with a Virgo?   Uhh try Earth sign = loyal.  Not to mention the worry of getting disease is too much to even begin behaving that way, and most Virgos are too introverted to act that way.

Precise minds yep, but I think everyone knows that about Virgos.

Everyone wants to take pot shots at Virgos-oh they are obsessive and boring, have no emotion etc.  Truth is we are always trying to make things better because we spend so much time looking at the world and analyzing.  Thats not obssesive.  Thats our way of trying to help.  After all Virgos are great at service-helping someone or someones is service.  

We tend to be a bit more scientific in our thoughts-that is far from boring.  The Universe or life in general boring?  pff  Ever had a boring conversation with a Virgo?  Ever meet a Virgo who didn't have something planned for a days activities?

We are an Earth sign, so we are loyal, and we are so we do love  We can be too critical at times but that doesn't mean we are unemotional!  I feel everyone can love more than one person.  Does each parent only love one child or only their spouse?  Nope.  When it comes to lovers we stick with just one.  Its too 'messy' to be with more than one, and the clean Virgo doesn't want that mess!

Virgos take note!  In our stride for perfection we recognize and embody some of the best of traits!!

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Post by Kyera » Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:45 am

When upset I am slow and maybe smoldering, but I do get straight to the point, for some reason I just can't stop until I get the answer I wanted.. Doesn't that make me a NAG??? ulgh!
Everything said there is true, except the whore, however like tootsiewon said... I would like to be, not in the way that I would go out and DO it, just in the way that I would day dream about it and maybe even some role play with my boyfriend...:)

Virgo's can seem like quite the prude, and I believe that is precisely where the Whore thing comes in. Personally, I can't speak for you all, I like the sexual attention and the trill factor when someone realizes that this perfessional up-tight girl is a bit of a freak! and I have known some Virgo's to take that same thing to the extreem, however I don't think that being a "Whore" on the Female side of the sign is a as common as she makes it out to be.

And BTW I completely agree with the asstranged Mother Role in most Virgo's lives I come accross, mostly, myown. Be it directly or Emotionally.. This is true.
I read a book once saying that Virgo's are commonly the Oldest or the only child and commonly have a single parent. They relate with their mother in early stages and detatch from her later on in life.
I don't know if that is true for all though.

I have no father and always saw myself being a "Daddy's girl" crazy huh? Maybe that's why I like older men.

In that same book it says that Virgo women go for one of two types of Men, the brother type, just like they are, or the exact oposite from them...... Example: dark skin,(If light) Much older, or Much younger.

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Post by blueflame » Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:48 am

Some of these things are very very accurate, others not at all. Then again..I am a "Lirgo" technically because I'm born on the cusp. So I am a split of leo/virgo when it comes to my traits.

The cut hand due to over washing was so dead on it SCARES me! I have eczema on my hands because I wash them too much  :smt005

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Re: Huh???

Post by blueflame » Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:54 am

Kahzmik wrote:I feel Sylvia Brown's characteristics of Virgo are the older superficial more stereotypical Virgoan traits.

I was born on August 23rd so I am a Virgo.
We have the same birthday!!!  :smt098

I think you should look at the Leo board and see if some of the traits match you as well. Even though we are considered Virgos on this site, we are on the cusp.

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Post by Ms_Guided Angel » Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:01 pm

Not sure I agree with the term whores,  promiscuous, or prudish.....

I don't have cracked hands, but cracked feet - mostly from going barefoot and wearing sandals all the time

everything in its place  - Totally organized Chaos!

carry lists constantly - Yep, not that I always follow them to the letter, but I remember what is on them.

colors/counting - Colors are important and I'm OCD about counting, matching things, balancing sides,  order of numbers, arrrghhhhhh!

must finish things once started - Great multi-tasker, especially at work, I've learned not to create too many projects at home that will go unfinished, I used to do crafts such as woodworking, painting, cross-stitch, sewing and quilting projects and many remain unfinished.

slow, smoldering type when angry - it takes alot to make me angry - I'm working on not keeping it all inside until it blows~!

soft heart-let children walk all over them--- Somewhat, hate to hurt feelings.

can love more than one person at a time - Totally, however am very loyal and faithful in relationships.

loyal supporters to friends - Always there for my friends!

close knit with family - Very much so when I was growing up, cousins were like sisters and brothers.

relate strongly to the past - Oh so much...

private learners- not much for formal training - Taught myself everything I know, ie: woodworking, photography, HTML.

retentative memories, file cabinet mind esp. when hurt - always replay those hurt moments over and over in my mind - trying to analyze what went wrong, what could have been done/said differently.. I've learned alot of hard lessons.   I have a great memory - even things I remember vividly from my childhood that my Mom has no recollection of.  

Not estranged from my Mom.  Physically yes, since I moved away; and I have begun to understand how my actions are related to who my mom is - and what she put up with in her life - I also put up with.  Yet she questions why I do.

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In response to the OP

Post by mysticvirgo » Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:32 pm

"often have cracked hands from washing"

Dunno about that, Would agree more with sometimes than often.  Sure, we like being clean and I would not doubt that some of us are more driven to the OCD end of the scale.

"Virgos are promiscuous, but have a prudish exterior --- whores of the zodiac"  

Virgos are no more or less promiscuous than the other signs.  I think we keep our sexuality in check. Both love and lust can be a messy business and Virgoans don't like messes.  But get one of us in the sack and we will most certainly curl toes.  

"Virgos like everything in its place."  Yes we do.  Even if it is in piles on the desk or floor, we know where each and every important thing should be.  

Carry lists constantly.  Again, A generalization based on our instinct to organize.  I seldom carry a list, well, unless my Gemini wife thrusts one upon me. Forget the milk ONCE YEESH!(eye roll)

Obsessive about colors and counting?   Again, I think obsessed is a strong word.  I know I have this thing about the 'feel' of a place and color is important factor of that.  But I am not going to go off the deep end , insisting everything be yellow or blue or puce.
 Obssesed with numbers? Well, I could see a virgo with afflicted chart going OCD with numbers. But generalizing as being obsessed with numbers?

 Finish what we start? Yep. I am very bad about that. Has caused more than a few arguments with my Impulsive Geminian wife.  I see it as follow through, she sees it as procrastination. I need to at least find a stopping point.

Slow smoldering anger?

Yeah, I can relate to that. I would say Volcaninc.  Starts with a rumbling, grumbling offgassing and if I don't find a way , quick , to vent the pressure, I can do a darned fine impression of Krakatoa.  

"Soft-hearted with children, lets them walk all over them."

 I wouldn't call it so much lettting the kids walk all over us, it is more like we are patient and more tolerant of kids being kids. However, this also seems to be more of a generalization.  I have read that Virgoans are really strict parents.. This would be more of a planetary placement than a Sun trait.  

"can love more than one person at a time"
 Well, yeah, at least I can.. That is because there are so many different "ways" to love somone.  passionate love, Family love, appreciative love, respectful love.  I love my wife, on many levels, but I also feel love for my previous relationships on different levels. I even love my enenmies, to keep them off balance, if anything else.

"walks head first on balls of feet"
 I don't, I am more head back with purpose.  

"Loyal supporter of friends"  Oh yeah, absolutly.  More general loyal overall. If I am treated well, be it by people or businesses, I will back them as much as I can.  This also goes for lovers and relatives.  If you need a freind to the end, befreind a Virgo.

Close knit with Family --
Yep, I find this , as a generaliztion, true. Falls back to Loyalty and broad loving nature.  

"relate strongly with the past" Again, I feel this to be a truism. Historians, Genealogists, Archeologists, palentolgy, all all have strong appeal to Virgoans.

 myself, I have learned enough about WW II to write a book.

Private learners - not much for formal training.  YEah, I can relate to that as well.  I ,personally, don't see the point of going to school to take classes that have nothing to do with what I set out to learn.  If I want to study oh astrology, I don't see the point of having to take Physics, Literature, Music Theory in order to get the piece of paper saying I know what I know.  

Virgoans , I have learned, we like to get down to the nitty gritty depths of a subject. LEarn it to the core. Formal education systems are set to teach broad, generalized education.  NArrow deep focus is what we like.

I think that Ms.Brown was making her statements as those broad general terms.  I can understand why, though. We know that a person's basic astrological Sun traits can be colored and flavored and modified by so many other influences, that unless we are talking the traights of a particular person, all we can do is generalize.

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Nope Seems right on the money in my case

Post by mysticvirgo » Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:24 pm

Kyera wrote:When upset I am slow and maybe smoldering, but I do get straight to the point, for some reason I just can't stop until I get the answer I wanted.. Doesn't that make me a NAG??? ulgh!
Everything said there is true, except the whore, however like tootsiewon said... I would like to be, not in the way that I would go out and DO it, just in the way that I would day dream about it and maybe even some role play with my boyfriend...:)

Virgo's can seem like quite the prude, and I believe that is precisely where the Whore thing comes in. Personally, I can't speak for you all, I like the sexual attention and the trill factor when someone realizes that this perfessional up-tight girl is a bit of a freak! and I have known some Virgo's to take that same thing to the extreem, however I don't think that being a "Whore" on the Female side of the sign is a as common as she makes it out to be.

And BTW I completely agree with the asstranged Mother Role in most Virgo's lives I come accross, mostly, myown. Be it directly or Emotionally.. This is true.
I read a book once saying that Virgo's are commonly the Oldest or the only child and commonly have a single parent. They relate with their mother in early stages and detatch from her later on in life.
I don't know if that is true for all though.

I have no father and always saw myself being a "Daddy's girl" crazy huh? Maybe that's why I like older men.

In that same book it says that Virgo women go for one of two types of Men, the brother type, just like they are, or the exact oposite from them...... Example: dark skin,(If light) Much older, or Much younger.
I am the oldest child, Single mother (Momma's boy?) Finally detatched a few years ago.  Ummm Prudes in Public and freaks in the bed. YEah, I can see that. But not all out whores. I leave that to the scorpios with Leo ascendants LOL

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Post by Moon_Dancer » Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:37 pm

racked hands yes, i always have lotion in reach I use constantly.
promiscuious, no way! Prudish at times I can be.

I am horrible when it comes to lists I have done them time to time, but I keep one in my head. Not one to write down. One thing I have always said that even though I am a Virgo I am only particular about certain things, not everything. I am not always super clean or organized. I wish I was better at it.

i am not obsessed with colors, however I have always counted my steps when walking or count cars or something while driving or walking.

I am very loyal with friends and family, it is very important to me. I would move heaven and earth, and sacrifice alot for those I care and love for.

I believe in family, it is valuable and important to me.

Slow smoldering anger, yes I have always tend to let things build up before I say something so when I explode it is all out, people do not understand that I bite my tounge alot because I do not want to be disrespectful or rude, however, forthe past few years I have been more honest when something bothers me, so that i would not have that explosion of anger. Build up is not good.

I do not let children walk over me. Do not have any of my own but I tend to be very strict with children and if they do something wrong I try to correct them.

I do relate strongly with the past. I love reading about WWII, Vietnam, I can read books or watch movies and feel it so much it hurts.

retentative memories, file cabinet mind esp. when hurt - yes I admit I have done that, i don't know why, when someone hurts me i want them to feel how I feel. I remember so many things not just big but little too. This is why i listen to what people say it's also useful to catch someone in a lie. Oh how I wish I did not have this. I have been trying to change this about myself, ot to bring up old things like that. I don't like when it is done to me, so I know I have to change that about myself.

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