Keywords for Ace of Swords

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Keywords for Ace of Swords

Post by Tarot » Wed May 31, 2006 10:25 am

Keywords for Ace of Swords

Raw Power
Mental Forces

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Post by samantha234 » Sat Jul 08, 2006 11:42 pm

two-edged sword-good and evil

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Post by Bella » Sun Nov 25, 2007 8:53 am

Mental Clarity

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Post by cdo » Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:42 pm

fresh start

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Post by astrologer50 » Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:51 pm

All the aces suggest a fresh start and new beginnings and this one is to do with communications, using your intellect, logic, debates, discussions and negotiations and wanting to make orderly arrnagements to things. This also suggests having to deal with someone who may be rather verbally assertive, argumentative and you may be the one having to stand your ground, speak your thruths and fight for your rights.

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Post by Astynome » Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:17 pm

keyword 'cut' and implying a forceful cutting out of something -and therefore marking an abrupt change.  Often the person will not go back to a situation and there will often be a certain amount of loss.  The change will often require some guts and will make the person insecure, but often the person will console themselves in the decision/change because there were elements of the old situation that were insufferable.

It will often be the initial step that is thrust out to those around us, to prove ourselves, and say something like 'there, now what do you think of that!'  - in an almost goading manner, like 'just try me - I am dead serious'.  And somewhere amongst it all is some fairly heated emotion coming from someone.

Other associations, can be about taking right action even though it may appear to be a bit extreme.  Also, 'sting', 'spike', 'claw', and, 'something unexpected'- like the 'tower' card in some ways.

Other imagery, an elevator that will only go to the floor it wants to go to - in otherwords, an express tool of communication that leaves no room for argument and ultimately decides in our best interests (although this will take time to see it that way).

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Post by Payewacker » Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:22 am

Hi Astynome,

I view the different suits in an archeival manner as to their "powers that be"

Wands--Serfs or "slave class".

This is not to be critical about a person's social standing, but the way in which they prove themselves and how they reach their goals or ambitions.

Therefore when I look at the Swords, i associate everything with "force", but also "mind" ---Sharpness of mind, force of will, forced captivity, forced control, unbalanced scales, etc...

My Interpritation of the Ace of Swords;

Golden Crown:  Victory, attainment.
Roses: Spiritual righteousness.
Upturned Sword: Conviction to truth, confidence.
Six Yods: Falling to the ground symbolising the start or spark of a unlimited and not yet manifestation of reality in the third dimension.

Element: Air                                                                             Direction: North.
Season: Winter.                                                                     Zodiac: Second quarter of Aries, ruled by: THE MAGICIAN
Comparative to THE EMPEROR.

Card description.
A single broadsword gripped firmly by a hand extending from a cloud, in some decks a fertile landscape with hills are also displayed, there are also drops of rain falling to the ground symbolizing the beginning of growth
Meaning: “By my might, I did it!!
This victory card stands for triumph and conquest by force, physically and intellectually. Physically you won the battle over obstacles; intellectually you outsmarted those around you. Your mind is sharper and clearer, giving you tremendous power in all areas of your life. Force of will, force of position or circumstances. This victory can be in any area of your life, profession, love and money. You attained that high position and you are or will soon taste that euphoria in whichever endeavor you were engaged in. In the suit of Swords it seems as if you started where others have finished. Everything linked to this card can be seen as in the excessive degree.

Upright:                                                                                                This card stands for triumph, prosperity, conquest, fertility. Intellectual fulfillment. The birth of a new idea or a new Endeavour. Tremendous power now available, or used. May also indicate the birth of a child.

You have really pushed and shoved hard, used your force of will and influence to get to where you are now, you made sure that you employed your common sense to determine, not only your, but also other peoples lives in a positive way. You have the edge and conviction to use your new found power in a righteous way. Now is the best time also to start that new idea you are or were pondering.

The reader must put the card meanings in context with the spread regarding past, present and future!!

Reversed:                                                                                            Disastrous results to your victory, you have still won, but soon or if not already, you whish you never won, now is the time where you are going to enter into, or already have, very tense relations, and emotional conflicts with yourself and with others. Over confidence. Self destruction.

Your victory is premature and spells disaster for you, you most definitely abused the power given to you and the affects has already or will start showing soon. You rushed in with too much confidence and dotted here and there, you will start seeing the flaws. Your common sense has let you down because you did not consider the consequences correctly. Your action has brought strife and negative factors into your professional and personal life. The opposing forces within yourself will now be evident; care must be taken to at least maintain your dignity. This card also foretells sickness of you or someone close to you.

Then again,
In most books I read on Tarot, the author implies that it is important for Tarot students to find their own set of "interpritations", I agree, this is the only way in which the cards will truly "speak" to you!

I have a number of Tarot decks, no matter which one I use, my original interpritations is what I stick to. Sometimes your querant finds one deck, or the images more to their liking. So, in this, i give my querant the opportunity to work with me, in that what they see as synonomous to themselves. The basic RW deck, contains the original imagery, all other decks are derivatives, me personally, will in any event pack the RW next to the other cards. This makes it so much easier to link the cards in the proper fashion, and also derive a meaningfull answer.

Blessed be.

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Post by cedars » Tue Jun 30, 2009 2:07 pm

I cannot add anything more that has already been said about the Ace of Swords, for the simple fact that is strength of the mind, ability to pass on your ideas with conviction and that sword pointing upwards is the ability to conquer all difficulties that may come in your path - almost like cutting edge, dispersing all obstacles in front of you.

As to how do we know that these abilities or this gift is bestowed upon us, because such qualities are felt from within rather than a physical sensation of an object; it is that feeling when you think you can do almost anything. That is why I also think of any Ace as a gift from heaven. However, we may sometimes look at it and not take those gifts......  Free will is a wonderful and a funny thing sometimes... eh?

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Post by Astynome » Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:00 pm

Hello there, Payewacker, I think you are right.  I also agree with Cedars and others on this card.

Personally, I don't like the card, and I think this is to do with my nature.  I find the forcefulness disconcerting.  When I operate with these qualities I feel like I am putting myself before others too much and the scales are unbalanced.  

The card can be associated with Justice as well but I think this is a forced justice, and not the equity and fairness type of justice.  When the card is an event I feel unprepared and usually have a 'but!' or a whine because I don't like the black and whiteness, and intensity of the will for a particular outcome.

I am pentacles, mutable earth, Virgo, but I also have Uranus conjunct my Sun, a Gemini moon, and an Aquarian ascendant.  These latter three are swords related.  So I in many ways understand the principles of this type of mental orientation, however, my sun sign takes precedence.  The ace of swords can leave me sulking with no room to barter(pentacles).

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Post by cedars » Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:11 am

Aha, good comments Astynome, BUT... there is always a 'but, eh?
If you were down in the dumps, depressed, weak, taken advantage of in a certain period of your life, wouldn't you (or anyone else for that matter) welcome a state of the Ace of Swords? I think those who have been going through a bad batch and suffering injustice, it will be such a welcome relief to be greeted by gift of the Ace of Swords. I also believe it it should not get to our head; live by the sword, die by the sword :)

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Post by Astynome » Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:07 am

Hi Cedars, yeah, I guess...cuts both ways...ahh I just love Tarot, such a wealth of inspiration.

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Ace of Swords

Post by learnthenumbers » Mon Jul 19, 2010 4:03 pm

Insight.  Clarity.  Brilliance.  Reading & writing.  Mindfulness.  Philosophy.  Brainstorming.  Cogitate.  Words.  Definition.  Dictionary.  Encyclopedia.  Reference.  Answers.  Solutions.  Problem solving.  Proprietary.  Patent.  Copyright.  Publisher.  Writer.  Author.  Books.  Manuscript.  Screenplay.  Plays.  Novels.  Literacy.  Wordsmith.  Contents.  Comprehension.  Cognition.  Intellect.  Intelligence.  The mind.  The brain.  Cerebral.  Synapse.  Thoughts.  Ideas.  Notion.  Vocabulary.  Spelling.  Discernment.  (In)correct.  Right/wrong.  Clear.  Perception.  Realizations.  Brainpower.  Strong mind.  Open-minded.  Broad-minded.  Upavasana.  Fasting.  Open-eyed.  Light bulb.  Absolute.  Supremacy.  Ethnicity.  Narrow-minded.  Prejudice.  Segregate.

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Post by zeldaevolution » Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:21 am

I think the hand that is formed from clouds might be the hand of God, which gives you control to force which is the sword. The crown symbolizes the uniqueness of the person, it will be a key for that person to succeed... The left leaves symbolize purity, the right is like a wing which is ready to fly, and the 6 petals above the hilt displays gracefulness...

The background, a barren wasteland, or mountains, probably depicts that a person had a wide view, or became open-minded...bringing another new view of the world...

This card might actually be like the Death card that has change in similarity, a new life, but this card is like an opening to a new story.

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Post by cedars » Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:29 am

Good inputs there Zelda :)
I like the way you intuit.

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Post by Payewacker » Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:23 pm


To tell you how it is to hold a sword will by no means describe correctly how you feel inside. Feeling the weight of the blade and all it's connotations are intertwined. You hold a weapon capable of total destruction, yet you can also peel an apple with it. When you present someone with it in a display of power, they feel threatened and will probably make a run for it.

Go to a shop that sells swords, grab a broadsword and visualize yourself into that position of power. Feel what it feels like!

Blessed be.

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